The Nerevarine and I, against SCP-2294... I'd say my chances are pretty high.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure I'll be fine.
>I and James Bond have to deal with towering watch house.
I'm not to sure what to do here.
>My mordheim warband, so maybe just a leader
>Vs scp-997, a thing that makes as unable to see vermin
It doesn't seem threatening, we will just turn it off.
So is this fun
Depends. What happens when someone who considers themselves vermin become unable to perceive vermin in any form?
Me and the unkindled one versus a nanite biological weapon that melts you to paste
Bretty fucked I think
Am I the retard?
anyways me and the dude from deadcells would probably be okay
>Object Class: Bleu-clid
You're absolutely fucked, amigo.
Its a dildo....that invades your dreams....
I guess me and Leon have to destroy this thing.
Seems easy just....why?
Me and a survivor from Friday the 13th vs grey goo bio weapon. The odds arent good.
Why is everyone getting this same shit? There is so few of them?
The random page function sucks, it will give everyone who uses it in the same timeframe the same article.
Valkyr Prime and me should be fine fighting off some trees.
me and salvador from bl2 against SCP-747
i'am fine right?
Heh, this contaiment breach is pretty fun
>SCP 085/Cassy and my femArgonian
We just be cute together forever.
its too retarded an entry to care. ill just not walk near it.
>my monster hunter character
We sit in the room and play with/be ignored by the kids until it's time for them to go to sleep? I guess if they surround one of us and try to turn us into a doll the other can gently interrupt the magic circle.
>Some random WWI eastern front Cossack
Is anyone in the SCP community? I like the source material, but it feels like an insular little community where everyone has known each other for years already
Me and the pilot from an Ace Combat game. This is actually a good match up as they dealt with matters similar to this.
This could even be a plot for a future game.
My pubg character.
>SCP-3200 is a region of space, currently 300 million light years in diameter
>The expansion of SCP-3200 poses a non-zero threat of a UK-Class Universal Collapse Scenario
I dunno. Bad I guess.
That's cool as hell
Field that spawns skeletons.
Link can deal easily with those, does so all the time ingame.
While he tirelessly fights off skeletons, I have to do something about the field and that's the problem. I don't have idea how to get rid of an area like that apart from nuking it.
>he doesn't know of the Boötes Void
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs some book
>Shameimaru Aya
Oh boy.
random page sucks, instead, use the last three letters of your post to determine what you are up against
>SCP-1597: Okay. I love you.
okay this blanket is pretty cute
i should be fine
>a depressed girl who hallucinates and plays Minesweeper all day
yay I have a gf now
Speaking of, anyone played pic related?
Can't make this shit up, i'm getting laid with the princess!
>a fucking hat
Kat from Gravity Rush
Should be able to keep at a safe distance with her stasis field and search for it if it goes missing by surveying the land from above
Me and Gudako from Fate Grand/Order versus...
A fucking battery powered automatic paper towel dispenser...
What the actual fuck?
>killing floor
Out of the way old man... on your biiike!
KF squads are probably better than the SCP PMC anyway.
>those fucking interviews
Why are you looking for opinions on a free game? Just fucking play it.
It's fucking Doomguy, I don't have to explain shit.
poor ikarana
>last played vidya character is the courier from FO:NV
>sniper build
yeah,i think we ll be fine
Partner: Mr. Dark Soul
SCP - some robot that knows answers
How thrilling. Second try was some kinda smart crabs. I think I'm in for an easy bout here.
Its full of bugs and servers are filled with children
Me and Claude against SCP 824.
I think we got this.
>a catboy nerd that's a warrior of light
What would even be the victory condition? Smashing the bathtub? Getting the two voices to agree? The former is easy, the latter is impossible even for him.
So if using scp fair-game for monetization? No copyright issues? I'd be up for some commercial-quality games based on some of them.
well, me and my ultra greatsword swinging compadre aren't going to accomplish much, but at least the results aren't horrifying.
>scp 001
What the fuck are we supposed to do
>Gordon Freeman
I'll be aight.
I was playing Wargame Red Dragon so me and the soldiers adopt it as our mascot. I'm lucky it's classed as sage because I don't really like to read the Keters and Euclids.
>SCP-001 and Megaman.EXE
I'm sure I'll be okay
>you find all the time lines where you didn't get the chicken dinner
Me and Cloud vs SCP-291, a house with a coffin that disassembles people into blocks that can be reassembled later. Seems easy.
We're fucked.
>"I saw all the timelines. And I haven't got a chicken dinner in any of them."
>my DD group of Occ, PD,Abo, MaA
Sounds like a normal DD run to me
>Isaac Clarke
I'm fine.
>my saiyan CaC from xenoverse 2
I think he could take this one
Item #: SCP-2546
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2546-1 through -600 are stored in a standard BSL-3 facility within Site-234. All work with these samples is carried out in appropriate BSL-3 personal protective equipment and conditions. Personnel assigned to work with SCP-2546 samples should have a minimum of 5 years experience working with retroviruses, of both anomalous and non-anomalous nature. Requests for creation of additional aliquots are subject to level 4 review.
In the event of accidental exposure, affected individuals are to be placed on anti-retrovirals, and monitored for changes in: cell surface receptors, genetic markers, bloodstream hormone levels, and behavioral patterns. Should affected individuals begin displaying any physical or mental alterations consistent with SCP-2546 infection, they are to be placed under level 2 humanoid quarantine. Once an infected individual's viral load has fallen below infection thresholds, they are to receive minor plastic surgery, and comprehensive class C amnestic treatment.
In the event of an outbreak, MTF-Chi-7 "Plague Tamers" are to be deployed, and Protocol Anthro-Lenti 5 enacted. Due to the slow-acting nature of SCP-2546, infections may not be detectable or become apparent until several weeks following exposure. Containment of infection following exposure1 is of the highest priority. Individuals exposed to SCP-2546 strains corresponding to high ranking Foundation Employees should be monitored closely by medical personnel. When these individuals fall below the infectious threshold, they are to be briefed on their current situation, and offered facial reconstruction and employment in a post of their choosing.
Me and Darkest Dungeon Flagellant against Robo-Dude SCP-846. Robo-Dude posses real weapons but won't be able to use them if not instructed. Flagellant can't make Robo-Dude bleed but sure as hell can easily kill anyone operating it. Unless we are surprised and Robo-Dude is instructed to use Atom Grenade, I'd say we are safe.
short answer is yes, but anyone can sell what you made, as well.
Me and Rico from just cause vs plant pets probably worse than it sounds knowing how fucking bad I am with other plants
>tommy from prey
I'm ok I guess
>My character from xenoverse
I guess we could just hang out and wish for some shit I guess
>my shit-ass pre-hardmode terraria character
Well, that's not so bad.
That somewhat explains why not many teams are jumping at this. I guess its best just to create your own catalog of "SCPs" and name them something else.
I'm a huge brainlet and I've never get what SCP-001 is supposed to be.
It's a manilla folder full of files on SCPs and the idea is that it's left to you to determine if taking them out and reading them makes the object real or if it just knows about everything before we do, it's a stand-in for the website itself
Truly, SCP is the kinoest of all creative writing.
>Sniper from Risk of Rain
I'd be fucked pretty much no matter who I had with me.
I don't feel like listening to all that shit, but I have a question, if the last vidya character I played as was piloting a mech, would the mech come with him or is it just the pilot?
If its just the pilot then he'd be no major help, since he's just an ordinary guy without the mech.
yep, it would be much better to just make a scp themed game without actually using anything from the whole website
basically just use the whole SCP thing as ""inspiration"" for your game taking elements of it
like for a lot of the most 'famous' SPC's are just common Ideas in horror shit, they didn't invent a lot of the concepts their creations are based on, just used them
Don't really know with this one
What exactly are we supposed to do? It's kind of self-contained. Do we need to just keep the civilians away?
It's a sapient fruit fly, I guess he's easy enough to deal with.
But the last character I played as was Chief Master Guru from Xavier: Renegade Angel, so I'm fucked.
I dunno, I dealt with haunted houses and ghost types in my time
>throw scp-1993 inside the Secreta HQ
>the whole organization dies in 2 hours
>SCP 2330
>A fucking whiteboard
As long as nobody writes anything on it I'm fine.
>A squad of six mid-game Xcom 2 soldiers Vs a goatsie sculpture
I think I'll be ok
Some hot cocoa with a little pink sounds nice.
what's the number of that SCP where a D-class guy went full doomguy?
>Ranger in D:OS 2
A stone statue of Richard Boyd thats flown all the way to the Outer Rim of the solar system by now (so, not a threat) and a cat that turns any living tissue it touches into stone.
Thats not so bad, rather easy I'd say.
Me and Serious Sam must defeat the undefeatable
Let's get serious
>Last played character: Max level demon hunter from World of Warcraft
>Enemy SCP: SCP-2234
I lose. Demon Hunters are blind, so there's no way it'd know how to debug a computer.
Which 001?
Its a shame they didnt send pic related to purge the house
>nameless hero
considering that they’re not really hostile apart from flooding, im sure he can reason with them
>Boss from SRIV
so we just gotta blow shit up right
>BJ from Wolfenstein 3D
How does that even work? It's just a "recording" that contains inhabitants that eventually become self aware and retain memories of each playback. Just gotta destroy it or not play the recording at all.
As a Division Agent, I truly cannot believe that this is Not Butter.
>Destiny 2 Sunbreaker Titan
This thing would literally get hammered and melted to death. We win. It would take 5 seconds.
random ivans in a t34 vs SCP-2329
Piece of cake.
Random Ivans in a SU-100 here, stuck in SCP-648
No arty so thats goood I guess