>Series of caves with riddles to unlock the doors
>One of the riddles was solved by hovering in the air for a few seconds
Please assist, this is driving me bonkers.
>Series of caves with riddles to unlock the doors
>One of the riddles was solved by hovering in the air for a few seconds
Please assist, this is driving me bonkers.
Do you remember what any of the characters looked like?
I feel like the MC was a redheaded guy, kinda similar to Crono.
I also just remembered there's an underwater section where you might swim through a sunken ship.
wild arms is a rpg series with a lot of puzzles
>redheaded guy
Azure Dreams?
Azure Dreams?
Here's one:
>Some kind of offroad motocross game
>Can use crowbars and other weapons to hit other racers
>There's a set of races (tournaments?) where between races you have this hub(?) you start out of
>One of the characters is a big tits hot racer
There was no hovering in Azure Dreams user.
Literally googled "MOTOCROSS WEAPON PS2"
It's not Grandia, is it?
There was this weird point and click adventure game I played way back then. You were playing as this weird, kinda gory, cyborg guy stuck in a complex? I remember early on you encountered a flying drone with a green laser/scanner(?) in a corridor. I think the CD cover was black with a green hand/eye.
I never found out what it was.
Bingo! Or Alundra 2 actually.
Many thanks, user.
Sup Forums is my google
It's Alundra 2.
>"The game also features unique magical ring items which grant Flint special powers such as the abilities to float in place or traverse over harmful lava."
Copied from the wikipedia article
I have the same issue as OP with another PS1 game. It was the demo disc, and I barely made any progress.
It seemed to be some sort of stealth game in third person. You arrived in a snowy area with the use of a boat. There's a couple of people with you, but only you get off it.
Your mission was to rescue some person. The first thing you could do is enter some small house right where you started, knock out (or kill, can't remember) some dude and steal his uniform.
If you get caught, you're seen with the person you had the rescue, but you're also tied up and shit.
That's all I remember. No, it's not me remembering MGS1 incorrectly.
>Ps1 game
>Everything is dark as fck. Only have a matchstick for light and there are spoopy monsters.
Cant remember what it was but it spooked the hell out of me as a kid.
This isn't exactly the same as the OP premise but you know how sometimes we have those "obscure/unexplained things in vidya" threads? I distinctly remember that in one, someone brought up a game that had some crazy shit in its files for no clear reason. It was something in the vein of Vietnam War photos or Holocaust pics, something absurd like that and I think the game may have even been a Nintendo game but I cannot remember what it was.
>Dudes girlfriend gets turned into a lightsaber
>Fight a bunch of dudes in suits
>Get new lightsaber-like weapons as you progress through the story that all have unique abilities
>Your rival is some albino twink with a pair of white lightsaber tonfas
do we do books?
>high fantasy
>mankind can summon things into existence like shelter and clothes, out of a jet-black material
>people start being born blue, aging quickly and being super aggressive, basically like orcs
>they piss off and form their own kingdom
>protag is the prince of the human kingdom, but his son is born a blue dude who goes on to lead the enemy kingdom and wage war
>they learn that the black magic uses souls to make shit, and theyve run out- so people are being born without souls
>in the final fight with his son in a ring of fire, protag is thrown into the flames and knows from a vision if he summons a fireproof cloak it'll consume his fathers soul and stop him being reincarnated, ever
been looking for it for ten years.
Sounds like Eve of Extinction
Ok my turn.
I'm looking for a game, probably on PC, released I'm not even sure when, early 2000's maybe.
There's this NPC that would keep repeating "you're not welcome here" in a specific way, not sure if it's when they attack or you attack them.
I just get this line stuck in my head from time to time but I don't know what game it's from.
kings field is dark and spoppy
Mission Impossible
Holy fuck, thanks user!
>PS1 game
>walk into a prison and find your friend dead on the ground before getting attacked
I know it's not Resident Evil 2, because the cover had a blurry and blue zombie head on it. I haven't seen anything about this game in 12 years and it's killing me.
Heart of darkness?
You're welcome, user.
Don't play that game user, when I was younger I rented the N64 version and it was fucking SHIT. The controls are awful
thats weird, i loved the n64 version compared to the ps1 version
I think I remember something like that, but the pictures were from some sort of hostage situation in a school in Russia or Eastern Europe
Most probably Mission Impossible, I had great times with that game on the N64
Might be talking about silent hill, the first time in the back ally, he lights a match and or lighter
>some sort of top-down PC adventure game
>washed-out colours
>something about an anthropomorphised tomato (either an NPC or the player character)
Probably from the 90s or early 00s. I remember being really unnerved by it.
Yeah, I'm looking at gameplay of it now and it looks absolutely garbage compared to my initial thoughts. Oh well, least my mystery is solved.
>you drive some truck like pic related
>the truck has a mounted rocket launcher
>you drive around and shoot some black alien ships or whatever those things in the dark sky were
It was one of the first PC games I played when I was a child so it's probably at least 15-20 years old. I think I played it only once and have been wondering what it was ever since.
Yes it's exactly that, but I cannot remember the game
Let's try it again.
PC, I think indie, 2D, pixelated platformer.
I played it around first half of 2000s.
You play as vampire kid, you can upgrade him, you could also change into bat.
Color pallete was mostly pink and purpule.
Here’s one i’d love to remember since I played it as a kid
>PC game
>Looked like a game that came out when 3D graphics were new (not polygons)
>The intro has a girl holding 2 guns out and shooting aliens
>Then it cuts to a classroom where a teacher is about to split a woman in half while holding her upside down from her legs
>The girlshooter transforms and fights but looses
>The game finally starts and it’s a torture simulator where you can drill her vagina and put ball gags in her mouth
Mind you, I was 6 when I played this game so it left a lasting impact on me.
Thanks uncle
>TPS action/stealth game
>You play as either a guy in a full black stealth outfit or a commando looking dude
>you alternate between them after every mission
>There was a skydiving mission with the stealth guy and with the commando guy you could drive a big hovercraft around
>think it was mostly a stealth game
There was this puzzle game, late 90s/early 00's, I think I've played it on NT.
It had no textures, and enemies were these floating, spiky polyhedrons. Also, I remember you had to use shift key a lot, so sticky keys prompt always showed up.
Here's a really vague one.
I rented a ps1 shmup that was really fun but i can barely remember any of it
>Top view
>You flew some sort of futuristic fighter or spaceship
>It was not in space
>i think it had some 3d elements
>i think you could play 1 or 2 players
>think the ship was red
>i think it fired some green lasers
>I think it had an attack very similar to Jehuty's multi laser attack but from a top down perspective and green.
PC fps, probably late 90s. Only thing I remember is being in a greenhouse and fighting a plant thing with a rake, I believe you get guns later.
trying to remember the name of this one. its super old, not sure when it came out
>exploring a dark maze
>had to eat enough food to advance to the next level
>monsters would chase you, but if you got a powerup you could eat them
all i remember is the dude was yellow
>spoopy monsters.
Describe them
Mrs. Puckperson?
I played a game at a sleepover and I'm looking for eat but just fucking can't find it.
It was on PS1, you could catch Monsters and fuse them to make new Monsters, I think it had a similar fighting system to Pokemon. You were in a village and heading out, it was basically Pokemon on the PS1.
I don't remember what game it was at all, but it had one soundtrack with this generic upbeat "african" vibe, but it had distinct chanting like this:
Far as I remember it would just loop that chant with marimba and drum instrumentals inbetween.
Ms. Pac-man
Mario Kart Arcade GP?
I remember seeing some crazy PS2 commercial as a kid once. It's vague as fuck, so I'm not expecting even God himself to find it.
>Some dude, dressed in white I think, practicing fighting in his garden
>Scene of dude, dressed differently, falling from the sky with several large brown rocks.
>I think one of the rocks had a flat surface and he landed on it
It's the weirdest commercial I remember as a kid, and I have absolutely no idea what the fuck type of game it could be. Maybe it wasn't even a game, who the fuck knows.
Jade Cocoon
Oh, and it was probably gamecube/ps2 era.
Jade Cocoon
Oh I know it I think, but I only remember playing it on the PSX. I'm not real sure what a PS1 even is.
Jade Cocoon
This. Knew immediately it was Alundra 2.
Ps1 racing game, the only detail I remember is there was a shortcut you could find by going into a waterfall that brought you into some underground caverns.
cRPG, made in eartly 00's, you started in some castle, there was your brother, a soldier who sent you on some kind of quest. Outside castle was a grass courtyard, and outside courtyard gate burned houses.
I know exactly what you're talking about, buy don't remember the name. I think I still have it somewhere. If the thread is alive when I get home in a few hours, I'll try to find it and post.
Also, I think that game was Polish and made by one guy.
what kind of vehicle?
>ps2 game
>there's a scene where a character gives you his gun
>your character goes "oh wow that sure is your gun, are you sure you want to give it to me?"
>then there was a forest level
That's fucking it. I don't remember the combat, story or artstyle. Send help.
i think it was a GBA game, but you could capture wild animals and make them fight
it may have had an anime tie-in but i dont really remember it so it probably wasnt popular
Bioforge maybe? It wasn't point and click, but otherwise.
wild arms or shadow hearts?
>I know exactly what you're talking about, buy don't remember the name. I think I still have it somewhere. If the thread is alive when I get home in a few hours, I'll try to find it and post.
Would be lovely, I tried to hunt it down in many threads already.
You could try grinding out some commercial playlists. Come back and tell us what it was if you find it.
Digimon Battle Spirit
>that David Lynch commercial
If I saw that as a kid I would be scared for months.
Thanks user but no, neither of those games ring bells. Though I do remember now that there was a city and it was a very bright artstyle.
Don't remember anything like that, but when it comes to PS2, JRPGs and guns, the only thing that comes to my mind is Wild Arms 3, 4 and 5.
>Some type of Aircraft pilot game that one of the first levels takes place above blue "Water"(?).
>Sorta scifi and reminded me of an Anime Star Wars because you had to shoot some giant robot things.
Played it once as a young kid and can never remember anything else.
Is this a britbong only thing?
The only time I've heard someone here call it a PSX is to differentiate the classic and the mini.
>ps1 game
>tank-based third person shooter
>graphics and art looked VR like MGS's VR training
I can usually find the obscure things from long ago, but this one has me stumped.
>you zoom across planets to deliver pizzas
>i think there was a lizard guy
Damn. I remember really enjoying it when I was eight, but it was most likely shit.
Mission where you put out fires with an extinguisher on a boat, then shoot torpedos coming towards you.
>Is this a britbong only thing?
No, i'm a britbong and when the PS2 came out, me and everyone i knew called it a PS1.
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
FUCK I'VE BEEN NEEDING THIS THREAD. Ok so it's a pc game, concept is like a story based third person action rpg, angels vs demons (there was also somethird faction or something I forget). 2000's ish game, pretty ok graphics for it's time (3D). Cover art was a bald angel guy with blood and a red backgrounds. Pls help
tank or tank control based?
if its actual tanks its probably Panzer front
if you mean shooters, one of the Syphon Filter games had a level like that
skip to 1:27
>A math game inside a boat with fishes.
>Same timezone as when putt-putt saves the zoo was released.
>Various mini-games.
>An MS-DOS Peter Pan game.
>Except it's like in a movie theater or something?
>Probably unrelated to Peter Pan
Someone help me... PLEZ!
sounds like medal of honor pacific assault, around the end of the first mission
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun?
>PC game, don't know if it had console version, but it was back during PS1 or PS2 era
>racing game with alien looking vehicles and environments
>starter vehicles were heavy off-road looking with 4 or more wheels
>one of the best vehicles in the game was called Spectre or Ghost or some shit like that, was a floating saucer in the shape of a crescent moon, and was too fast for most maps
I can't really remember anything else. I remember it and Lego Racing being my favorite racing games in my childhood.
It wasn't a Net Yaroze game, was it?
How about Dark Cloud 2 or Rogue Galaxy? I think some SMT games had guns, like Digital Devil Saga, but I can't imagine how anyone could enjoy it at the age of eight.
Some weird PC freeware game. It was basically an editor for a miniature railway. You could build streetcars, busses and trains and even buildings just to look at em. No ressources just a sandbox, The background was completely green as grass
Rogue Galaxy is a game everyone should play.
>Game from way back when I was maybe 4-5
>Remember it was on an old computer (IBM?) with a green display
>Game involved you being a mermaid where you explore underwater to rescue some scuba diver
Good luck, cause I haven't a clue
PC (j)RPG around 2000
Main Character is a red haired typical jrpg MC using a sword
another Character is a brown(not black) dude using an axe
another Character is a blonde elf i think also male
Prerendered backgrounds and overworld characters similiar to FF8
played in 90's on PC or NES.
>cooking meatballs in the game
>characters mother/gf screams from another room
>have to juggle between cooking meatballs and doing other stuff
You're actually driving a VR tank. It's not Syphon Filter, unfortunately. Does Panzer Front have VR training or something? Otherwise I don't think it's that.
I doubt it, it was a game I rented from Blockbuster as a kid.
Heart of Darkness isn't actually all that dark for most of the game iirc. That's part of what fucking terrified me when I was a kid because I expected a lighthearted adventure but got a nightmare
Hard mode.
~2000 era kids PC game, there was a dumb kid whose name was the title of the game.
You could make cakes I think? And there was a video library and the best video had puppies.
There was also a block-breaker style minigame that you couldn't exit out of.
PSX was used for the PS1 for most of its life, it's only after the PSOne released that it slowly changed to PS1.