>faster zombies
>fat zombies
>"mutant" zombies
Remember zombie animals?
Why are those practically unseen in modern vidya?
>sexy zombies
same reason they aren't even in modern zombie movies
>zombies except they're just people but edgier so not really XD
So mob of your typical fans?
>crime solving zombies
>zombie zombies
>they just take longer to die
>fast zombies
stupidest shit
>tfw Dead Nation was the best multiplayer couch coop zombie game
I wish there was a third person equivalent of Killing Floor.
Greenpeace degenerates. Zombie people are okay though because fuck people.
Harder to animate. It's not allowed to put efforts in your game nowadays.
Whats the issue with more zombies? Most of the time they're tied with shit like "this zombie used to be a strong person" or "this was a runner".
Unlike you think RE6 over the top shit was fun to fight against
>faster zombie
>strong zombie
>fat zombie
>even faster zombie
>even stronger zombie in a straightjacket
>screaming zombie
For example in Dying Light fast zombies are the ones who just turned, so their body is still fresh.
>they're infected people
>everybody calls them zombies
This shouldn't trigger me this badly but holy shit.
I forgot
>poison zombie
>faster burning zombie
i don't get why more games don't go smart zombies in the end, you'd think that'd be the classic narrative 'i'm killing these mindless things, wait a second these ones weren't so mindless, oh no a huge one..but there was one just watching the fight from the shadows spooky, these ones seem to be coordinated, what's going on here, this one is fucking talking!, was i the monster all along!?
but games never go that way it's just zombies all the way down until you get to some CEO or whatever who was doing it all for profits and has injected himself with zombie dna for the boss fight
>character dies normal-ish death
>still becomes a zombie
Dead Island
Dying Light did it pretty okay. Newly turned zombies were fast and even talked. They were more like a crazed lunatic hopped up on meth trying to kill you than a zombie. Then they slowly deteriorate and become shambling mobs that have a stupid instant grab attack that's stupid hard to avoid without the right skills.
>they're actually the next stage in human evolution
>zombie soliders
>still holding guns through rigor mortis
>chance to pull the trigger if they swing their arms at you spraying bullets everywhere
Shame the only game I can think of that did this was RE6.
>crystal zombies
>zombie can sort of use a gun
Slow zombies are better if they're the kind where a single zombie can tank a whole magazine so long as the hail of bullets doesn't hit the brain.
>exploding zombies
>zombies with rocket launchers
>zombies with shotguns
>character calls zombies "zombies"
>other character tells him to call them something else
>everyone ignores him and calls them zombies anyway
>i want my decades old plot device to never be reimagined or changed ever, please release the exact game every year
>when they are clearly not gray
>they're actually ghouls
>zombies are all furcoat and no knickers
Out of all the stupid meme brainlet wojacks, this is the only one that makes me laugh. I suspect that even this will fade as this meme has been run into the ground. But don't worry, the stupid Ugandan Knuckles meme has dug a hole to China it's been run to the ground so quickly.
>they're actually vampires
I was expecting something like that for the new Wolfenstein, BJ realizing he has killed many people just because they were in his way and that most of them were just regular people drafted into the army. I mean they were focusing a lot on the narrative so the MC had to realize he was just a cog in the war machine probably even aiding the nazis since they could always unite their people against a common enemy or something like that. But no, let's just turn it into a comedy! Wolfernstein 3 is gonna be a musical at this rate.
Dead space 3 did it
Does stalker zombies count or not?.
Im pretty sure they can shoot.
>they're actually niggers
>they're actually Americans
They aren't undead, they are mind controlled.
>chainsaw zombies
>man with automatic weapon
>big man with machine gun
>man with shield
>man with knife
Not a video game but Land of the Dead did this, and at the end it had this weird anti capitalist message and it tried to make you sympathize with the zombies even though they just killed a bunch of people
was that the one where the leader zombie was a black guy with an assault rifle?
Yes, I remember liking it but I have't seen it since I was like 12, I think it got a bunch of mediocre reviews but that could be because it was completely different from the Dawn of the Dead remake which came out a year earlier and expected more of that
>game has zombies
they've become a meme at this point. once again thanks to the normie populace
forgot pic
Maybe one of the most autistic posts I've ever read
Tfw no game revolving around female zombies that feed off of human semen
>"No they're not zombies, they're the Infected"
I got one.
Motorcycle zombies.
Resident Evil does it but that's about it.
>snowman zombie
>Zombies appear
>"W-What are those?!"
>probably just some junkies move along
>zombie can use a gun VERY well
Hey now, Left 4 Dead zombies are great.
i pick the third one. devs are lazy.
Dead Island had stupid shit like that as well. Once you progressed far enough/had sufficiently high level, every zombie would somehow instantly counter every one of your melee attacks, basically forcing you to use a slow as fuck hit'n'run strategy for the rest of the game.
>spitting zombie
>spiky zombie
>titan zombie
>exploding zombie
>pretending-to-be-alive zombie
>kid zombie
man, i love L4D characters
I was attacked by a junky when i was 19 and i really thought it was a zombi for a moment.
>I was returning from a friend´s home late night.
>I didn´t had a car back them but it doesn´t bother me as i lived only 15 minutes walking from there.
>used to take a shortcut passing by an alley between the buildings
>There was a single streetlight at the entrance and no light at all until the other side of the street so it was totally dark
>Before entering i saw a man backwards stumbling into the alley.
>He avoided the light perfectly so i didn´t get to see his face at all, just his figure
>It seemed strange but i didn´t stop and decided to walk for my usually path.
>when i entered the alley i didn´t see anybody at first but as i progesed i started to distinguish someone.
>They guy was still towards a wall. When i passed by him he turned and grabbed my shoulder
>I freaked out and jump back and he falled as he were about to support all his weight on me just when i moved
>That was the moment i thought it was a zombi. He started grumbing from the floor while dragging himself towards me instead of just getting up.
>I ran all my way home.
>I knew it cound´t be a zombie but i coundt comfirm it until i saw the man again on another street begging next day.
Sorry for the long story nobody asked for
The real monster was drug addiction all along.
First Dead Rising did it with police zombies, don't know about the others.
How do we save zombies in vidya Sup Forums?
>The Nazi
>The sexy Nazi
> critsizing “normies”
> posting a poorly cropped Pepe image
Congrats, you made me reply.
>game has zombies
>they're just the first wave of the necromantic horde
>screaming zombie that aggros all the other zombies to it's location
>They're nigger American Zombies
Fuck I actually forgot about that. Thanks.
>at the end it had this weird anti capitalist message
I mean, modern zombies have started with and pretty much always had a strong anti-capitalist or at least anti-consumerist overtone.
Yet another reason why They Are Billions is surprising me with how popular it is and how much I enjoy it.
This is a clear concept in zombie media people forget. Most early outbreaks will be in the slums, or where large groups of homeless hang out.
>zombies can use guns better than any melee weapon
>mfw there isn't a Zombie game which exploited the Black Plague era
what game
7 Days to Die?
> Zombies
> Black Plague
Do you even know what the Black Plague was? You fucking Roody-Poo
I mean exploit that time period and make the final stage of the plague as some sort of virus that controls the infected's once they die. Something like Warcraft 3 but in First Person.
>spitting zombies
wasn't there that one game just recently?
>use flame thrower
>zombie is now 3x more lethal for the brief moment it can still move
No offence, user, but that sounds really boring.
There’s a reason the creepy-pasta only took literally one aspect of the Black Plague to make modern and spoopy.
I think you meant to say "sort HAVE use a gun"
no big deal but watch yourself
I guess. It's just I enjoyed the setting and I would have liked more first person games that are good besides Chivalry
Thanks man. Mistakes like that are a diamond dozen so I'm glad you caught it before the statue of limitations, for all intensive purposes.
>All the fucking same thing
well there is Pathologic. Sort of...
>you play the zombies
Pathologic is more like a russian The Plague by Camus.
i had to stop playing it just at the start of day 6 with the bachelor so im aware there is a lot i don´t know yet but the game totally feels like being inside a zombie outbreak since day 0
>zombies aren't slow moving super strong and in hordes of at least 100
the fast zombie meme needs to stop
user there are no zombies in Pathologic.
>MMO playing zombies
>zombie game #572
I know, thats because i said "sort of". But you had to admit that roaming the streets full of people wanting to hug you to share the dissease with you is pretty much a zombie setting
>see a dude eating another dude on the sidewalk
>"Excuse me sir, are you okay?"