Tfw just finished Persona 5

>tfw just finished Persona 5
That was my first Persona game, will I like Persona 4 Golden after 5?
I might buy a used Vita for this.

I kind of doubt it, P5 brought such a ridiculous amount of QoL changes that it's honestly kind of difficult to go back when you just wish for "that part" to be here as well.

I played Golden after 5 and I loved both.
Only thing I kind of missed was baton passing. Everything else was more or less still there.

I reckon it should be fine, aside from QoL changes like the other guy said. They're largely the same game, no reason you couldn't enjoy it.

>Playing the worst persona game
Play a real shin megoomi tensay game like nocturne or strange journey.

It's great.

>Buying a vita
No, Save your money and buy a refurbished PSTV from gamestop.
for like $29 and get persona 4.

I played it first but after finishing both I still love p4 more than p5
The music, village atmosphere, the characters ahh top comfy

>buy a vita
just emulate the ps2 version. Also get out before someone spoils it for you

Dojima is the killer.


He's hideous, which is a capital offense in Persona games. Also he's edgy as fuck.

P4G is way comfier than 5 and has no edgy bullshit, enjoy it

Well, he represents most of Sup Forums, you too identify with him. Insulting yourself is bad!!


Wrong, but still, get out OP

>The only ugly character is evil
>The scooby gang are the popular Chad's and Stacies solving the murder because they're bored
I can't sympathise with the persona 4's cast, except for Kanji.

Mitsuo's not evil, user. He's a socially retarded creep with mental health issues.

Persona 4 is the worst persona game

That said is still pretty good so go ahead

But the games offer no possibility of redemption to him.
Not a single positive trait is ever given him.

I liked kanji a lot too, he's funny and his condition is similar to mine

There doesn't need to be any positive traits or redemption. He's just a pathetic guy that tried to latch onto the killings for attention, there wasn't any sinister motive or dastardly scheme.
I'd hardly call him evil, it's even understandable to a degree.

Play a real shin maygoomi tensay

I think I'm approaching the Persona games wrong. I hate the idea that I have a finite amou t of time to do everything and that I'm likely going to miss out on maxing all the social links in one playthrough so I usually try to follow a guide, get bored, and quit. How do you guys do it?

Stop caring about 100% and just have fun.

just have fun on your first playthrough because it is way, WAY easier to get all the social links and stuff done in one go on NG+.

The first run I always play it doing the things I'd do in that situation.

You get pretty into the game that way

>How do you guys do it?
Do all Female social links and the occasional best boy one like P3 Sun and Tanaka, ignore the rest of the guys and NG+. Alternatively google what the ultimate persona of each link is and go by that, like Tanaka unlocking Beelzebub as a fusion.
Getting all links doesn't get you anything of worth.

If I already know Adachi is the killer, is the story ruined?

I got that spoiled, i got persona 5 and 3 spoiled too, nonetheless I still enjoyed them a lot

Not really. His identity is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

Don't follow a day-by-day guide, just use them to get the max points from social links and answers for tests in class.

I think the worst part of these games is getting fucked by a deadline you didn't know existed.

Thanks for the advice dudes. I'm gonna try and cut loose knowing that I'm missing out on stuff but trying to have fun regardless. I think I can make it a positive experience by making the decisions myself instead of having to look at a guide every 15 seconds.
I've had this problem with almost every game with a time limit. Couldn't finish FFXIII LR because of it. I even remember being anxious as a kid when playing Majora's Mask even though you could rewind time there.

P4 was first hated by those who played P3 as edgy teenagers and expected similar tone in the sequel. Then this opinion was parroted by those who can't form their own opinions.

Do you perhaps like dudes?

Fuck's sake, just get a PSTV, they're like.. what, 30 USD new? Then just use your PS3 or PS4 controller with it.