Now: Waveland
Next: Gunners Heaven
Later: Contra co-op

Other urls found in this thread:|gamesdonequick

inb4 cute girl hate

comfy vibes even if the runs are shitty

you now remember all the cool moments of AGDQ past

>Werster saying it

Last good agdq was 2014

Who /caveman/ here?

get rdy for Caveman!!!!

Post anime and you will be on notice

>mfw Cavemans run is almost here

The user that asked last thread. While other marathons will most likely not hit AGDQ levels they are more for speed running then donations/inclusive of mental illness like GDQ is now a days. RTA Japan had a few thousand viewers (seriously go watch HMB's Tetris shit), Zeldathon had a few thousand, and ESA gets thousands at a time as well. Then again those other ones don't buy viewbots like Mike the jew and his band of mentally ill degenerates


Is this the face she makes when she sees a BBC?

galil is a jew jew

the thread was saying she looked a little pale and then suddenly she just started going "oh no, no," really quietly, and looked freaked out. She said "I have to dilate," really quietly and stopped playing.

Someone asked her "what's happening?"

Then she just said "I HAVE TO DILATE" really loudly and insistently as she was pulling the headset off, and the stream went down.





reminder that tyler1 is going to make his return to streaming LoL right in the middle of proto and claris' sonic mania run tomorrow afternoon

Koreans are very racist so probably not.

>rent free

Dilate what? Her ass?

This whole game is a fucking ad, i can't believe it..


Was it a good run? I wasn't paying attention.

this game actually looked fine

no, her frontbum

The open wound that use to be his dick and is now his "vagina", Fucking mentally ill fuck will have to do this the rest of his life. Even when he's 60, if he doesn't kill himself before then, or his "vagina" will close.

yiiiikes. Wtf that's the most fucked up thing i've ever heard. Who is this??

>average japanese wrestling fan

You'd be surprised.

This did not happen, also only men dilate.
Proof pls

>no crowd cam
Who would remove fun features just because they could maybe hurt someone's feelings?
Women and trannies, that's who. Gonna be interesting to see if they take a dent from this and how much money laundering donations they need in the final days to keep up the "bigger every year" scam.

Surprised there racists or surprised they'd take a BBC?

both can be true.

Reminder for those that don't wanna go to twitch for cancer


It isn't even women. There were plenty in the old days, it's literally tranny's and their mentally ill lot

tmr is the best

>Pay to partake in a chat with an unknown but ridiculously large list of filtered words that gets you banned

Good system

>you'll never be a glorious midget

MexicanRunner is a legit good guy

dwarf:"coming up shortly"

Why is the dwarf so fucking loud holy goddamn

>High suicide rate
>Poor quality of life
>Get called transphobic if you advocate against SRS or advocate for research of alternative methods that don't involve pumping your body full of hormones and cutting your dick off

gdq is ded, this year is the nail in the coffin.

Because he's a man.

kinda looking forward to sleepy chad and spaniard running contra desu


I just love when I was studying to pass my Ergonomy classes, I've learned how society was divided. I've learned society doesn't care for people who are very short or very high, because their percentage numbers are around 2-4%. Society does care only for 92-96% of whole society and trans people are not even above 1% numbers. Why society should care for people who not only are mentaly ill and unstable... people just don't care for them, because they have small numbers. SJW and other movements pointed them as another martyr's who are dying for our sins, but in reality these people have huge self mental illness, they are destroying their own bodies with hormones made not for them, etc.

For a person who was interested how society should work, seeing how trannies and other groups are being glorified as next Messiahs makes me confused. Transitioning to another sex doesn't change a thing, it will make things worse for you.

Trannies keep saying how they are suicidal. If you are destroying your own body... how do you supose to feel better?

Anyway, going back to AGDQ... I haven't watched full tranny run, something happened during it? Dilate? Sounds like health issues...


He's like half a man
Korean girls are sluts.


any pleb chats?


So are all the pre-op runners so it makes sense to get him in. It's both showing diversity and not upping the male quotient to unacceptable levels.

And still manlier than about everyone else in the entire event

Trihex's channel

Does anyone know if the risk of rain runner later will be good?

Is that mr filename of "kill myself" in the background there?

still the most manly guy in the venue, but some trannies got him beat thought.


Blechy is a bro and has been with GDQ since the beginning, faggot.

I want people to really think about this.

These people payed someone to chop their dick off. Think about it. Having your dick removed. HAVING YOUR D-I-C-K REMOVED.

Everybody is joking about but holy shit the more I think about it the more I feel like throwing up.
Like, who in their right mind.

Wtf Sup Forums. This is worse than any gore/horror movie. Holy shit. How do these people exist.


>actual girlslut


>all girls are sluts
wow its almost like real

>risk of rain run
Damn, that must be the definition of RNG bullshit. What a stressful game to run.

Him and Spiked are the last two of the OG days. TMR to an extent as well.

I'm hosting the stream, but I'm a nobody.

themexicanrunner is by far the best runner at this event. love this guy, im hyped for all his runs this event

Nothing wrong with a slut

And testicles. And then the remains of the dick are inserted into a man made wood into their own body that has too be dilated every 4 hours, and cleaning constantly because it is literally an open wound that their body is trying to heal all the time.

>being so insecure he thinks his dick is what makes him whole

>normal non squeaky voiced meme spouting men running
Why is this allowed?

These are the worst. Who fucking cares? I'd rather have more waiting and music than listening to a bunch of dudes I know and care fuck all about talking about nothing.

These people have a skewed perception of society because they segregate themselves with groups of their kind. This give them the false perception that they are numerous and allow them to be loud.

>being so retarded you don't realize you need your testes which produce hormones which regulate several different things throughout the body.

Why is caveman there

Oh god, it's this guy.

I think south park said it best. Looking like a woman doesn't make you anatomically a woman.

It's only been a few seconds and Caveman is already making this great.

>remove cosplay and body pillows in attempt to gain a bigger mainstream audience
>put a gaggle of deranged trannies front and center
I sure do wonder which one normies would mind more.



D I L A T E is my new favorite GDQ meme

I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.

any good runs so far? i havent been watching much but im hyped for this block

Reminder to not give main stream any views. Go to trihex's re-stream instead. Don't let the jews win

It's not about having a dick you spaz, it's having a piece of your body just choped off.
And what this user said. Like jesus christ, how do people think this is a live worht living. If I were that far gone I'd end myself right away.

Are there evil pigs in this videogame?

man this is probably the best run of the event already

it still counts as GDQ views you fucking moron

Cave Man needs his Ride or Die on the couch with him...

The Hollow Knight one was good & comfy. Also Caveman's run right now is good.

Ourguy streaming

HOLY FUCK the mad man!!!! he said it! he fucking said it!!!

>Platform: PSX



>no ButtersBB

How did it start? Runner said it?
