So, how is destiny 2?
So, how is destiny 2?
Did anybody ever have buyers remorse from Brink? Times that remorse by 50. That's Destiny 2.
Literal garbage
Do not buy
Play Warframe/FUCKING THE DIVISION instead
Boring. But I never played Destiny 1 so I can't compare. D2 is just a hallway simulator with bland boring enemies to fight along the way. I really don't understand the appeal.
Irredeemable trash and you should feel bad for even asking.
what made Brink shit anyway?
i pirated it just to try it with bots and it seemed solid at the very least
to be fair, The Division is now sick as fuck after patch 1.8
It’s fun to shoot things just don’t expect an mmo
That's what I've been hearing, maybe I'll pick it up next time it goes on sale.
I wish I could still play this game. I need a new computer
It's pretty much dead at this point. I can't really defend this shit and I'm usually one to defend anything
It was pretty fun though, I got 150 hours out of it but that's all
every single thing about it
>it seemed
no, your evaluation was wrong
you are better off playing Destiny 1 it's a better game in pretty much every way. 2 is probably my biggest buyers remorse ever.
Gameplay is solid, looks great but ultimately a step down from the first Destiny. Way too much stuff in Eververse rather than obtaining it through normal gameplay. Go play The Division until Bungie gets its shit together.
A game full of unfulfilled promises, shit tier feeling gunplay, clunky parkour and the shittiest AI known in the history of video games.
In Deadstiny 2's case, a fuck load was removed between the first and second game, which is being sold back to the playerbase in the form of DLC. Now information has surfaced that the cash shop in the game was actually Bungie's idea and not Activision, because making content is too hard so to make up for the money an RNG cash shop was introduced.
What changed? i haven't followed the game since launch.
It's been a wild ride. I'm enjoying it but it feels like they ignored everything they learned from Destiny 1's expansions. The Taken King and Rise of Iron are just... better.
what exactly can you get in Eververse that you can't obtain in-game? Legit asking
one best game made
Basically loot and cosmetic items that should be included into ingame activities like strokes and missions and the open world to encourage exploring and create something for players to grind for, rather than rely on RNG lootboxes.
A shitload of gun ornaments, cosmetics like emotes, sparrows and ships, exotic ghosts that enhance your gameplay, etc.
And technically you CAN get those from playing the game, but it's all behind loot box trash, and after people did the math, it would take over 4 years of grinding levels without spending a dime just to acquire everything.
So yeah you can get "everything" if you're obscenely lucky. I clocked over 100 hours and there's a dozen weapon ornaments I either don't have or won't ever have access to.
Just finished the campaign, having only played a little bit of 1 before dropping it, gunplay is great, enemy variety and story is pretty shit but the graphics and soundtrack is stellar. Some parts of it look breathtaking at times. I thought it was alright. Is the expansion worth it? Haven't really touched post game yet
>until Bungie gets its shit together.
>Company tries to scam me from multiple angles like I'm an idiot
I won't buy it if it does a complete 180° and is GotY2018. A company that tries this shit isn't getting my money.
Made blizzard refund it last night
Feels good man
but don't you get the Eververse engrams after reaching the level cap? i remember seeing some guy on youtube getting them.
Bungie proves yet again that they were a one-hit wonder.
The raid was pretty fun, but not as fun as any of the D1 raids.
It's a looting game without loot.
Armor only has 3 stats, one of which is useless. Weapons have fixed stats and perks, so once you collected everything worth having in like 3 days you got nothing left to do.
Boring and frustrating. Don't buy it.
New endgame gear that's fun to farm and makes you feel really powerful is a big one. Grinding is exciting and min/maxing and tweaking your character is in a great spot. Exactly the way gear should work in a Rooty Tooty Looty Shooty type of game.
But more importantly, a pretty decent amount of ways to get that gear. The endgame has a ton of stuff to do, Incursions, (essentially raids),Resistance (essentially endless waves of increasingly difficult enemies),Underground (something like the rifts in Diablo), the dark zone got a nice rework, and there are now global events that modify the way the game plays and rains loot on you.
They took a pretty garbage game and definitely made it something worth playing over time, especially in the last 5 months.
>Ywn experience VoG and WoMG raids for the first time again.
it hurts.
Yeah but, like I already said, it's a SHITLOAD of grinding if you want everything.
i'll have to check it out then. Thanks mate.
I put more then 7000 hours into D1. I loved the fuck outta that game.
D2 i pumped in about 100 hours before i kust couldn't anymore.
It feels like a free to llay game that i paid 60 bucks for.
Would not recommend.
Do I need to buy the season pass?
It adds 3 extra modes, you can still do endgame stuff without it.
meant to reply to
I don't know if that's good or bad. I'm not up with the lingo you hip kids use nowadays.
I was super into Destiny 1, played forever.
D2 came out played for a couple months then it lost appeal. Played the DLC (bc I paid for it in the pre-order bundle), was low on content. Not a great story. Overall unimpressed.
worse than D1 by a long shot. Didn't expect Destiny to be the Destiny killer. How ironic.
Boy this game really came and went just like that. At least I hope this one didn't cost 500million dollars.
it means great you literal grandfather.
I'm just foreign.
same boat, no excuses.
You know that "sick!" is 90s slang, right grampa?
And? Haven't you watched any movies in whatever comie shithole you live from that era?
really fucking boring.
I have more fun playing the division
I can not recommend a game less than I recommend Destiny 2
I have. I wonder if you have watcher any movies PAST that era.
We are talking about your inability and ignorance of not knowing basic street lingo form an era not too far back that was plastered in all kinds of movies and media. You thinking i'll be responding to that blatant attempt of moving goalposts is both adorable and pathetic.
apply yourself on your bait, you won't be catching anything bigger otherwise.
Wow, is game really THAT bad?
I played demo of first destiny years ago, and it was decent