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Darkest dungeon, i like the art style and character designs and the stress mechanics and and elements make me stressed out irl and its the only game that does that to me

I jumped off a cliff and it was really cool

Mass effect 2

Characters, story, universe and gameplay that never got boring.

Half Life 2. There's something about the atmosphere that's impossible to describe.

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed. Because despite it's numerous flaws it still provides an enjoyable experience overall with a lot of unlockable features the likes of which I wish people did more often.
Doesn't try to pass itself off as anything that it's not and there's no prevalence of overdone lewd content either.
Also, little sister.

A tossup between Rome Total War and Medieval II Total War

Day of the Tentacle. Good old classic and enjoyable point and click adventure and one of the best in its genre. I guess grew up with and it was one of my very first computer games I ever played and the remaster is fucking great too I bought it and no regrets played and enjoyed the fuck out of it

Kingdom Hearts 2
Mostly nostalgia, but it was fun as fuck back when I first played it, and I still enjoy playing it every couple of years.
I'd probably think it was shit if I hadn't played it when it was cutting edge and I was impressionable.

>the world and the freedom

>Favorite Game
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Every class is good, it's got fun combat, the magic is amazing, old school adventure that reminds me of old school DnD, Bosses are fun, lots of replay value and quests actually feel like adventures instead of minor tasks and give satisfying rewards

Heroes III
It was the last game my dad played with me before he was killed by a drunk driver.

We started a game together and he went out to get some snacks from the store. It's been 14 years. I still have the map on my computer.

YsIII:OiF because it has everything: fantastic controls, very fun combat, a great OST and great difficulty scaling. It's really hard to find another non-Ys action game that feels this good to play.

Wild ARMs. Because jack had a wind mouse was a western mage knight and the game was comfy the whole way.

fallout nv because It feels like you can change the world and your choices mean something

What Ys games should I look out for to download the OST? Could you give me a list of all of them please?

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Fast gameplay multiple characters with levels to encourage replaying them through alternate routes, best music in the franchise, blue sphere is great, multiplayer, and Hyper Sonic absolutely breaks the game and I wish more games let you unlock game breakers like that.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Amazing OST, beautiful art and animations, fun characters, great banter, and one of the best videogame plots I've ever experienced, all wrapped up in a very clever little puzzle game. It's also one of the few games with a perfect mobile port.

The first Bioshock because the powers were cool and nostalgia.

Honestly all of them are great. Falcom always works really hard on their OSTs and it shows.
I can link a few songs from each localized game and you can go from there.

Every song I posted is just a random example from each game.

Vampire Bloodlines. Because I can pretend being a vampire, which I always wanted to be.

Age of Empires 2.

I am in love with it since i was 6

This is great! Thanks

man of taste

Forgot to mention them.

1-fantastic soundtrack
2-Graphically aged like wine
3-perfect gameplay
4-Some of the best single player campaigns
6-Sparked my interest in history
7-my dad's favourite game too

No problem. If you are thinking of getting into the series, go with YsI+II Chronicles, Origins or Ys III and play anything else after those.

it's litty

Metal Slug 3, I don't fucking know man it's just the best game ever.

super smash bros melee because it's fun

also the soundtrack


Also forgot to include I think was the song that got me into the Ys series.

I'm unable to answer this, I have many favorite games

Shenmue 2

The perfect mix of small scale exploring. Big sandbox games are nice and all but they are just empty. Shenmue felt like at every corner had something interesting happening (even if it wasn't true).

doom 2
shoot n run n shoot n NO THOUGHTS ONLY SHOOT N RUN

Umineko because it has the best OST, best Story and best characters ever made in video games

Halo 2, best online gaming experience of that generation and possibly of all time.

Prototype 2, it's hella good and you just run around and do cool shit, shame that the developer studio got closed because of lack of sales

I've always liked Chrono Trigger. That's mostly because it has an overarching plot, and good gameplay to go along with it.

Cho Ren Sha 68k

Hotline Miami 2

Only thing I'm good at


nostalgia and no mandatory story and infinite customization and its actually fun and challenging

NieR Automata
Music is great

Dark souls2 because fuck you I don't care what you say and it has the best pvp and most variation overall in everything

because i love grinding, dungeon crawling, cute girls and communism ho!

Sly 2

Planing, scouting, exploring, sabotaging all culminating in a fun, interesting heist that never ends well for the cast but good enough they can handle it in the end.

Bentley is a great character and his technobabble/banter is always nice to hear, murray is just stupid enough to be endearing but loyal as fuck and a total brother, and sly is just snarky but honour bound. Stopping clockwerk is more than selfish theiving, he stops a lot of shit from happening and dangerous stuff from being used by criminals while his romantic tension with carmelita is just fun to see.

Gameplay is simple, robust and to the point, aesthetics are simple but stylish as fuck, music is pure comfy with a great mood setting and its just a joy to play, some say its long but it feels like a journey of constant casing, infiltration, sabotage and heist pulling culminating in a satisfying end that pleases almost everyone.

Its just a good gem of a game not a lot of people enjoy.

PMD: Blue Rescue Team, primarily because of nostalgia, it's a deeply flawed game.

I still boot it up every few years, it's a short as fuck game with a nice soundtrack. It reminds me of when I was a kid and thought that there was going to be adventure and some awesome purpose in my life that I still struggle to find, and probably never will. I should have tried and failed at doing something I love rather than perfectly succeeding at what I hate. Maybe I still can.


I wish there was more decent games where you can be a shopkeeper.

Final Fantasy Tactics advance

because it's the game i most want other people to have those feels for the first time

Middens. It's beautifully romantic.

Tweaked and modded S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
It's my favorite because of the fact that it's made from some ukrainian autists sitting in a potato cellar and despite that it's still amazing.


Thief the Dark Project
deep immersion through amazing lighting and sound design with careful attention to architecture detail and sound propagation vis a vis gameplay

Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Because it's GOTY, do I even have to explain it to you? Best game EVER made. GAME OF THE DECADE.

Morrowind is the better game but I just love the memeability of Oblivion.

Diablo 2 : LOD

It tickles every part of my being.

Because there's nothing in that game you can't do

mario and luigi superstar saga

pure cartoony absurdist nonsense

GTA IV and Episodes from Liberty City

its really fun to run around and do dumb shit like ramming rour car into things at high speed or pushing people off a ledge, its soundtracks are fucking god tier and has really good story campaigns

>Fable Tlc
>Just because
Enough for ye?

world of warcraft

comforting nostalgia

>Every class is good
I can already tell you haven't pushed endgame with all vocations.

just a shopkeeper sims are boring, game needs to branch out in other genres as well


It's tf2.

>He doesn't like bashing cunts with a gigantic swords
user,you are shit and every class is really good.Just because some cunts have abilities that push you to limit doesn't mean a class is shit.
I bet you played assassin or m.archer like a faggot

Xenogears is the most magical experience I've had with a video game, and it respects your intelligence with the jigsaw puzzle plot.

>He doesn't like bashing cunts with a gigantic swords
Too bad the only way to get decent dps out of a Warrior is to spam jumping attacks.
>user,you are shit and every class is really good.
That's simply not true man. I have gotten to level 200 with all classes and when you do endgame content the power gap between the vocations becomes really fucking obvious. Tell me, did you ever do hardmode daimon on your warrior?

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater



>>Sup Forums720000000

Pokemon Silver

fuck soulsilver

I like the story and the music and the art


Grenade launcher
Sound design

Just instant gut feeling would be bloodborne, but that's mainly because I did a play through of that when it first came out with my best friend and it really sparked our friendship so it's got sentimentality.
Objectively probably the first bioshock, (with the exception of that shit final fight that even the devs hate.) The game is amazing, the world sucks me in every single time I play, the isolation of being trapped so far under the sea is something infinite could never recapture, and trying to piece together what happened to this city while trying to not get your brains bashes in by junkies is always fun. Also the combat is A+ (gotta love the one-two punch). Always down for another bioshock playthrough.

tomb raider on ps1, i liked the platforming and the puzzles and i played it with my mom and my sister, the plot twist was great too even though no-one remembers it even the people making tomb raider now since i don't think you've ever fought weird genetic gore monsters inside breathing fleshy hallways since then

my dude
G/S/C is my favorite gen out of all of them

Unironically new vegas

I bought the game on release and completed 4 playthroughs for each ending. Ive spent 800 hours on the game with more time spent modding

[Spoiler]I will never play it again for fear of getting sucked in all over again[/spoiler]


Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Every time I play it it seems to get more fun instead of less

The freedom of movement and action, the Angelo Credo boss battle and Dante's cool af.

Fallout 2
the amount of choices and the setting

Okage shadow king. Something about playing as a boy who gets swept up in so called evil Scheme ends up gaining friends, love and slowly overcomes his overshadowed nature and even finds strength in it winthin a world where 1 person literally classifies everything to his whims and designs. All done on a journey across a weirdly designed world of ghosts, heros who are no doubt different from an average joe you just so happened to pick up a sword, and all sorts of weirdos in between.

It was magical.

Kotor 2, plays as an RPG and feels like a movie.

Dark Souls 2.
>comfy as fuck once you replayed it enough
>quality soulsborne dlcs
>infinite build paths
>god level voice acting
>great pvp


Virtue's Last Reward. 999 might be technically better, but I'm a sucker for atmosphere and boy i loved that claustophobic feeling and voting to betray your friends.

Tales of the Abyss. I played it when I was pretty young and it was very influential in forming my tastes in vidya. It has aged very well story-wise, and is still one of the best games in a series that has otherwise stagnated real hard over the past decade. I wouldn't consider it an objective masterpiece or even the best game I've ever played, but it is without a doubt my favorite.

Runner up is Bloodborne, MGS3, and Bayonetta.

good taste

>best OST in a videogame
>3deep5you while still being a fun fucking game
>quite fun gameplay
>stylish and edgy

I like the childish adventure feeling

The most fun you can have online for free

Bloodborne. The atmosphere and combat just resonates with my soul

>literally just a f2p bootleg overwatch

Every fucking thread I have to be reminded on what I'm missing out.

Twilight Princess because I've always been a dungeon guy and its dungeons do a great job of being conceptually cool and decently designed. Also love some of its smaller details like the sheathing animation or how you can play catch with dogs in Hyrule Market. Overall, it has my favorite proportion of dungeons to overworld, which is to say overworlds can sort of fuck off and that I like my dungeons. My biggest complaint is how fucked damage proportions were but Hero Mode and the Ganondorf amiibo in HD fixed that so alrighty then.

Shadow Warrior 2013 because it's so dumb and it's just random fun I mean you go around and you shoot at stuff without really thinking about it and it's a lot of fun

And you can also blow shit up and it's lit

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005)
I really liked jet troopers and space battles were fun as fuck. Storming the enemy capital ship with a gunship was the best.


It's just fun, explorative, upgradable, and simple.

Fallout: NV
I like the amount of roleplaying options, the lore/worldbuilding, and how it's a continuation of the first two games.