ITT: useless party members
But he's hot.
I'm really feeling it
I liked him better than Rex, so Rex got benched.
Okay, post one then OP
Hes fine, i tend to use him when i dont need the overheals
Pic unrelated?
You posted the wrong pic OP, let me help you
I find Zeke more useful than Morag, whi's completely useless to me.
Rex-Tora-Mia however remains the superior team to me
As much as I liked Zeke, he doesn't really offer anything Rex doesn't. Especially because you only have him for like 2 chapters before Rex gets upgraded to OP as fuck.
Why bother using Nia as a driver? Put her on Rex
You never equipped her with a katana I see. Also that ass.
Didn't unlock that yet user
>Literallly better than rex in every way till he gets pneuma
>rex healer
>zeke atk
>tora tnk
Full bro team and steamroll everything.
Fastest team member, great for item usage and the sniff ability is useless but cute
Fuck this useless cat. I benched him the second I could.
>Healing, agi buffs, lucky/miracle punch, revive
I don't like Morgana, but he was anything but useless.
Exists for the sole purpose of baiting people into thinking he's good with his Blossom skill.
This desu.
>RD about to come out
>It looks like Sothe is going to get a major role
Baited twice by the same character.
The entire class is hopeless. Bartre doesn't fair any better and Geitz is the most stupid difficult unit to recruit in that game (barring Karla)
>useless benched loli for two games
>gets an overpowered mech in third game and becomes top-tier
>not going Rex, Morag, Zeke
What a pleb.
Playing the game right now and it seems like Rex and Tora are the only necessary party members and the final member is interchangable and considering people like to use nia as a blade your left with Zeke and morag. Tora is so absurd that he can tank and anx heal at the same time so might justhave to go Zeke for the extra damage
This is the correct answer. In no way shape or form is he worth using in any capacity over anyone else ever. And if you already had 7 members why would you ever take him over Chisato, who has Tear Gas and 100,000,000 volts, two of the best arts in the game.
To be fair, outside of Finch every Tank blade is pretty useless.
At least Shana was good for the early game.
how? hes the onlt real dps
rex is a healer with nia
Are there people who seriously benched Tora? Hes rediculously over powered. I was suprised that he was just strictly better than every other character it seems unintended
If you put even a little bit of effort into tiger tiger tora is fucking godlike. No real reason not to use him other than MEHMEHMEH
Time for some real answers.
Only super newfags think Zeke is useless. I bet you use Rex - Nia - Morag like a ignorant fag.
>Roll forever on Morag trying to get a tank blade
>Get three rare healers and this chucklefuck
They really should have let you choose a role to roll for
>supposed to be strong as fuck story-wise
>shit speed
>shit mana
>shit specials
>shit as a physical damage dealer
>shit at everything
Zeke's damage is fucking crazy compared to Rex's when you get him
was waiting for that one.
>I didn't actually play the game
>"Hey guys, I hope you don't mind if I tag along for the hardest boss in the game!"
>"By the way I'm elementally disadvantaged against him so I'm pretty much going to get oneshot every single turn!"
I never bothered with her although I was glad Shana would never join the party again. Rose and Meru were much better in every sense of the word.
>using Morag
If you don't use Rex - Tora - Zeke by Ch8, you're doing it wrong.
Who actually used this guy in their party outside of one or two battles where you absolutely had to? Be honest. Even Quina was more useful.
Useless in his game
Useless in his love game
Quina is a fucking blue mage who can heal and deal assloads of damage.
Amarant can throw and has some fairly good abilities.
Both of them are way better than shitsteiner.
I was probably playing it wrong as a kid but a lot of party members especially in the demon party had shit damage output
Selphie may have The End, but I'd rather cast Aura constantly and use Quistis' Degenerator or Squalls Lionheart anyway.
I agree, but to be fair Morag requires significantly less investment and she's good to go. Give her both Theory and her bro's blade and she's stupidly good for such a ridiculously low amount of effort, while getting Tora to his god like status takes stupid amounts of grinding
I did since he was likeable as a character and after a certain point basically everyone hits super hard/danage cap anyways. Also free mp even
Objectively the best party is her and Meru. Kongol is shit tier.
>Black Plate
Stop being shit. She's literally great bait since he loves to target her.
Paulette and Delma were shit, Ganz is way too slow, and Cammilla is pretty frail while Tatjana can do just as good healing and damage.
For me best party at the end of the game was Kharg and Darc for obvious reasons, Maru because he's fast as fuck, Tatjana for healing, Bebedora for strong magic and Volk for his AoE buff skills.
They all did suck though. Meru (Kid with the bow) was always the most broken for me and a few levels ahead because it was so easy to kill anything with him. Other than that, the 2 main heroes were ok.
What lets Tora compete with Morag's "go invincible at the drop of a hat" arts?
>The guy who is going to easily hit damage cap with Attack easily I'd you actually use killers and mp attack
The best party is literally Rex/Zeke/Tora
Really? I thought Morgana was a girl, Morgana is a girl name.
the absolutely fucking absurd amount of damage a proper Poppi setup shits out
The "fully heal himself with every crit at 50% crit rate"
steiner's main problem is that he's fucking BORING
hitting damage cap is piss fucking easy
now having actual utility is what makes characters interesting
amarant can regen MP or set auto-life to everyone while being a competent fighter at the same time so you don't even need to waste a slot on a dedicated healer
>implying they aren't the best for 90% of the game
Tora shits out damage with Poppi 3 and Crit Heal means he never dies. So he becomes DPS and a tank.
>there are people who don't run Rex/Tora/Zeke with Nia as a blade
Explain yourselves.
Quina is the best character in the game.
i ditched him, because he was always missing his attacks
truly shit character
How long did it take to get all those ether crystals you needed, user?
Not him but a no damage all treasure level 1 TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER run nets you like 1100 ether
nah, Morag with Brighid and two chroma katanas is top tier. With all told I haver her at well over 600 agility at around level 75
you can also sell the loot, a anti reflect is like 750 for example. A few hours makes tora storng as fuck, another few makes him totally broken, once you udnerstand what you need
Any good guides on this game? I'm 35 hours in and there's still some mechanics that make me think twice
What? She is worlds better then Kongol, and only Meru and Dart truly outclass her in every conceivable way. I mean, shit you could actually beat the game and NEVER GET Kongol's dragoon spirit. If that doesn't illustrate his uselessness, I don't know what would.
Do stage 2 for ether grinding. Special stage is easy to access there and if it spawns twice then you get ~4-4.5k in one run. If it spawns once then you're still getting at least 3k. Special stage spawns pretty frequently too.
>Everyone forgets Haschel when talking broken characters
there is no love game for anyone yet.
It is going to be implemented this year though
He's arguably the best party member just for his heals.
I can't stand him and refuse to use him in my party, even if it makes my party weaker.
>has a weapon that doesn't suffer the 90% damage penalty on Morph
Hush, Ross
No one cares about him but you.
We all know that
Haschel's problem is who do you drop for him? I think the main problem is Meru's absurd speed offsets her slightly lower attack, not to mention her addtions are easy as fuck hi2u Albert's "Gust of Wind Dance". Between her and Dart, the 3rd person for me was just there for item use to frank. And since Miranda has no additions and decent speed it was pretty easy to slot her in that spot.
All P5 party members are useful just because they use different elements.
t. didn't equip him with zenobia and kos-mos
>6 blades left
>Still no Zenobia
>See her silhouette in the first two pulses like 50% of the time, so it's like she's taunting me
>Ether cannon on Zeke
Is it worth tho? his low ether stat ticks my autism
Bite me
>Not putting Zenobia on Rex for extra launch fun
>roll Perun on Nia
Is she good on her? I'm pretty iffy on having an Attack Blade on a healer, but her Lance Arts seem to benefit her
>tfw Zenobia was my second Rare Blade
>got her on Nia though
I'm never forgiving this guy.
>slower than everybody
>weaker than the main party
>often misses
>no versatility
Shame, because I like the character
You got her early enough that you should have still had overdrives so it doesn't really matter.
Haschel >>>>>>> Miranda what the fuck are you on?
> Get Zeke
> Hmm, better use these rare crystals
> End up getting nothing but loli tanks and healers
I'm not sure what to think