Do you play Xenoblade dub or subbed? Which do you prefer? I personally prefer the dub because of Nia's lovely Welsh, which you never get in games.
Do you play Xenoblade dub or subbed? Which do you prefer? I personally prefer the dub because of Nia's lovely Welsh...
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dub. I enjoy campy almost-good/almost-bad voice acting. There are moments where it's terrible but in a good way and moments where it's genuinely good.
pyras dub sounded incredibly amateur and welsh accents makes me cringe, i had to use subs
ive yet to play a game or watch a movie with good dubs in a very long time
I agree that the dub is bad, but there is so much dialogue that is unsubbed that I have to use the dub voices.
holy shit an actual thread with this cunt as the OP that has real discussion
Sub ONLY cause Nia, although I do like her dub voice but can't stand Rex so I don't use it
>campy but memorable, sometimes terrible
>maybe good or bad, you'll never know
pick your poison
>japanese game
>dub ever if given the chance
I prefer getting invested in the characters and story over memes so I went sub. Plus I'm learning/learned Japanese to avoid having to put up with dubs to begin with anyway.
Then again, subs require double effort on account of having to use your head to fix what's being said with what's written (dubtitles). In the end it was worth the effort as far as I'm concerned.
Dub. I think it's perfectly fine and I don't get any of the hate. I switched to Japanese and immediately changed back after one of Rex's "EEEEEHHHHHHHHHH?!"s.
I'm still not very far (ch 3) but I really like Pyra and Nia's voices. Nia sounds cute/cool af and Pyra has a really calm, soft voice, which surprised me because based on her character design I was expecting something overly sweet or high-pitched.
Morag's dub was perfect. Genuine suitable scottish accent, not a broad "Scottish" accent that's impossible to place and just sounds like an American putting one on.
Giving each continent it's own accent was a nice touch and it's something I think the localisation team did a fantastic job with. For God's sake it couldn't have been easy tracking down actual Welsh, Scottish and Australians to use alongside the Americans playing Blades and villains.
I prefer subs because I am actually interested in flavour dialogue that doesn't get subtitles, also I don't want my family to think I'm a fucking seen when playing it on a big screen (as if all the models weren't bad enough).
Also I'm a britbong, so hearing those accents in a game is a rare treat that I like to appreciate.
*****Prefer dubs fuck
>I am actually interested in flavour dialogue that doesn't get subtitles
How do you work around that?
>giving each continent it's own accent
I never noticed that, am I racist
The UK isn't like America, where everything is concentrated in LA and NYC. You've got classically trained television and theater actors doing smaller productions all over the country. There's always someone putting on a Shakespeare production somewhere.
Plenty of Americans too. The ones that want to become a superstar move to LA, but a few who care about acting as a craft move over to the UK.
It means you understand English regardless of accent so it doesn't stand out for you.
Jumping between both. Favouring the dub a bit more than the sub.
Sub, but I will occasionally listen to the dub. I think Nia has the best performance in both the dub and sub. Sub Nia did pretty good for a literal who in the Japanese voice acting industry.
polish voice-over because at least it's not generic anime voices and it gives the characters an unique personallity
>playing sub when the battle dialogue isn't subtitled
it's actually impressive how many unique lines there are for the rare blades
I was with sub until i heard Rex's oscar worthy performance at the end of chapter 3 and the only VA i actually liked died, how is that the best take they got out of him.
Morag sounded a bit stiff at times, like her accent genuinely was played up a little. You can tell when she has to speak particularly slowly.
>blades talk to each other
>optional blades talk to their drivers
>blades talk to other characters
>characters talk to characters
>certain blades have react differently to certain enemies
I have some ideas.
I couldn't give up the battle dialogue if I wanted to.
Also helped that after 100+ hours of the dub I've learned to love it for all of its good things and bad.
Just like the NLA day and night themes.
Dub bec..
Sub. I tried out the dub, but Nia sounds old as fuck, Homura's and Poppi's voice is horrendous and Rex is yelling like he's trying to not wake anyone up
This. 2's dub may not be as high-quality as the first game's, but it's equally as memetastic, so it gets my vote.
>that battle dialogue
Jesus Christ.
I wish there was an option between "too fucking much" and "absolutely nothing", because I don't think that just muting it is the solution Monolith Soft should be pushing.
>>certain blades have react differently to certain enemies
are there any others besides agate freaking out against bugs?
I much prefer a dub I can understand and has generally good quality with a few bad/annoying parts to a language I don't understand and just have to assume it's good
Zeke is a national treasure and I love him
Kirsty Mitchell's Glaswegian and her accent is very strong naturally, she probably toned it back a bit so people could understand her.
Honestly, why is Rex's VA so bad at shouting. His voice is fine other than those scenes.
I literally used SDCafiine only for XCX undub, so make a guess
Gotta acknowledge the dedication
I downloaded the jap pack and played with it for maybe 30 minutes before jumping back over to the dub. It isn't perfect by a long shot, but i like it a lot better and the characters grow on you. I hated NIA at first, but now I fucking love it.
What I don't understand is how fucking hard it seems to be to get a proper pieceof recorded dialog. How difficult is it to give an actor a little tibit of motivation information for a particular piece, and then just fucking tape it. I am convinced I could dub an entire game with just me and a few friends and do a better job than 90% of what is done today.
What's more interesting is that the 7 deadly sins references still exist but are translated to said accent.
Poor direction, shonen shouting isn't part of the Shakespearean skillset, possible even a deliberate decision.
Shulk was a bloodthirsty murdermachine hellbent on the complete genocide of all mechon, Rex is just some kid way out of his depth. It kind of makes sense that he has an awkward unsure yell. He does a great job everywhere else so I don't really mind.
his voice is why I use subs
I like to imagine the budget was that tight he had to record in his mum's flat and old Betty next door would throw a fit if he shouted
VA on either language isn't the problem. The loud music playing over it is.
Yeah, if only there was a way to lower it.
Dub for Nia.
I'll go jap on a second playthrough in a few years.
X's dub wasn't even bad.
>Watch a scen
>Music is loud
>Reset game
>Lower music
>Watch scene again
I'd rather they just test the levels themselves.
I guess all the people that like the voices aren't actually from England?
Not the worst I have heard so far, indeed.
Probably. I'm Scottish and Nia and Rex are cringe.
>boot game
>ooohhhhllrrooiggghtt grahhhmps we gohn do sahm solvoging toodoy moight
Had to Google how the fuck to change the voice acting within Rex's first few sentences. So sub.
>Shulk was a bloodthirsty murdermachine hellbent on the complete genocide of all mechon
Again with this bullshit. Jesus Christ, you people need to go back and actually play the first game again.
I thought all in, it was a pretty good translation and dub. The VA all fit the characters.
memeing aside, the dub is a refreshing change
I am and I like them. Definitely better than hearing the same few American VAs, or worse, American VAs trying to put on English accents.
Any tips on beating Akhos and Malos at the end of Chapter 3? What is a reasonable level? I haven't struggled so far in this game but I can barely get anywhere in this fight for long.
As a bong, I like the accents. Welsh Nia gets me rock-hard. Probably because i have a welsh milf fetish.
>turn on game
>sound lie people, talk the same language
eww gross i don't want to hear people i never leave my mom's basement. i make it sound like my BASED anime
kid probably wants the same bland female dub actors who voice every single jrpg and anime
That's literally his motivation for the bulk of the story. All of Shulk's memorable yelling lines are him yelling about how hard he is going to murder someone. Rex deliberately never has a scene like that because it would go against everything that Vandham taught him.
>he doesn't like to hear the same handful of japanese VAs exaggerate the fuck out of every line because japs can't into subtlety
I was about Level 24 at that point. I just concentrated on Akhos and got him to 50% health. Get some Shackle Blade Resist and Taunt Resist equipment/aux cores if you're still struggling.
Make sure you actually rest at the inn
Focus everyone on Akhos
Play tank
UK accents are like nails on a chalkboard. Sorry to hurt your feelings, ahmed
Try that again, but in English this time.
Fuck, good call.
Sub. I can't really get over Nia, Poppi and Pyra. I do realise that I give up the battle audio, but I just can't stand it
>catgirl (male)
how long until i get morag into my party
i want to roll lots of gacha cubes on them and get good stuff
But Rex man, it hurts my ears
It's like listening to those bad YouTube voice over skits over the games cuteness
End of chapter 4
Dub, though I can admit that the sub cast is objectively more talented.
I dunno, I enjoyed the accents a lot and I felt like the dub cast brought the casual conversations to life a lot, even a little more than the XB1 did in comparable interactions.
The emotional moment execution in XB2 is its weakest aspect, especially compared to how well Howden carried XB1's scenes of desperation and anger
8/10 dub, more interesting than competent
Tora and Poppi sound far better in the dub; I like Nia's dub voice a bit more, especially her falling to your death respawn quote sounds.
her falling to death """"""scream"""""" is fucking terrible though
>Tora and Poppi sound far better in the dub
>far better to have Tora sound like a high pitched girl as opposed to what his dub sound is
Alright well, I can't do anything about clinical retardation.
his memeh shit get kind of grating when you use him but he's great otherwise. poppi during battle is awesome.
>lovely Welsh
Even Cymru people hate this character.
Sub because I'm not a shiteating ironic weeb.
tfw the dub sounds grating to me, but I don't understand enough Japanese on my own to get the random chatter dialogue in the world/battle. Seems pretty important to for the characterization of the rare blades
how long does it take to stockholm syndrome myself into liking it?
I have to play the dubbed cause my parents laugh at me when they hear the jap voices
Chapter 8-9
By that point, it gets consistently okay.
Chapter 10 is when it somehow gets good even.
And ironically, the Rare Blade Japanese voices are the best ones in the japanese dub: the most distinctive with the best direction, especially compared to how standard the main party voices are.
>mamoru miyano voices a rare blade
Welsh sounds like someone is vomiting into my ear at all times so sub of course. Also English Prya/Mythra is just laughable.
I feel like the Japanese Rare Blade cast is where a quarter of the development budget must have been thrown
They have like two cutscenes each and some combat lines. That's a few hours of work at most.
Yeah but in terms of sheer quantity, there's a ton of them
How big of a difference does being level 90 make as compared to level 99 during combat? Say for example, the level 130 dinosaur, would it be more fun to take him on at my current level or does it make no difference if I fight him at 99?