Holy shit does this game ever end

Holy shit does this game ever end

with a bang

I thought it was pretty anti climactic

I felt the same and then it suddenly just.. ends. It's weird.

more with a ZZZZZZZ

The Creek shipping was the only good thing about this game desu

You mean the worst.

Nah, I enjoyed it for the game.

Problem is that it's being forced too hard so some it's luster is lost in the actual show. The reason Tweek x Craig and Put it Down was good was because we expected them to be one off episodes.

Too much of any good thing is bad,

The game was great, but it would have been perfect if it featured Heidi

Are you from fucking Tumblr?

>Are you from fucking Tumblr?

No, but evidently you seem pretty triggered so I assume you are?

the ending is the worst part.

by the look of the download size I'd say no

Fucking neck yourself. Also nice reddit spacing.
I think she might appear on the upcoming dlc. It's odd that they didn't have her in the game, she would have made a great ally or even a villain.

>Fucking neck yourself. Also nice reddit spacing.

So you're also from tumblr?

with a whimper. It feels like they ran out of money and just said "ah fuck it let's run credits here". I guess all the adults going to the next town over to buy uncontaminated booze was supposed to be like a big punchline to abruptly end on, like how they do on the show. But it was just kind of lame

this game feels like everyone in development stopped giving a fuck halfway through

That's a Tumblr comeback if I've ever seen one.

get a room, jesus

>That's a Tumblr comeback if I've ever seen one.
>No U!

Are we gonna fuck now or what?

Sot was a lot shorter but a better game in almost every way. I regret buying fbw with full price
Nothing about that was tumblr user

Yeah I expected that, I already uninstalled the game tho, and I don't think I would re download just for some 2 hour DLC, I guess I'll watch a playthrough of it or whatever.

So considering they didn't use this as a segment in the games it seems pretty likely it will be the theme of the 3rd game

>Nothing about that was tumblr user

Being triggered over words is pretty tumblr.

>I regret buying fbw with full price
i bought the game+season pass at full price like an idiot, all i get is more plotless combat in the danger deck until they feel like shitting out a story DLC

Yeah Danger Deck wasn't worth it for a bunch of trash tier artifacts.

Only useful thing is buyable summons.

I miss stick of truth. The threads were top comfy too.

stick of truth is probably a better game on the whole but I enjoyed Fractured But Whole more. SoT felt like a grand adventure in the South Park world but FBW felt like an actual episode, if that makes sense. That and even if you can still breeze through shit with status effects and Wendy's skills in general you couldn't just absolutely break it in half like you could with five stacks of bleeding, a stack of burning and Kyle's arrows.