Action RPG set in the Bright universe when?
Action RPG set in the Bright universe when?
Other than the fact they slopped some fantasy paint over it, it was a bog standard cop movie and doesn't deserve a game or sequel .
this, shadowrun universe is better
>Critic reviews are mostly negative
>User reviews are mostly positive
Why is """Hollywood""" doing this?
spot on
>doesn't deserve a game or sequel
Critics think every movie has to be a philosophical masterpiece to be true entertainment.
The populace thinks otherwise.
Me and a couple friends enjoyed watching bright together.
This. The beginning was interesting when they were actually trying to do some world building, but after 10 minutes, they said "fuck it, good enough."
Because Netflix is undermining the business model their entire industry is founded on. They are scared. Life is good.
I'm willing to bet it's because of Will Smith and not because the movie was actually good. Why does Ayer still get work?
Critics can’t find allegory’s that align with their agenda so they review it poorly
>standard cop movie
fucking capefags
mutliple factors:
>the last jedi released close to it
>netflix is the future and cinemas are on their way out
>movie reviewers are paid shills
Garbage movie for underage brainlets.
>Le sexy ninja elf girl so epic xD
she was sexy desu
the movie goes against the whole
theme that hollywood is pushing. the movie shows races are in fact different but all attempting to find common ground with one another and are able to if they try
The critics weren't skilled enough to hold a leg in one hand and a brerb in the other.
From what I read it was:
1-The movie wasn't anything out of the genre tropes
2-The fantasy/modern setting, which was the biggest selling point, was really understated in the movie itself
3-The movie had a lot of breathing time between scenes in which "nothing happened"
But is the Skyrim the movie.
>Movie has a blatant (((race analogue)))
>(((Critics))) gave it scathing reviews.
Purely a coincidence.
I find point 3 is often a criticism of films I love, it's like a lot of critics want all movies to be like michael bay films or the avengers, I find action is a lot more impactful when it's built up to slowly and balanced with expanding on the surrounding world and characters, you can actually care about the story and characters when you know something or anything about them rather than just being expected to sympathise with them because they're good and the bad are bad because of contrived reasons that aren't explained.
>3-The movie had a lot of breathing time between scenes in which "nothing happened"
Holy fuck did the critics and I see the same movie? When I watched it with my friends we kept noticing that action kept happening and that either the neighborhood gangs and the inferni were able to stay 1 step behind the protags every step of the way. We kept saying to each other, "how did they know where they were?"
I could see maybe the inferni had a signal on the wand, but even this point wasn't made clear, but the chicanos or whaterver kept fucking finding them no matter where they went. There were no parts where "nothing happened" because they kept getting found.
It would be more like farcry/skyrim/maxpayne
Critics giving this movie a low score isn't a problem on its own. It's a forgettable meme flick. The problem is when objectively garbage shitheaps get rated thrice as high.
If TLJ had a 20/100 rating then I wouldn't mind this movie having a 30/100 rating. But you can't give that trash 90/100 and then with a straight face call this 30/100.
You're not wrong, it's the hivemind to shit on Bright, because critcs say it's shit and of course people can't form opinions on their own.
I totally agree, that's why I said "nothing happens", I will never understand why people think that endless over the top action with a good guy killing all the baddies are good, it's so uninspiring...I would love to see these guys watching the good old time western movies where every "fight scene" is 15 minutes of anxiety to 5 seconds of someone shooting
For some reason I thought of Rogue One while watching Bright because I found myself caring about what happened to the characters in Bright. Rogue One's characters were just not at all as interesting and I wasn't invested in them.
>that crystal clear "orcs=blacks" analogy
The parts that weren't heavy handed were just poorly written.
It's a ridiculous movie that takes itself seriously when it would've actually been a good one if it owned up that it's goofy as shit.
Bright wasn't awful and it's hilarious to see SJWs up in arms trying to pretend their criticisms aren't HEAVILY influenced by identity politics, but the world they built was a poor man's Shadowrun.
Max Landis just isn't a good writer, and with him gone the sequel actually has a chance at being genuinely great.
orcs seemed more like rednecks to me
More like a mix of redneck and black.
what is arcanum and shadowrun
Yep, that's how I felt too.
I was pretty interested when they were talking about orcs and the whole war thing a thousand years ago... then they stopped talking about it and some weird ass kungfu elves came out and I just stopped caring.
I guess they're sort of a redneck analogy too maybe, but the "muh oppressed minority" is clearly just a replacement for blacks.
And that's part of the problem. I really don't care if they want to make an allegory for modern-day racism, but what they actually have is just sloppy. Are Orcs black? Are they rednecks? Are they Mexican? Are they weird white mallgoth kids blasting death metal? There's no clear answer, so any parallel they try to draw effectively says nothing other than "race is a thing"
Black people behavior, but looked like those fat shaved rednecks
>what they actually have is just sloppy. Are Orcs black? Are they rednecks? Are they Mexican? Are they weird white mallgoth kids blasting death metal? There's no clear answer, so any parallel they try to draw effectively says nothing other than "race is a thing"
>this fictional metaphor needs a direct 1:1 real-world parallel or else it's bad!
I think you might be retarded.
I legitimately thought this was going to be a remake of Alien Nation.
They're literally different species though. They're very obviously not the same.
>takes itself seriously
The movie really didn't do that, there is no social commentary, the black analogy was made to relate the genres, there wasn't anything political
Will Smith did point out a spotter on their way to the house with the wand. It's possible the gang has them all over the city
But it's clear to anyone with half a brain cell that they ARE trying to draw 1:1 distinctions. They literally say "Fairly Lives Don't Matter," so if fairies are supposed to be black people then why don't they focus on them to deliver a more coherent message?
Learn to literary theory, mong.
La creatura
they clearly aren't though you're just convinced they are because of a couple references to things in the real world
yeah and blacks and whites are obviously different too.
I'm getting sick of these netflix shills.
Wasn't the writer accused of sexual assault recently and is also an anti SJW
Found the guy that watches game theory
>Bright has no real world relevan...
Elves were the jews
why is this orc with la creatura?
Things in narrative fiction must serve a purpose. If they don't, it's bad writing. This is accepted by literally every influential writer and narrative theorist ever.
What I'm getting at is, I genuinely do like the universe they've set up but Max Landis is a shit writer who just throws in half-baked references to shit in place of actual substance. Just look at the rest of his work, he doesn't have a single movie rated above 45%.
the "Curse the police" mural genuinely made my day
Isn't that the cuck who makes literal videos about why Scientology is the one true religion and the Earth is flat and we've all just been brainwashed?
Saw it twice, alone and then with a few friends and we all loved every second of it.
How does it make you feel?
they can serve a purpose, further the plot or expand the world and serve as a metaphor for real life without being a 1:1 distinction.
crazy idea: a world with fantasy creatures in it wouldn't play out the same as our own so trying to draw exact parallels is misguided.
What are games where you can play as a centaur?
They DO serve a purpose though. It helps set the world and lore of the movie.
Holy shit, I don't understand why references trigger you so much.
i wish they had shown a female one
The fact that the accusers waited for Bright to release really makes me think.
pfft, why bring it up if it won't get me attention and money?
Honestly if they really wanted money they would press charges and settle for a few million
>$95 million budget
But why?
Muh special effects and costume and make up design for all those elf and orc extras
They don't have to represent one specific race for the message to work.
>Are Orcs black? Are they rednecks? Are they Mexican? Are they weird white mallgoth kids blasting death metal?
No. They are orcs. Did you even watch the movie?
first post worst post
Makes me regret not going into special effects. That budget probably made a LOT of jobs, even if they didn't really need all of them. I'd be happy to leech a dumbass company to spend all day making funny masks and pyrotechnics
>what are half-orcs
>what are half-elves
If they can breed, it's close enough. In fantasy no-one talks about "species", it's always "races".
I really like Noomi
Why would I want a shitty shadowrun ripoff when I can just play shadowrun?
>elves are the coolest
>keep forcing orc narrative
It's like Warcraft all over again.
Imagine having an opinion this fake.
>>elves are the coolest
look at the knife eared cunt trying to make himself and his faggot friends look good
nobody likes you
Spot the kikes.
If Elves=Jews, and Orcs=Blacks, then what do Centaurs equal?
>SJWs up in arms trying to pretend their criticisms aren't HEAVILY influenced by identity politics
Or the fact that Max Landis is a genuine creep who uses his position to sexually assault other people.
dogfood and glue.
reminded more of the mexican gangs
So The Division and Morrowind mash up?
I watched it hoping that if it's well-received enough, netflix will get a hair in their ass to make a shadowrun show with an ensemble cast. Like game of thrones with megacorps instead of kingdoms.
Anyone actually liked this movie? It's an honest question, the trailer killed any hype I had for me and I don't know if it's worth it.
The only good thing Netflix ever made was season 1 of daredevil, I wouldnt trust them with a coloring book anymore.
yeah I watched it just expecting something acceptable to fill the time after xmas dinner and was surprised by how good it was
I disliked that they referenced Shrek of all things. That means real world actors exist in that world like Eddie Murphy
imagine actually thinking this
>he liked the second half of daredevil season 2
>he liked jessica jones
>he liked the punisher show
>he liked the luke cage show
it was directed by the same idiot who directed Suicide Squad, it is pretty obvious that the movie is bad.
The film literally opens up with Will Smith watching an orc get interviewed on the Joe Rogan Experience
never watched any of those, got bored of comic book films and tv around the 2nd avengers movie
Jessica Jones is good tho
>>Critic reviews are mostly negative
because the critics are assmad that it didnt tackle hot topics related to nigger lives matter shit or whatever retarded leftist nonsense
shrek was also referenced in i am legend, another live action will smith movie
Then please show me something good netflix has made recently
>inb4 stranger things
No David Tennant was good, the rest was average at best.
will smith just mad he didn't get to be donkey so demands references to it in everything he's in so he can imagine what would have been