AGDQ: Purge Gays and Trannies Edition
Now: WaveLand
Next: Gunners Heaven
Later: Contra
AGDQ: Purge Gays and Trannies Edition
Now: WaveLand
Next: Gunners Heaven
Later: Contra
Rabi-Ribi when?
Who are you going to root for in the upcoming 4-way Rabi-Ribi race, Sup Forums?
in the loo?
trannyquest dilation% run when
Our literal /notguy/ on the way with gunner's heaven, hope everyone's ready to downvote
Could AJ Styles save GDQ?
dilate any% when??
So, did a tranny actually stop the event to go dildo it's wound to prevent it from closing?
>tfw using skub as lubricant for dilation
Can some user at the gdq inject a few pounds of pimozide into the water supply to save the event?
This game is boring.
Is google broken?
damn, GDQ used to be good
it was all about manly relationships, now its about virgins pretending to dilatate their vageegees
Yeah, the thread was saying she looked a little pale and then suddenly she just started going "oh no, no," really quietly, and looked freaked out. She said "I have to dilate," really quietly and stopped playing.
Someone asked her "what's happening?"
Then she just said "I HAVE TO DILATE" really loudly and insistently as she was pulling the headset off, and the stream went down.
Can someone at the event distribute soy to the couch?
Anyone saved that webm?
Please stop
If you are a speedrunner of obscure indie games, I would like to personally bludgeon your skull and castrate you.
I love how they had the gremlin thing hold up this card right next to its face, like they were trying to make a joke about how they look the same
>Don't even watch the stream
>I'm just hoping for a train wreck to happen at some point to have fun about
Pretty slim chances for that to happen though so I might as well make fun of trannies to kill some time.
Reminder that this is a bully free thread, be nice and kind to each others!
Well let's talk about something interesting then.
Pro anime / Anti anime? Let the great debate begin.
>People are debating freedom of speech in the twitch chat
>People actually think their freedom of speech is being attacked by the sub-only-mode
>People actually don't understand first amendment doesn't apply to private corporations, only the goverment
I don't agree with the sub only mode but holy fuck guys, come on. Read a book or something.
i stopped watching here, are they playing good games yet
Fuck off.
I thought you forsen boys loved gachi and homosex
stop copypasting this unless you have new information about what happened
people have smartphones, if something had happened we would know already due to recordings
They're arguing freedom of speech the principle not freedom of speech the constitutional amendment.
subchat doesn't violate your rights, but it does involve being a faggot
They actually broadcasted the dilation live on the bonus stream.
Is Sup Forums ready for /ourguy/?
Based CavemanDCJ up next boys.
did anyone else's capcha fuckup for a while? It gave me a V1 unsupported site error before and I could type anything to pass it. I was going to screenshot it, but it's back to normal.
I'm embarrassed to google that.
Don't conflate laws with morals.
Only when it relates to Billy and Forsen
Sad well never see anything like this again at gdq
i'm gonna share some truth here right now
i've been visiting Sup Forums since 2005/2006
around the same time when there were circle jerk anime threads 24/7 in Sup Forums which hadn't really been thre before
it was a bunch of gay Sup Forums boys pretending to be girls
many were mods
those same anons have become the trannies so many loathe today
the menace was created here
the sjw attention whoring trannies in the video game community were made in Sup Forums
GDQ has armed security that took everyones phones, it's like at a concert.
>>People actually think their freedom of speech is being attacked by the sub-only-mode
Well to be fair they are being asked to donate to and promote an event they're being banned from talking at
this is your brain on soy
RIP sonic runs.
This is why they RIPed crowd cam.
this is how the druggies on my bus come down
>just boring indie games and old shit for the next few hours
Welp, guess I'll go play KF2 instead
This is shopped right?
In the uk someone called will young a poofter and its made the news because hes upset and wants to find out who the guy was how fucking funny is that, its being classed as a hate crime.
I want to suck his nipples.
AliceM roleplayer was a good girl
>Freedom of speech the principle
>I-It's against my morals!
Stop projecting your own ideas onto others. Twitch/GDQ has the right to monitor their own platform as much as they want, it's nothing away from you.
You're as bad as the trannies, but you're on the other side of the fence. You're just as ignorant of the real world.
>fucks off right at MM
>sexuality so fragile you have to be called a community because you need the attention
I hate gays
why does this tranny get so much airtime
>he doesn't support freedom of memes
t. tranny
>sonic mania runner and commentary are both trannies
fucking why
>white tranny and obese mexican
this is what the future of America looks like and it's beautiful.
Nope. He is also going to hold the mic for the metroid, strider and umihara kawase runs.
a DISCORD link on the SUBREDDIT xD
Buttering a crumpet in the UK is a major crime.
I want to put my face between those thighs
because attention whoring
Imagine being surrounded by all of these faggots and saying no to a tranny.
have a nice day user
Why is this allowed?
Caveman up next
Styles couldnt even save smackdown for fucks sakes
You're in a boat with Hitler, Stalin and Protomagicalgirl. You have a gun and two bullets. What do?
>two trannies fellating themselves on stream
Holy fuck what a catastrophe.
I support freedom of the memes but the arguement "It's against freedom of speech/morals" is not valid as it is a private platform.
>why does this tranny get so much airtime
Why are you such a bigot? PMJ is a real girl, get used to it.
twitch tv/trihex
>hosts finishes his run at 17 minutes into current hour
very unprofessional, hope his pay gets DOCKED
/OurGuy/ CavemanDCJ up next, boys.
Shoot proto and then myself
Shoot myself, twice.
Shoot train twice
He was chosen to run Sonic Mania because he is clearly the best runner!
trannies get priority
two C cups
Give Hitler the gun and trust his judgement.
Shoot both degenerates.
Do you think the trannys will make out on stream like the tetris run?
t. soy infused tranny
fucking fell asleep/10
c-can i ask you to post more bulling cutes?
Sorry, it was just a bad joke.
Shoot tranny and his fake vagina
Objection to one's actions is not an affront to their rights. The discussion allows them to make a decision informed of their audience's wishes.
When you act that much of a bumder 24/7, you don't get to complain about getting called a poof. What a fairy.