Whats the over under on the SotC remake? Is it gonna be good or shit?
What the fuck is the master of the valley, aside from the same general world is there any sort of direct connection to Ico SotC, I really enjoyed the game but I have to admit I was hoping for something with stronger implications like the end of SotC
Bump for curiosity. I also feel like this game just didn't get any attention aside from "it was alright" when it came out, don't recall the reactions here
Adrian King
>didnt get it at launch even though huge fan of SotC >got it 2 months ago >literally amazing even though it somehow has shittier fps than SotC
great game, puzzles are pretty organic and fun to solve.
Joseph Brown
It's a pretty fun game and the animations on the boy and Trico are amazing. There are some pretty emotionally gripping moments, and it's worth playing through especially for fans of SotC and Ico. Unfortunately it's the worst game out of the three and just wasn't fully realized from what it could have been. Ueda had a nervous breakdown making and basically was forced by Sony to finish it with help from Japan Studio. It isn't what it could have been but it's not bad at all.
Kayden Hall
Yeah, I can see how that had a toll on development. Its not a bad game by any means. Its short too like the others so it doesn't over stay its welcome but I don't feel it at all left the same impact as the others. Still very much enjoyed it though.
Cameron Long
Personal GOTY of 2016 and loved it to bits. It actually really bums me out to see such a negative backlash. It certainly wasn't perfect but I could tell that was a by-product of development issues as oppose to a lack of care. Also, I've seen some connections between Master Of Valley and Dormin. Also, the suits of armour look like they have the shadows from ICO inhabiting them. And then of course there are the horns on Trico. I'm sure as time goes on, more connections will be uncovered.
Samuel Howard
Yeah, I got my PS4 in holiday 2016 but didn't pick it up till this christmas as a gift I can give the game some passes due to it's near vapor ware status for a couple years. I think it feels like an Ueda game through and through but it does feel like the weakest of the three, most likely because of the development issues over time. I'm curious to see if we ever get more from his world. As much as I love all 3 games I'm curious to see if he has any other game dev ideas up his sleeve. Don't want him to turn into Kojima with MGS making games in this same world
Jonathan Carter
I think he said he's going to focus on smaller indie titles now, which I'm fine with.
Jaxon Hughes
this game didnt deserve the shit it got, people were expecting SoC 2: prepare to die edition. so when they realized it was more like ICO they got disappointed
Colton Sullivan
I like to think that the mirror shield was used alongside the sword from sotc
Owen Young
>What did those who played it think? unironically one of the best experiences ive had with games, i was very connected to its characters and story, and the art direction is just so fucking beautiful. needless to say, i cried like a little girl at the ending.
Owen Sanchez
Sotc remake looks flawless. Some toddlers are raging because they aren't including some world bosses that were excluded in the original due to the then technical limitations that were there back then. In my eyes that is retarded because the game creator is the one who understand the balance of the game and a remake team most definetly wouldn't be able to pull it off properly.
Brayden Smith
Biggest problem with the remake is the fucking preorder exclusive weapons
Juan Flores
>Ueda had a nervous breakdown making and basically was forced by Sony to finish it with help from Japan Studio. It isn't what it could have been but it's not bad at all. Half of this is correct. Ueda and his team couldn't work with the PS3 and had a nervous breakdown. However Ueda wasn't forced by Sony to do anything. Japan culture is what forced Ueda to finish the game. Honestly i am glad the game was made and that it was released. It still sold quite a bit of copies compared to the size of the game and the size of the team making it. Over a million copies still means that the game made back the initial investment, but when it comes to investment/time it didn't have any returns. It propably even had worse returns than if they had just invested that money into other parts of the Sony buisness so it is a loss of money in some respect.
Owen Martin
I adored the Last Guardian. I never understood ow the game got so much hate. People knew what the game was going to be like, if they played any of Team Ico's games before.
I may sound like a bitch, but all of their games made be extremely emotion, and TLG was no exception.
Nolan Jones
Yeah but that is an OCD issue. The weapon shouldn't be there to begin with. The fact that it is a pre-order bonus also seems somewhat predatory in nature. I think cosmetic pre-order bonuses is honestly one of the only things that Sony needs to stop doing out of everything this gen. But then again it is just cosmetics really.
Angel Sanders
The first and only game to make me cry. I've been a little steamy eyed before, but by the time the credits hit I was fully in tears. Also, I'm surprised people were complaining about the controls of all things. Can't wait for everyone to shit on SoTC for its controls with the remake.
Jaxson Price
Trico is an absolute marvel of creature design and AI.
As a GAME, Shadow of the Colossus is still Ueda's opus, but The Last Guardian was impressive in a lot of ways.
>it's the worst game out of the three I gotta say, I really don't like ICO. Yorda is nothing but a burden and Ico's floppy controls don't make the combat segments exactly enjoyable.
I just wound up being frustrated and never finished the game.
I like that TLG turns the idea around and has you controlling the useless escort object, so you don't stand in one place like an idiot waiting to get captured.
John Harris
It was still probably worth it in the end, don't underestimate the goodwill gained by this long awaited release coming out, compare that to Microsoft's current reputation of a company that closes down projects left and right.
Camden Butler
Didn't even consider this. I mean I would certainly think less of Sony and Playstation if it got canned.
Parker Reyes
Yeah Sony can do no wrong when they see it as an investment in the platform itself. I honestly like Sony's more risky investments. I don't see other companies doing that and the ones that do make original games have very low budgets.
William Rivera
i noticed that the issues i personally have with sony relate to generic stockholder issues and divisions outside of playstation, phones and cameras. the people within the playstation division seem to have genuine passion for the industry
Thomas Ward
Sony Pictures comes to mind. Has both extremes. The Emoji Movie AND Blade Runner 2049
Also the newest OLED TV from Sony is pretty great to be honest.
Jace Smith
i think their music division was the worst offender, from what i heard
Ethan Jackson
I was hesitant to get this at first after hearing from a lot of reviews that the Trico AI is unresponsive and difficult to control.
I'm glad I played through it and had barely any issues with Trico. I guess it was another case of reviewers not understanding how a game works. The only real issue was the camera spazzing out at times, but not enough that it detracted from the overall experience.
John Thompson
Well it is hard to say when it comes to music. Music is 100% based on talent and i don't think that Sony Music is doing particularly bad in that department. I have heard things about some of the very popular artists being mad at Sony for some reason.
Luke Miller
>Can't wait for everyone to shit on SoTC for its controls with the remake Is it confirmed that the controls will remain the same? I would expect them to modernize them
Logan Garcia
their artists are pretty top notch, but how they go about the business side of things is kinda dodgy
Anthony Brown
I think there is a connection to Shadow of the Colossus. That room you enter to get the mirror looks extremely like the Shrine of Worship
Nolan Nelson
Japanese work ethics in the western world must be trash. Just look at the Michael Jackson and Sony debacle.
Evan Cox
i thought they did the "befriend a huge creature" idea really well in TLG. there were some times where i wanted to scream at trico for not doing what i wanted so when he does exactly what i want without me telling him felt amazing. i think you can develop very different relationships with him depending on what kind of person you are and for a stupid video game that's really impressive.
still wish they would add an option to turn off controller hints so i feel like replaying it.
Christian Roberts
The ending was pretty different from the usual work from Ueda, which I didn't expect at all. I guess it was some sort of "apology" for waiting so long for the game. 10/10 animal realisticism, some okay platforming, creative ideas and god tier music. Not the best work of Ueda but it's still worth experiencing. I'm gonna go hug my cat now
I was so hyped for this back in the PS3 era. After the game resurfaced, Ueda put out a blog post in very early 2011sh-2012 that the game was conceptually finished, assets were done, and it was just optimization time. More or less the game was ready for a release date, but he said his publisher Sony was the one to ask about the release date.
The game eventually would disappear to come back on the PS4. Even when asked about the PS3, Ueda stressed out in interviews he still thought it could be played on ps3, the design and scope remained the same. Dating back to SOTC, I get the sense he is a hardware fetishist, willing to work with limitations to challenge himself. It's not publicly known why he quit the company, I would kill to know what made him jump out and return as a freelancer. I eventually got a ps4 2 months ago but I have no desire to play the last guardian for being a short, easy game, with obnoxious AI. I remember reading how the framerate at launch on regular ps4 was consistently at sub 20 fps, even now from what I read the latest patch is still sub 30 fps drops on regular ps4. everything about this games history is more fascinating than to actually play it. reading all these issues and reviews, I rather let the game live on in my head as what could've been. that and I rather hold on to 20 dollars.
Leo Gutierrez
I teared up a little bit when Trico started flying.
Camden Torres
It was okay. Trico is well designed and it's fun to watch how it behaves. The game in itself is pretty short and has some funky camera controls, especially in tight spots. Biggest let down was the music, which is generic orchestral background noise.
This was the first game I got for my PS4. Surely it runs like crap but I liked it. Having to find my way through the landscape without the help of BRIGHT YELLOW LEDGES TELLING ME WHERE I SHOULD GRAB felt good.
Mason Stewart
This doesn't say much though.
Hudson Anderson
I think Last guardian was pretty great, not just because of Trico himself, but I thought the gameplay was genuinely enjoyable with a nice overall level of difficulty aside from the soldiers who should've been harder to escape. The camera was annoying from time to time but unlike most I barely ever had any problems getting Trico to do what I wanted, I just made the appropriate command once, waited, then most of the time he would simply do it a few seconds later. The world is of course gorgeous and Trico may be the most interesting NPC companion yet from a gameplay perspective. Overall I'd rank Last guardian below SotC but above Ico.
This and also when he overcame the stained glass eyes to save you from the army.
Jose Morgan
The game isn't that short, the frame rate dips but only in larger sequences, and the AI is only consistently annoying if you have zero patience and keep spamming commands. It was the game that pushed me to getting a PS4 and I wasn't disappointed. It's my favourite game for the system after Persona 5. It's got issues but all of them have been terribly overstated. It definitely feels like it's of a different era but it was refreshing to me.
Levi Brown
The AI seems to cancel out if you spam several commands after each other, which is probably intentional since that's what happens if you were to treat a dog that way.
Jonathan Gutierrez
>mfw I was expecting timeskips through the game as the boy eventually would have to kill the Guardians and the boy's section of the game is just the tutorial
Michael King
Reminder that we're getting a full SotC remake and absolutely no new or restored content. Just because.
Benjamin Morgan
I loved it. For me it's one of the few games that having "flaws" - how bad it is to control Trico, added to the experience, made it more animal-like, and less of an AI.
Adam Nguyen
>akin to a greatest hits album >its the worst game
The game has almost nothing of what made SotC good.
Jack Cooper
This is the first game to ever make me motion sick
Carter Stewart
It's honestly one of my very favorite games, its reception was shocking to me though I still remember the few, quiet threads on Sup Forums about how poignant and moving it was. I've never cried because of a game as hard as I did at the ending. It's a genuinely powerful, rich game and is, in my mind, one of the best examples of the artistry of games. It wasn't just some small, pretentious indie meta-art-game or anything. The artistry came through the interactions between you and Trico. TLG would have been a really good film or animated movie, but it was an excellent game because it took advantage of the medium to make the player truly feel invested in the relationship with Trico. It's a flawed masterpiece in my opinion and I'll never forget it.
Sebastian Johnson
Gabriel Miller
You're interacting with a massive beast, as well as others from time to time. While I don't think a greatest hits is truly indicative of the game I can see where he was coming from. I think Ueda's games have always risen above other "art" games, because they're centred around meaningful interactions and grounded motives instead of some vague ideas. It also helps that they have actual gameplay as well. If you compare them to something like Journey there's no competition.
Carter Richardson
>What did those who played it think? I liked it, performance was terrible on my launch PS4 though. Luckily it's mostly a low-action game so I was able to make it through it. I'm honestly just glad it released. >Whats the over under on the SotC remake? Is it gonna be good or shit? It's going to be good if you like SotC with better graphics, it's gonna not be good if you're expecting drastically more. Sony's only charging $40 for it though so I don't feel like there is a ton of room to complain.
Jeremiah Reyes
>in b4 all the new players complaining about the controls and empty open world
Lucas Scott
I heard some ugly rumors about the wanderer's visual descent no longer being present. Still it looks good, so if they include hard mode form the start I might pick it up.
Colton Rivera
>mfw durning the last act with the other Tricos I was both sad and happy, it was a feel I've missed for a long time..
Henry Young
Nicholas Morales
Delete this please.
Gavin Williams
they did delete it
David Barnes
dude what ps1 game
David Peterson
Super Mario Sunshine
Juan Hall
It got the reaction that a singleplayer puzzle adventure that should have came out years ago got.
It wasn't bad but there's not much you can discuss about it. There were latency issues with the controls at first but I hear they improved them since release?
Isaiah Ortiz
Reminder that Ueda has already teased his next game
Jose Campbell
>If you compare them to something like Journey there's no competition
Weird to mention that because I can't think of a game more similar to Team Ico's games than Journey. If you played that at launch when people were online then the interactions between you and the other player could be quite moving.
Kevin White
>latency issues with the controls I got the game on launch and I don't remember this. I'll be there to support him fully. I think that's kind of the issue. I played it way after and never saw a single person.
Jose Jackson
Yeah user Journey was absolutely mint at release. It's not quite on the same level as Ueda's trilogy but it's a great game with similar ideas and is head and shoulders above most of the rest of the "art-game" crowd. When people on Sup Forums used to lump it in with Dear Esther and Gone Home it fucking pissed me off because it's so much better than those types of games.
Michael Johnson
This game made me cry
Remaster of SotC is a waste of time, just a graphical update, nothin else
Jackson Myers
Cats don't like being hugged
Brody Sullivan
I wasn't a fan of it but it was certainly better than fucking Gone Home. My mate got it with PS plus so I went round to his house to play it with him. Within an hour we'd finished it and we were in tears laughing at it.
Connor Gray
>Latency issues It's the animation, chaacter doesn't immediately leave the ground etc. because Ueda is an animator first and director second. Ico and SotC were this way too, it's fine.
Elijah Torres
Yeah I assumed it was due to the animation blending needing to know what you pressed next.
Ryan Martin
I assumed this was what he meant. It didn't feel any different from how I remembered those last two games so it was fine by me. Anyone who complained about the controls obviously has selective memory or hasn't played his previous two games.
Grayson Hernandez
TLG had way more actual latency and the controls were worse than Ico/SOTC, though.
You even see reviewers complaining about it, along with the controls.
I played Ico then SOTC directly before TLG, and TLG was a terrible experience in comparison. Horrible frame rate, inferior controls, the input lag, the ugly blurry visuals, and the retarded Trico made me really hate Sony for fucking the game up.
Jace Bennett
Maybe because this game is nothing like SotC you stupid fucking retard.
Elijah Rivera
>retarded Trico The only retard here is you, go join your fellow retards on gamefaqs or those pathetic shitty as game "reviewers" retards that share your same retarded opinion, you stupid fucking retard.
Charles Bell
Neogaf, gamefaq's and Reddit are not reliable sources. That's like linking another Sup Forums thread. Also, how were the controls inferior outside of this input lag meme? What was wrong with the visuals? What was wrong with Trico? Were you spamming commands with no patience?
Caleb Perry
>hundreds of posts aren't reliable sources Fuck off retard. You're just shitposting asking stupid question and disregarding blatant issues.
Colton Robinson
I'm trying to play it right now. The camera is really fucking awful and I feel like I'm constantly having to fight it.
Isaac Rodriguez
No internet forum is a reliable forum. Like I said, it's like trusting Sup Forums with accurate information. Also, you didn't answer the rest of my questions.
Kevin Sullivan
>skreeeeee Sperg harder. There's a reason this is the lowest rated Ueda game by a huge margin, and it bombed as a result of it looking bad let alone playing bad.
I just grabbed some top results from google to prove you fanboy faggots wrong.
Blake Cook
I fucking hated the camera. One of the main reasons I didn't get far in it.
Bentley Sullivan
The camera is pretty rough. I think one of the L or R buttons focusses the camera on Trico, which can be pretty helpful.
Josiah Reed
Even Ueda said he can't play TLG because it's shit.
Wyatt James
wtf i hate tlg now!
Eli Lewis
He delves into this a little more in "The Last Guardian: An Extraordinary Story" where he says something along the lines of not feeling like a game has truly been released until a few weeks or months after everybody has given their initial thoughts and reactions.
William Murphy
And here's him on TLG PS3
>Q: If you had been able to put out the game for PS3 as originally planned, would you have been happy with the product? Would the game have been what you wanted it to be?
>Ueda: Obviously, this is all imagination at this point. I probably would have been comfortable with the end result – originally, this game was designed for PS3. Assuming that all of the game architecture and all of the game design was suited to deliver the experience I envisioned, given those assumptions I think it would have been a good product.
>And just in case that comment was misleading in any way, technical limitations probably only existed up to the PS2 generation. From PS3 and PS4, especially considering the delivery of expression, motion, etc. – from those elements, it’s a matter of how the game is designed, but it’s not technical limitations at that point. The PS3 was not restricting me from doing something.
So we have Ueda feeling comfortable and saying he wanted it to come out on PS3 in several interviews, to Ueda feeling nervous, not wanting to look at the game because it's full of flaws, bugs, and regrets.
It sucks that we'll never know precisely what went wrong. But it's retarded to imply that nothing went wrong. The game was a flop in every way it could have been.
Ian Lewis
Out of curiosity, where can I read that interview? Not because I doubt you, but because I'd like to see the whole thing. And yeah, I'm curious too. I've heard Sony wanted to push it to PS4 for sales purposes, but I doubt that's true. Also, when was this interview?
Cooper Flores
>Q: From the way you’ve been talking, the vision hasn’t changed and technical aspects weren’t a huge hurdle. Was the decision to prolong development yours or Sony’s?
>Ueda: It was pretty much a corporate decision by Sony. And that’s where we’ll leave it. [laughs] Sorry.