
Do you think a localisation can help a game or is it always a bad thing?

I bring this up because in fire emblem awakening two characters were changed in the english speaking version and these characters are way more popular in English speaking countries than in Japan so that got me wondering could about this topic

Localization is fine. Kid wouldn't be anywhere near as memorable in Chrono Cross i they hadn't adapted her dialect to be 'strayan and just had her and every other character speak the same way The issue is when changes are done for the sake of changes because faggots are paid by the change..

Yes it can help.

Most of the time it doesn't.

Localization is fine, it's when they pull bullshit like pic related that it is not.

Even Sumia's pies were preferable to this atrocity, even if the could've just gone with making some Lunch for Chrom instead.

It CAN be good, just don't do cringey shit like this. It's not funny and it seems really out of character.

What game is that?

Tokyo Xanadu eX+. It's... okay-ish.

Okay, but what was the original text for reference? I don't really mind it.

It's not always a bad thing. It's when dialogue completely changes the lore and leads to players getting totally confused. See: FFXV and Ardyn.

Ace Attorney

i think it's good sometimes but usually a straight translation would be better. i feel like the reason people like stupid japanese trash is partially because it's japanese so if you take out all the nandato!!s and onii-sama's you end up weakening the exoticism.

Just play the original if you don't like the localized version.

Can't say for certain for rows 1, image 2-2, row 2, or 4-1 (not voiced), but the main characters never refer to Cthulhu in the original Japanese. The game also calls the MC "emo" a lot, which isn't completely inaccurate, but it is more along the lines of "serious" or being a killjoy. I KNOW the Cthulhu thing comes from the editor of this game. I follow that guy on Twitter and he talks about Cthulhu mythos every now and then and actually says stuff like "dear Cthulhu".

I was thinking of playing Awakening and Fates on Citra, but apparently Fates is a bit buggy as of now

the thing that Im a bit lost about its the retranslation people have been working on to fix the abortion that was the Treehouse localication of Awakening, has anyone here tried running that in Citra? can you patch a CIA and then convert it to .3ds to use in the emulator without any mayor issues?
is there a prepatched rom already decrypted out there? I havent been able to find such a thing.

Fair enough, user. The ctulthu stuff isn't so bad provided it's just side materials or jokes and not changing the game's story itself, but this seems way overdone. Should've just left it to a one off with that NPC in the pic.

I'd play the game if it wasn't so expensive.

>I follow that guy on Twitter and he talks about Cthulhu mythos every now and then and actually says stuff like "dear Cthulhu".

why would you follow such an autist

I follow localization companies twitter accounts because it's a pretty easy way to get updated about Japanese games' English releases. I followed some of their employees too because sometimes they share some small details about localization that I find interesting.
Half of them are okay.
>Posting pics of Japanese stuff, food, games they're playing, etc
>Interacting with their audience
>Talking about localization
The other half are the california types I can't stand
>Same stuff as above but also
>using slang that just annoys me
>talking about their lives a LOT (nothing wrong with this, I just don't care)
>Meming it up in the most annoying way possible

Text accents are a terrible idea, especially when multiple accents show up

What exactly is your issue with them? I actually like them.

Trails series is better as a localization.

Translation team is just as autistic as the fans, and have patched names they got wrong or awkwardly spelled years after release.

Well FF7 and 8 are meant to be awful localisations or at least in being the same. I presume that's why there's a big change between cloud in 7 and everything else

Localization can be a wonderful thing when done properly, but it's rarely ever done so.

to be fair the original game had an accent system that had stock responses that changed in accent according to who you had in your party, If I am not mistaken

Awakening was translated by 8-4. It was Fates that was done by the Treehouse.

my mistake
but that sounds even more awful, now those guys have to retranslate 3 games

It's a mixed bag. FE Fates was handled horrible but other games like Kid Icarus are a lot more entertaining with the localization. Plus there are also games like Drakengard 3 where the changes weren't necessarily bad but there was no good reason to change anything in the first place.

>I presume that's why there's a big change between cloud in 7 and everything else
Not really, the characterization also changed a lot on the original language.