>legitimately better combat than Dark Souls
Legitimately better combat than Dark Souls
>le dark souls meme
fuck off OP
What meme? I'm just pointing out that a 20 year old N64 game has better combat than a recent 3rd person adventure game.
bump for science
>spam A to win
ok guy
Someone post the Game Grumps attempt at this room.
how is it better his stamina bar doesn't even decrease with the rolls and swipes
is this shit bugged or is that the joke?
>abuses crouch stab glitch
don't think so
>implying Dark Souls is more complex than this
>this turd smells slightly less than this one
Name an adventure game with better combat, faggot, and before you post some gay shit, let me remind you that more complex =/= better.
>inb4 Darksiders
Man I really loved doing those same execution moves over and over.
It’s the same combat as dark souls:
Hit them until they die; try to avoid getting hit as much as possible yourself.
Nah, it's not really the same. Dark Souls is more about what equipment you use, OoT is more interactive and skill-based. In Dark Souls, if you know what equipment to use and a few basic repeated patterns, you can kill anything. In OoT, you have a whole slew of different types of stabs, slices, rolls, backflips, etc., that you can use reactively. Dark Souls has nothing like that, it's all "Press L1 to use this weapon's main move, press L2 to use this weapon's secondary move". In OoT, you can chain together a bunch of different types of attacks. Of course, that's because you are limited in the weapons you can use, but that's what makes the combat so much better.
Why did they make Link look like such a fucking faggot in the 3DS remake?
is this copypasta?
No, it's call an "argument".
go back. you're retarded.
>not picking up on obvious sarcasm
>calling anyone else retarded
Sorry, but I'm not seeing the argument here. You don't even have to do these things to beat OoT. I beat this shit as a 7 year old. I don't know who you're kidding with this.
I guess you're retarded then? It's pretty simple: Zelda combat is better than Dark Souls because it has more finesse. You don't "have" to do almost anything to beat Dark Souls either, you can literally cheese your way through 90% of the game with the fucking bow. I don't know who you're kidding by trying to pretend Dark Souls isn't piss easy just like Zelda is, but at least Zelda has good combat.
I wasn't trying to argue shit about dark souls my man. I'm just saying your "argument" is so fucking stupid it's laughable. Keep crying people don't care about baby's first action adventure game.
You're not really providing any reasoning for why my argument is entirely solid. I mean, I'm not really insulted by someone with a low IQ calling my argument "laughable", especially without any reasoning to refute my points. I mean, you probably laugh at SNL, too.
>You're not really providing any reasoning for why my argument is entirely solid
>my argument is entirely solid
Jokes on you 'cause I wasn't trying to provide any reasons as to why it "was solid"
Also I watch Rick and Morty while I play my Dork Souls so my IQ is pretty high, thanks.
Isn't* entirely solid. It's called a typo. I guess you weren't even smart enough to figure that one out, not really surprised though.
Regardless, I'm not sure why you're even wasting time replying if you don't have an argument. Autistic rambling I guess?
nice damage control
You being retarded isn't really my damage famalam.
Pot calling the kettle black here amirite fellas?
>has an autistic panic attack because muh souls got insulted
>doesn't know what a typo is
Nice file name, but I'm not quite sure why you're posting your own xray
>literally "no u"
Mentally retarded child identified.
no u
This is getting boring. We could have been talking about why I'm right and you're wrong, instead you just want to be a faggot.
>a whole slew of stabs slices rolls and backflips
There is one stab, two slices, left right forward roll, and one backflip
OoT is legitimately mechanically still very sound on the player's toolkit end. Its problems are solely that it was a pioneering 3D adventure title and wasn't sure how adventurous it could be with enemy behavior and challenge. The real shame is we're never going to get OoT's mechanics with more challenging enemies now because as fantastic as BotW is, honestly Link's toolkit is mechanically far less refined.
>he plays exclusively z-targeting.
Sad, really.
The thing about OoT and Zelda in general is that there is no challenge once you get bottles and fairies. I haven’t played BotW yet. Do they change tho?
Standing stab
Crouching stab
Vertical slice
Horizontal slice
Jumping slice
Charged spin attack slice
Quick spin attack slice
Three types of Z-targeted rolls
Free roll
Guard with shield / deflect attack
Sounds pretty impressive to me.
Guys, but this dude did it, it's /thread let's move on.
>better combat than BotW
How many more actions does this add to Links repertoire?
I'm against what op says but what I just read is just sad as fuck, how can anyone play games this way, it's like we deserve the map markers.
Not the guy at the top of your comment thread. How many more actions do you need? Simple isn't bad.
You make your own food and fairies don't need a bottle so it's literally just
>get hit
>eat food
>get hit
>eat food
rinse repeat
What a joke
>this shitty combat system oversight is why you have to jump sideways everywhere to go twice as fast because lol dodge mechanics but no stamina bar or run button lol
Shit game
Why do so many of you autistic webm makers love to speed up footage? Do you think it looks cooler that way? Just makes the game look worse because you're implying it can't stand on its own merits and has to be sped up for the ADD audience. I understand when it's done in the interest of size but this is only 1.3 MB.
What oversight are you even talking about? Then again, do I even care? You're the one defending "lmao bro just roll so you're invincible for 2 seconds and then attack".
Dark Souls has
Left and right swing
Heavy swing
Charged heavy swing
Guard with shield/parry
Two handed left and right swing
Two handed heavy swing
Two handed charge attack
Two handed FP move
Jumping attack
Two handed jumping attack
Plunge attack
Free rolls
Lock on rolls
Nah BotW changes it. Now you pause and eat with impunity.
>pretending you can do all of this at once and not across a dozen different weapon types
Try again
Maybe try playing the game next time before arguing about it.
But you can? And the move set varies with each weapon type, with more variations on the FP movies with individual weapons ?
>equip biggoron's sword
>lock on, spam forward stab
Just because you can MAKE OoT's combat look flashy doesn't mean it has any depth.
>Maybe try playing the game next time before arguing about it.
Yeah exactly, no fucking argument.
>But you can? And the move set varies with each weapon type, with more variations on the FP movies with individual weapons ?
Read what I just said again. All of the moves you have in OoT can be done at any time, it's completely reactive, whereas many of these moves listed are dependent upon weapon type. That's why OoT's combat is more fluid whereas Dark Souls is more about specific inputs.
But it's plainly obvious you haven't played the game. There's no other argument that needs to be made. You're not even denying it.
you only get the sword after a tedious quest
Provided you have a weapon and shield equipped you can do any of those movies virtually any time. There are even some that I didn’t list that change depending on your load out
>But it's plainly obvious you haven't played the game. There's no other argument that needs to be made. You're not even denying it.
I don't need to deny it, you're assuming I haven't played the game instead of responding to my argument. I've beaten DeS, DaS, DaS3 and a significant portion of BB. Again, most of those moves require multiple weapons, unless you intend to tell me that you can "guard with shield" when you're using two fucking knives.
I don't believe you.
>he hasn't played Dark Souls
You should play Dark Souls, it's a good game!
So is anyone going to post more evidence of how amazing OoT's combat is or are we just going to keep reposting this years-old webm of a guy going out of his way to make the game look more impressive than it actually is?
>I don't believe you.
And nothing of value was lost.
Lmao funny how you faggots can't even devise an argument against a 20 year old N64 game.
So it’s autism. Have a nice day
>still no argument
Why do people think moveset variety matters when it has no strategic relevance? I could have 500 different attacks but if the enemies put up little to no resistance and can be dispatched with the simplest of methods, it's pointless. Depth only has value when the game has challenge to match. The original Legend of Zelda requires more thought and effort from the player with one single sword attack (or two with a beam) than any of the 3D games.
>he hasn't played Dark Souls
You should play Dark Souls, it's a good game!
Dark souls is more about controlling the distance between you and the enemy, and the time it takes for you to attack him, it's about controlling space.
On the other hand, Oot focuses on strategy more since every enemy has it's way to be killed, Oot has a lot of moves but they don't have any use rather than very very specific ones (Like the way you tackle shadow Link in the current 100% speedrun, doing the left swing backwards). While in dark souls every attack or combo has it's gameplay weight and it actually matters ti use this one or another, hence it carries some feeling of "mastering" a weapon.
>but if the enemies put up little to no resistance and can be dispatched with the simplest of methods, it's pointless
So in other words, Dark Souls.
This guy tried but doesn’t seem to realize he actually hurt his case by showing the lack of variety compared to the average Souls build
Even when you account for Links tools it doesn’t compare to he various items and spells you can wield in Souls without ever having to pause
I'm not going to claim that Dark Souls' combat is absolutely perfect by any means, but there are at least instances where certain types attacks have more value than others, and the challenge is to the point where the nuance between attacks can actually matter.
But you can do all of those things in dark souls, and more. How is it better?
>thrusting attacks, including from behind shields
>jumping attacks
>spin attacks
>lock on or no lock on combat
I know you're just shitposting, but... why? Was getting caught part of your plan?
Twilight princess (oot with active skills) + dark souls = Nioh
See, here's the problem. In Dark Souls, the game encourages you to play like a faggot. You could waste time baiting and luring enemies, drawing them out, using all your fancy attacks, etc., Or, you can get them stuck behind a tree and kill them arrows twice as fast. In OoT, using all of those fancy techniques actually let's you dispatch your enemies faster. That's why, despite being an easier game, it succeeds more in what it does.
I feel like Zelda also has ways to cheapen the experience like fairies that take any challenge out of the experience. Why be careful when you can res yourself like four times and find unlimited hearts laying around?
>your head
>play dark souls
>find the ring that let's you ninja flip
>game becomes oot
The ninja ring is fun
Is monday Zelda shilling day?
To be fair though, Zelda gives you plenty of ways to make the experience more difficult. The inclusion of a death counter on your profile and the ability to neglect heart pickups entirely seems like a purposeful way of including self-regulating difficulty. I'm not trying to say the game isn't still pretty easy even on a 3 heart run, but no less so than playing through Dark Souls with cheap tactics.
someone needs to make a virgin groose vs chad link meme
BotW has far better enemies but a weaker combat system.
It's such a shame that they let you do this, as otherwise every other system they implemented was brilliant. Why they specifically restrict your weapons but not food will forever elude me.
>speed up footage
We found ourselves a PAL gamer. Everybody, point and laugh at this person! 50hz 50hz 50hz
Atleast Darksouls had a stamina bar and run button. IF you don't know what I'm talking about I don't think you ever even played Ocarina of time or played it 10 decades after it became dated so just overlooked all it's flaws becaise it's a classic. You see When you press the targetting button you go faster walking sideways than you do walking forwards. So that means just from sheer game design oversight the fastest way to traverse the game until you get epona is jumping sideways.
>j-j-just don't dump sidewa-
NO, Darksouls also had the game deisgn insight to not make 90% of the map a barren field. You are supposed to get caught at night in the field but you can avoid that if you do the sideways jump which I have a feeling shiggy didn't intend for players to do all the time or else he would have just gave us a run button.
Also i-frames last for like 12 frames it's really fucking hard to do but like I would expect an ocarina drone to know what they are talking about.
Zelda feels like mash A to win compared to Dark Souls’s combat. There’s tons more variables involved with Dark Souls which makes it much more involved to me. Just because some people couldn’t wrap their heads around it and needed to cheese their way through the game doesn’t make it bad. OoT’s combat mechanics have always been nothing amazing to me and always left me wanting more.
I was hyped as fuck for BotW until my room mate got a Switch and picked up a copy that I got to try. I honestly probably won’t even buy BotW now because of how diassappinting the combat was. I really wish there would be a Zelda game with more complex combat mechanics
Frienduly reminder that rolling in zelda has iframes
>it's really fucking hard to do
What? It's extremely easy to dodge in dark souls, especially if you ninja flip. Dodging has any challenge if you fat roll, but if you're fatrolling, instead of blocking (which is even easier thing to do), you're doing it wrong