Since 7.00 the game just feels shit, I want to play 10 hours a day again, but can't because the game is so forced.... I miss 6.88 please give it back to us. Pangolier should not be in this game also what a fucking bad hero design...
Please make this game good again
Why the fuck are you asking Sup Forums to fix dota?
just move to LoL
>Just play a shittier game, lmao
Fuck off, LoLfag
For a guy who hasn't played Dota 2 for a while, can someone elaborate why?
nah, pangolier is huggable and has a fun kit.
the game changed slightly so shitters quit the game
Just play LoL it's the better game.
I have 100 hours of dota and almost a thousand hours in league and i can say dota is better. league doesn't have comebacks.
>the game is so forced
This is like saying "forced animation", what the fuck are you implying? Also, fuck you I like pango.
Woah, easy there, champ.
constant, and i mean CONSTANT small changes that you would not be able to make any sense of unless you religiously keep up with patch notes or play at least 15+ hours a day like an autist. every hero or mechanic has had a small tweak so you have to readjust literally everything you knew, essentially making you shit again. if you haven't played for a while you will essentially have to learn the game again.
wanna buy something from the side shop? nope, they don't sell that item at the side shop anymore.
why did i die there? oh, they made that spell not resistant against BKB anymore. it's all a bunch of bullshit that autists peddle off as good and necessary changes and that if you can't adapt you're a scrub, but i honestly don't have the time to play a game i have 4000+ hours in just so I can be on an even playing field
This is what a forever 2k retard who thinks he "belongs" in 5k looks like everyone.
>game should pander to people who don't play it
a retard is u
I've been playing since WC3 and the game has changed more from 7.00 on than it has from 2005-2012. I played a ton and was 5100-ish and even did some amateur league stuff
It's not a matter of pandering, it's just that most people who got into the game during its peak are probably in their mid 20's now or focusing on schoolwork/careers. once in a while there'd be a big patch but you'd adjust but for dota veterans it's annoying to have to retrain your muscle memory and instinctual reactions to stuff you've been accustomed to for years
lol @ you fags defending your dead game. i wonder why overwatch is so popular? maybe because the game doesn't fundamentally change with hero tweaks nobody asked for every week as opposed to maybe once a year?
>the game should stop evolving because the playerbase got older
>You played 4000+ hours and are 5k but can't read a few key lines in patch notes?
all the pro players hate the new changes
>fundamentally rework a character for no reason at all other than the fact that reddit complained enough about something
>do this repeatedly and incessantly
>meta changes way too often and for the worse and people get sick of playing a chest opening simulator for thousands of hours
*population dropping by hundreds of thousands* "IT'S EVOLVING!!!"
yes let me just briefly glance over hundreds of lines of changes and instantly upload it into my brain, i love studying
As a support I feel SO SAD about 7.07. Big nerf for supports. I'VE NEVER SEEN A 10K SUPPORT MAYUBE THEY SHOULD NERF CORES????
Fuck dota I haven't played it in a month-
haha that patch was a godsend i used to play 8 hours a day of dota and the change really helped me be able to quit permanently. thx icey
That anger and confrontational attitude, plus the inability to retain key information.
ADHD everyone. Missed your ritalin hit?
The actual problem with Dota is that playing ranked is a fucking psychological nightmare. You have to babysit your teammates every match you play to make sure the shit flinging doesn't spiral out of control, and it eventually gets to you. People got sick of playing armchair therapist simulator, can you really blame them?
It didn't use to be this extreme, but with the rise of Twitch and everyone treating every single game as a minmaxing faggot retard, everyone thinks they can go pro just because they watch a few streams. Sadly this trickles down to other games and you can't even play something like Diablo couch co-op without your friend looking up the best builds right off the bat
Might be projecting a bit there
>ITT: People playing DOTA solo and not with 4 people he can trust
Yeah, I tried hopping back into it. Tried playing Wraith King, literally the easiest hero in the game. I just could not follow what was going on. Shit is so different. The fuck is this talent tree bullshit?
Not evem him but if you can't glance over patch notes once and understand what changed you are mentally challenged.
ever since Icefrog change the map layout the game has been going down hill for me.
Wraith king is probably the only hero that hasn't changed whole lot. Except now you can summon an army of skeles to help you push.
You fucking moron, you obviously don't understand because you're coming in with a fresh mind. When you're a legacy player it becomes frustrating keeping up with massive game overhauls and reworks every other month. It's not a matter of not being able to understand and adapt but a matter of apathy. It's an old game, it's dying, the changes made to the game aren't advancing its mechanics or depth but are instead just bullshit number tweaks and spell interactions here and there
They changed him into a pusher more like a “throw everything at me” hero, aside from that people mostly use him in a roaming role or jungling due to the skellies that he can spawn.
thousand times this. the people you meet in ranked pubs are astounding, its hard to tell if they are trolling or mentally ill, they will spend 90% of their energy flaming their team while making retarded mistakes at a very high rate the entire game. average dota players have the self awareness and emotional maturity of a 3 year old baby
>Faggot Lord has been buffed this patch
>Q now spawns FOUR minions instead of two
>E is an entirely different spell
>R no longer grants spell immunity
>W doesn't stun
If you think you can just read these and instantly adjust to a patch then you've never been above 3k in your life. It takes time and several matches to retrain yourself to learn something, you can't just recite patch notes and update your mastery of the game without actively and repeatedly playing it
The skeles may be good at pushing but he also is still a strong carry. It just so happens now that after he wipes the team he can now push into ancient in under a min.
>It didn't use to be this extreme, but with the rise of Twitch
Great point. Nobody gave a fuck about meta in ranked Heroes of Newerth. Same thing with early DotA 2, you played what you wanted. Then came the hot shot streamers showing how to actually play the game.
I personally only play this game in a 5 man party. Anything less than that is a nightmare.
>change how creeps behave
>make it more league players friendly
>made runs less important
>still leave in memeback
every fucking patch when will he stop?
Just tune into any stream and you'll see that the first thing someone does upon starting a game is muting their teammates at the first sign of bad manners. DotA is one of the worst communities on earth because people care too much about their MMR.
If you've ever played ranked seriously with someone else and you aren't absolute shit then you know what dota can do to someone. It doesn't help that most of the kids playing this game are insecure young adults who fail in every other aspect of their life so they treat their matchmaking rating as a precious thing, so once you're in a match with them and the prospect of losing rears its head, things turn real ugly real fast and you're stuck with psychotic raging shitters
>Since 7.00 the game just feels shit
what the fuck are you even talking about?
dota is absolutely fine and in a great spot as of 7.07 and early to mid 7.06. The problem is and always has been the infestation with third worlders, not the fact that the game is bad at all.
read the patchnotes m8
no reason, people just see things without thinking about them and call them bad and casualized.
going from "supports are fucking broken" to "playing support actually means you need to use your brain" is a pretty big thing, eh?
>every other month
we do 1 patch a year + adjustments now
>the changes made to the game aren't advancing its mechanics or depth but are instead just bullshit number tweaks and spell interactions here and there
7.00 did nothing to change the way the game actually works, did it?
It totally didn't affect all lanes and all roles in a major way, did it? You must be bad at dota if you can't see these things.
>dota is dying
I love this meme.
It's funny how you complain about "unchanging mechanics" while at the same time bitching about major patches.
I haven't played since a bit before they added a weird skilltree system. I had to stop playing to focus on school and when I finally had time to play again it feels like an entirely different game. So I sold all my dota hats and spent the $100+ on new games. At least I enjoyed the 2300 hours put into dota at the time, but now it's a mark on my profile that will never go away
it'd be cool if there was a gamemode with a very limited pool of heroes so both newcomers and returning veterans can ease back into the game that way. i want to play again, but i haven't played since 2014, so it's really intimidating
>steady downward decline with occasional spikes in growth due to a new hero release, with declines again because people realize it's still the same shit over and over
hmm not dying at all, you're absolutely right
>my dealer ran out of weed
>"lmao just get some krokodil"
Thanks to the 7.00 patch I know have a life because it made me quit playing Dota 2.
Did anyone play Dota 1 on EM mode? That's what 7.00 turned Dota 2 into, EM mode.
Literally 200k active players lost, every pro player is beyond jaded with having to play the piece of shit, forums and dota personalities are in unanimous agreement that the recent patches are stale dogshit, and you think that third worlders are the problem. Have you not played with an NA player? They'll throw a tantrum and abandon if they're not guaranteed their mid hero. Foreigners aren't the problem, everyone is the problem. Nobody wants to put up with this anymore, especially not with the time commitment that an average match is.
You will literally lose an hour of your life if you have a bad game, and most games are bad games. It's a fucking gamble on whether you'll have a bad time or just want to kill yourself because of mentally ill teammates. Maybe 1 in 20 matches will be fun and on equal skill, and the rest will be a pubstomp.
This is why your game is dying and why Overwatch is so popular; it's not an hour long commitment
what the fuck are you even talking about?
easy mode is nothing like 7.00
The only thing you need to know is that Dota players are so utterly disillusioned with their lives that they can't feel any emotion when playing anything other than Dota 2. Why else do you think the average player has literally thousands of hours on it on their Steam profile? Even though they hate the game they keep playing it because it's a sick addiction. Notice how any friends you might have that don't play Dota anymore are capable of enjoying a single player campaign now?
I actually just switched over this week. (still going to play dota2 sometimes so don't cry and attack me)
Yasuo main now nigger. Lvl 17 so far but i'm going to jump right into ranked asap.
There is a mode like that but it takes 20+ minutes to find a match.
>This is why your game is dying and why Overwatch is so popular; it's not an hour long commitment
but Overwatch is also dying and has the very same problems as Dota 2. The only game which got it right is PUBG because there is no penalty for leaving or anything.
>and why Overwatch is so popular
overwatch isn't particularly popular and has lots almost all of its players in english speaking countries. they boast millions of players, 90% of those millions are in korea and china. it's a shit game
>Foreigners aren't the problem
Peruvian detected
this a joke, pablo?
You're right that it has the same problems; both games are crutches for self important wastes of life to prove that they're good at something. The only difference is, like I said, time commitment. This is why more people should play Battlerite, because why would you play Peruvian roulette on Dota and be stuck in 60-90 minute match that you can't leave when you can get the same thrill of teamfights and outplaying someone in other games?
Not saying it's a good game, but it's not nearly as much of a piece of shit because people tend to not take it as seriously as ASSFAGGOTS tryhards.
Reminder that saying 7.00 ruined dota and that 6.88 was good is the equivalent of coming onto Sup Forums and saying 2016 was it's peak.
Game was fucked back in 6.82, 7.00 just finished the changes 6.82-6.88 were leading to. And the patches following 7.00 have largely toned back the major changes, even then.
>league of legends
I seriously don't care, they're both extremely fun. I stopped pretending to hate them to fit in with /v and just caved in and played them.
7.00 was the final nail in its coffin.
thinking league is fun is okay it just means you're dumb
thinking overwatch is fun is wrong, overwatch isn't fun. hint: you also skipped TF2 to be contrarian and it's still the better game
>people have many hours in a highly competitive game where you understand the basics at 500 hours and 1 game can take up to 1 hour or more
The only thing that sucked about pre 7.00 dota was the often stale meta (Lycan/Ember Spirit picks every game) and a small pool of overly strong heroes. Now there's honestly just too much content and the fun of playing heroes in the past isn't there anymore because of how much has been changed
>going from "supports are fucking broken" to "playing support actually means you need to use your brain" is a pretty big thing, eh?
Support was never broken. You'd see support players who actually play support in leaderboards if that was true.
Dota is shit anyways. If you look at CSGO everyone is equally powerful with weapons but in dota if your mid leaves then there's no way you can kill him 1v1 as a support.
thr game has literally never been better. OP just hates positive change.
kill enemy mid*
There's a difference between having a few thousand hours in the game at most, and being an addicted nobody with 10,000+ hours in the game who takes it too seriously and ultimately amounts to nothing. Hint, you probably belong to the latter, as do most unstable nerds with anger problems that put that much time into believing that getting good will amount to anything
Nope, I no longer have fun with tf2. In fact, I tried playing it the other day and it's literally just nostalgia at this point. I can't stand that game anymore and playing it yesterday almost ruins my good memories with it.
Just play battlerite, it's more fun
>Have you not played with an NA player? They'll throw a tantrum and abandon if they're not guaranteed their mid hero.
What is the cause of that?
The culture built by the peruvians and the russians and the muslims. They are just like that, if you are forced to play with them enough you become just like them. I mean are there even non-Peruvians on the NA servers?
>league of legends
but it's dota with all the fun removed
>Support was never broken. You'd see support players who actually play support in leaderboards if that was true.
Miposhka is rank 44 on Europe, that's pretty good. Of course the mindset of people dictates that core will be more popular, though.
>in dota if your mid leaves then there's no way you can kill him 1v1 as a support
well, maybe you're picking the wrong supports.
Try to go for the Aegis, refresher build.
Noone under 5k looks at your items anyway and after the second resurection they'll be too busy calling you cheater then to keep on playing.
Lol, DotA is such a fun and cool game that the only feature that stands out from playing it is how frustrated minorities make you feel when you play. DotA players everyone
>>league of legends
>but it's dota with all the fun removed
I don't know about that one user. LoL is definitely better than dota2 and I don't even play either of them, I play HoTs.
Anyone that plays moba is a fucking idiot
Whats wrong with dota? Stopped playing like 3 years ago, not planing to come back, but since I see these threads keep popping up Im interested on how it turned to be so shit.
any time anything changes the game is "shit", but the people crying about it will still always play
Changed terrain, talents, spells, abilities to some heroes constantly. Added two heroes that were unbalanced as hell. Just as you finally got used to the changes, another update with radical changes happened.
>Added two heroes that were unbalanced as hell
Every single new hero was broken beyond belief.
Remember Oracle?
Remember Monkey King?
Ember Spirit?
fucking nigger
I would if they would just give all the hero instantly instead of being proto jews.
Yes, I remember all of them. Pain in the ass but nothing, NOTHING will ever reach the level of absolute agony that old Lancer, Void and Tinker were able to deliver.
Remember that time after the PL rework where quelling blade accidentally worked on the illusions fully
I wish I could play with american players so I wouldn't have to deal with russian subhumans.
t. Jucieshitter
Always made me wonder how he could farm as fast as an antimage. The only thing that I'm glad is that we won't see heroes as imba as Lancer, Hoho-Haha patch, 6 slot 30 min tinker and Furion rat anytime soon.
Map is changed
They introduced new structure called shrines, it's basically mini fountain except you have to activate it and only last few secs.
Gameplay gets so much faster. Game's usually end at 30ish - 45 mins on average. Jungle get nerfed for like 30% for xp and gold gains. Removal of poor man's shield and talon which further nerf jungler. New items that nobody use because it's so situational except for upgradable urn.
A lot of people complain they copy off LoL on few mechanics. I think it's a good idea and i love the gameplay now Your item decision is so much more crucial because laning quickly end and jungle is gimped. Heroes that require shitton of items to make a difference start to phase out e.g Antimage and spectre
Rubberbanding and various "fuck you stop farming the jungle and stacking+pulling" changes ruined the game. But mostly rubberbanding.
They even push the patch notes to you through the Steam client. Not your fault your reading comprehension and retention is that of a goldfish, senpai.
Man, lots of negativity in this thread. It's justified tho. Honestly I only play turbo babby mode because I get bored/exhausted once I get 30 minutes into a normal game nowadays. Magic's gone man. There will never be something like the beta days again.
Just play literally anything else Mobas are a trash genre.
>Can't end the game alone, but your team is shit and feed
>20-1 die 1 time and now you are useless
>your team loses
What a beautiful game dota2 is, meanwhile pro level games are getting really fucking boring.
LoL is more fun desu. Most of the abilities are instant and there's no "recoil" after using abilities so you can chain them to make a killer combo. I think this is one thing dota2 lacks at.
Abilities are slow to execute and half of the time you have to channel/cast them.
>not the same
>Shit on Medusa for 20 mins
>Gets a lucky double kill in a 2 for 4 trade and is instantly back in the game
Rubberbanding is fucking stupid, you can win a fight by heroes, take a tower, and still lose economically.
>you can chain them to make a killer combo
lol players
every update was an improvement until the rubberbanding, after that it's been a mixed bag
Competitive gets more interesting because farming to win is getting punished. There's more and more viable heroes but some heroes get "unpopular" because icefraud's talents balance e.g invoker's talents basically his abilities removed and readded, huskar with shit talents, anti-mage with shit talents and so on