Why is it always console players?

Why is it always console players?

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Nintendo players

because physical

what would pc autist do? take a picture of their shitty faces in front of a monitor?

another excellent thread sure to hit bump limit

Whats wrong with smiling like this why does it trigger you so much?

You dont see Mustards leaving their basements

Because PC users are scared of showing their faces

Too much soy.


you did not answer my question.

pc fats can't even leave the chair of their desktops

Why would a grown up man use this face expression


Sup Forums making fun of the "soyman smile" is going to backfire and make it legitimately popular.

Why not

it's like they forgot how to express enjoyment or ashamed of themselves

They just want to appear quirky and funneh XD like cartoon characters. It's stupid but hey, who gives a fuck
I don't go on tumblr/twitter/instagram etc where these people post so I don't care. Or at least I wouldn't if some shitposters didn't scour the web for these pictures to repost them on Sup Forums

this picture gave me aids and i'm a mustard race

At least he doesn't look like a retard tho

god bles meriga




Kinda like how Miley Cyrus sticks her tongue out as much as she does. She admitted she's not good at facial expressions.

It's the clear fakeness of it, on top of how immature and non-masculine it looks


I win MAGA!

not so fast

If he lost some cheek fat he wouldn't look that dorky.

Hey, man, I'm just getting in on the funposting. Try to tone the autism down a bit

So...what the hell happens to Nintendo fanbase now? They used to be chill and fun guys to hang around with, how come the fanbase is now filled with soyboys and Tumblrfags?

>average /vpol/ tard


That have the best taste in games?

Probably because all the good games are on consoles, OP.

>ass ravaged leftist shouting MAGA for no reason
The absolute state of Hillary voters lol.

Pokémon happened

This is sadder than any soyboy

That's a PS4 on the third picture though

How did they fit so much autism in one individual?!

show me a kid laughing like this.
>non-masculine it looks
how the fuck do you laugh masculine?

Wow look at all those different filenames

So we have a bunch of sad losers instead of just one
That's even worse

t. soyboy mad his "sleuth" failed

Prove you're not a soyboy

>Why is it always console players?
lol. here's the snap of a random guy waiting to get his copy of Gran Turismo Sport.

>one copy of GT Sport please.
I heard him say

imagine the life of people who collect nu-male pictures to reupload

They know the answer, they just can't admit it when daddy nintendo is on the line


At least 3 of those are just normal people smiling unless reviving christmas gifts is somehow bad or makes you a tumblr / soyfag now

>the virgin #soyexcited VS THE CHAD SCREAMS

Because looking autistic on a picture next to your steam library on a monitor just doesn't have the same oomph as actually holding a physical copy of the game. Most people would simply see him as just an autist rather than the specific brand of autism in the OP.

Is Crews dare i say, a soybro?

Estronaut from the soystation here. We console players are usually more happy, because we got wives and families.

There are Sup Forumstards that think travelling is degenerate/cucked so of course they'll make the broadest of generalisations.

No you fukken dip.
He's PC mustard race.
Soy and mustard are completely different ingredients used for different dishes

guy is ripped but still looks like a huge faggot

He looks like he'd slap my ass, fuck my face in the bathroom and then call me a homo for swallowing

the fuck?


That guy in the bottom right corner doesn't fit the pattern.

It is a face expression that is very popular or usual with females on love.live.life fb.jpeg photos so it's obvious soys will eventually also do it, and also whenever you see a pic of a tryhard soy with a woman he's trying to please, most of the time, they're trying too hard in their actions. Like singing cringey songs, acting like a kid, being too cheerful (bonus points if he's the only pne cheerful and the woman is not smiling at all), etc. This taking a picture with the mouth open is inevitable.

switch is selling way better than expected so everyone on Sup Forums went into shitposting overdrive as a coping mechanism

Sony fags are the only losers willing to search around random peoples' social media accounts to find pictures of them with their mouth wide open with a console in their hand. If you did the same thing for any other platform, you'd eventually be able to compile enough to force a meme like this for that too, it's just that nobody else is autistic enough.




Nintendpedos get so mad lmao


This forced soyboy meme is the worst thing to come to this shithole in forever. And thats really saying something.


because console gamers are soyboy beta cucks who don't know how much better PC gaming is.

i hope i never see your ugly face in public

Had to make sure none of those were Nick Murphy. Carry on, user.


hamster ain't mice

I'm a female (male) and I take photos in a really different way

>It's the clear fakeness of it

Why would you just assume that its fake? That really says more about you as a person, as someone so used to not getting excited over things, that they assume that when people do get excited, they are pretending.