>Tank pulls a single mob
Tank pulls a single mob
>dps ""accidentally"" pulls more adds.
>doesn't know they are linked and had to take it slow.
>tank decides to pull half the fucking dungeon
Why are you such a shit healer?
>play WoW, FFXIV, TOR, etc.
>if anyone other than tank pulls there's a 50% chance tank will break down in tears, start raging, go AFK, leave the group, or votekick the puller
>play ESO
>literally everyone pulls, all the time, dps, healer, doesn't matter, in the hundred or so dungeon runs I've done so far I have never seen anyone wait for the tank or the tank complaining about other people pulling
I know tanking in ESO is a bit different from your average WoW clone but it still doesn't explain the huge disrepancy in group dynamics
>not pulling 50% of the dungeons
there's literally nothing more fun in WoW than tanking a random heroic you massively overgear and watching all the scrubs try to keep up while you whittle everything down with AoE
Shit tanks shouldn't do this. Any tank that has the two braincells required to pop defensive cooldowns during the pull should be just fine. Unless you're a shit healer I guess.
Half the time in expert roulette I pull a big group, pop rampart, start aoeing, and the healer just watches me die.
Shit healers are a plenty unfortunately. My personal favourite are the healers with the mentor badge who doesn't cast a single offensive spell the entire dungeon.
A girl (male) internet friend of mine literally quit FFXIV because she found it too stressful to heal in the game because some people expect you to DPS when not healing and she wanted to be a pure healer. I just don't get it.
This is why I just heal for my bf. Retards can't heal him. Same shit happens when I tank, get the healers that are awful.
Do you have more of that cat?, i love angry noises.
>pull everything in the beginning of kugane castle
>healer is afk but i still survive
>tank boss 100% in dps stance with proper mitigation
>have to stay in tankstance to live trough a boss
>die to trash because of damage spikes
whiny motherfuckers, i guess complaining is all bad healers can do
I have the same issue when I drop tank stance in fights. The worst is when my offtank just spams their aggro combo over and over, so I need to stay tank and spam it to hold the boss.
post tits
As a tank in WoW, I think the only time I've been mad with a DPS pulling has been when they pull large as fuck groups and we wipe because the healer can't keep up.
I've a few times let the DPS die if they pull. That's fun
>tell healer I'm going to pop invuln while running through the first pull
>everything goes perfect
>My personal favourite are the healers with the mentor badge who doesn't cast a single offensive spell the entire dungeon.
I always got flack for doing ANY damage while in a dungeon instead of just idling in the back looking to heal something. Of course I still cast Holy Fire/Smite, and throw DoTs up when ever I can. Even if it does eat mana.
Shit tanks that do not know their own limits do this you mean. I played both tank and healer. So long as you feel their is competency in the group. IE 1 good tank, 1 good healer, and 1 good deeps. You can go do what you want.
Fuck off, if I tank, I choose the pace. If you want to lead, by all means, play tank. Nothing more annoying than a DPS pulling mobs. Whenever someone does that I'll ask nicely to stop first, if they continue I tell the heal to just not heal them. Works everytime.
If you're in a hurry just say it and ask nicely if we can rush things, I'm cool with that. But don't overstep your boundaries. To each their own job and everything will be fine. One cunt trying to rush things without the agreement of everyone else is a pain in the ass.
Much better to take your time, chat around and have fun than to rush things, not talk at all and maybe even wipe.
I've actually had to heal as RDM before because the healer was so shit at keeping him alive.
user, let me let you in on a secret. I'm a bear.
thank god i play a tank so i don't have to deal with people like this
That's because healer requires a minimum level of skill that most DPS will never reach
I've never understood people NOT playing tanks in WoW. Shit's easy as shit, you get privileges out of the wazoo and you can pretty much set your own pace.
It's pretty interesting honestly. I started out playing WHM in 2.0, switched to AST in 3.0 and I've been focusing mainly on Scholar in 4.0, so I've got some experience, but I never found healing and DPS'ing at the same time to be particularly stressful in this game at all. Not even back when I started playing. I don't consider myself a good player by any means, I haven't cleared O4S yet for example and I never got past Alexander in Heavensward.
>I always got flack for doing ANY damage while in a dungeon instead of just idling in the back looking to heal something.
Judging by your reference of Holy Fire and Smite, I can only assume you're talking about a different MMO from FFXIV in which case I don't have a whole lot of perspective. It's just that in FFXIV it's standard practice for the healer to be dishing out damage whenever they have the breathing room to do so and yet so many of them just end up idling/touching themselves while the rest of the group does the heavy lifting.
>playing WoW
>tank pulls half the dungeon
>pop bladestorm and shred all the mobs
>finish dungeon in half the time it would if the tank was a pussy
i played a healer in wow and now i'm playing a tank in xiv
fuck slow tanks and slow dps
I just let every tank die who pulls more than 2-3 mobs and they get an instant kickvote.
>Judging by your reference of Holy Fire and Smite, I can only assume you're talking about a different MMO from FFXIV in which case I don't have a whole lot of perspective.
he's talking about playing a priest in WoW, but exactly the same principle applies. The mark of a good healer is whether they can weave DPS into periods where big healing isn't necessary
I solod dungeons with dragon knight. That game throws away all the holy trinity shit
Yeah I play all 3 healers depending on content/what cohealer is/my mood. The only time I've gotten a good healer when playing tank or when not healing is when it's my friend I introduced the game to who gets nervous as fuck healing so he goes full on tryhard about it to the point he will beat himself up for a week over a fuck up.
As I said, I'm one with going fast. Hell I'm in a hurry once in a while as well. But out of courtesy, I'll ask around and warn ahead before going full speed.
Just ask, and we can go fast, is all I'm saying.
I'm fine*
>its been a year since my global cooldown started
>hunter's pet aggros whole dungeon
>solo dungeon as they walk back
Seems like every dungeon run we get a white mage in the party, but really, Astrologian is 100x better. We need more people playing Astrologian.
And before you ask I already have astrologian at like lvl 55 so far so yeah I do play it as well.
>7.0 too growl off of hunter pet bars so the average huntard doesn't even know it exists anymore
>healer isn't shit so we're OK
whm is better for dungeons
WHM Holy spam is OP in dungeons though.
xiv is playable without using any GCDs
AST is my main job and doing anything with a pug or in the duty finder is a pain in the ass. I don't understand how anyone can be this far into Stormblood and not know what Earthly Star looks like.
>tank is running toward a mob
>preemptively cast spell as my class snowballs damage
>spell lands 0.05 seconds before tank gets there
>tanks does one aoe and he's instantly fully aggroed by tank again
>after pull "leave the pulling to me thanks"
>'you were literally right next the guy i was targetting'
>you have been kicked from this group
WHM is boring and lame, I want Astrologians.
>tank decides to go full retard
>pulls about half the dungeon
>fight is genuinely fun
>everyone laughing in voice chat while also trying their best
>beat all mobs
>get faster results
More tanks should do this. Competent group required though.
>roll tank
>pull super aggressively, make an effort to always hold aggro
>make massive pulls whenever i have cds
>always top dps
>healers and dps beg to requeue since we're clearing shit so fast
>small (private) server so run into some of the same people when soloqueueing a day or two later
>they all recognize you and ask what's up and if they can tag along when you do dungeons
>always get PMs asking if i want to tank
WOTLK prot warrior is super comfy
>shitter DPS pulls trash
>don't heal him
I know your pain AST user. I play AST too as well as NIN as my two main jobs and 75% of the time the tank pulls away from Earthly Star and Doton when I throw then down. Shit's frustrating as fuck.
>be tank
>pull a ranged mob with a ranged attack and immediately run back behind a wall to los it and have it walk to me
>dpsers charge in without a care in the world
>mythic/m+ arcway
>do this with the arcane wyrms
>dps niggers just stand there hitting them
>big room with plenty of ranged adds, can be effortlessly pulled and AOEd if you get to los
>healers immediately heal even though you are at 80% hp or above
>dps immediately begin to dps even though you only have the initial pull aggro
holy shit, if you guys just let me tank them all and get one thunderclap off before spazzing out then everything goes much smoother
>dps "accidently" pulls more mobs
>watch as he gets eviscerated
>berate him in chat afterwards
>Be AST, wait until the tank stop pulling to place ES
>tank still moves out of the ES
>Rescue them
>Moves again
>Leave duty
Not dealing with this.
Fucking this!
>Shit WAR with dps gear that can't keep aggro and shit healer friend spamming aspected benefic
>have to save healer all the time because it always pull adds and the tank can barely keep it the boss
>wipe twice because either tank or healer dies
>pull because the tank was right in front the next trash
>tank and healer does nothing and watch me struggle with a whole group until I die
> "geez, you should pay attention and maybe you will learn something from us"
>wailing caverns jump
ESO is good like that, outside of some vet dungeons everyone just DPS's the trash groups to speed the dungeon along, then let the tank pull the bosses. And depending on what class your healer is, DPS should always be added when possible, even if its just laying down a single class AoE like eruption or liquid lightning, or having a destro staff on one skill bar for blockade of storms to proc off-balance for DPS increases.
>people tell me tanking as prot is easy
>consistently lose aggro
Everytime I play MMOs I am reminded of how retarded I am.
Fucking Halls of Reflection
>having to instruct third worlders that they have to loot and use the torches in BRD
>doing old dungeons on Nost/Elysium
>3/5 speak rudimentary English at best
>People opening 3-5 tombs at the same time in Zul'Farak
>just loot the key
>some guy switches over in russian
>Dev doesn't do jackshit for an entire semester besides releasing some paid glamour from time to time.
>On a sub based MMORPG.
Why are they so fucking strong? I swear to god every time I level a new character and do ZF I think we're going to do some sick AOE grind and open all the tombs but the grave zombies do like fives times more damage than the regular mobs
>doing BFD
>warn everyone not to light all 4 torches at once because the monsters don't despawn
>tank immediately lights all four torches
>don't worry guys, they'll just despawn
I heal for my gf when we play. She plays a little lala boy in a sailor outfit, I play a burly male roe with a pompadour.
Still getting this on 15+ then having people actually flip their literal shit on you after the wipe, like it hasn't been the tactic for that area for the last year+ is the kind of thing that made me take a break. FFXIV's community is so much better so far, but i'm only 61 so i'm not sure if ill keep that mindset.
>stand next to him as he dies while continuing to heal the tank
>when he says "thanks for the heals" as he dies, I start a vote kick against him
>everyone votes yes because healer wait times are 45+ min and they don't want to piss me off
>as soon as the dps gets kicked, a new one loads in
Healing is fun
In fucking modern WoW?
Holy shit I'd tell you to kill yourself but I don't know how you could get any deader at this point
Place was awesome to farm. You had a pretty good chance of getting greens from the grave. I guess they've made them so strong in order to hinder the farming time.
the only good thing about gw2 that you don't have to care about some shitty tank's fragile ego
>dps runs ahead of tank and pulls mobs because they didnt want to lose MUH STACKS
>gets mad and blames tank when they die
tank should stop being a slow fuck
>try to learn savage raiding
>it's tough but manageable
>try to HQ some crafting mats
>like being pierced by satans cock
Crafting is the true endgame.
>Healer leaves them dead until the pull is over.
At least we can all agree that, generally, you just look like an autistic ass when you get mad about dying for any reason at all in MMOs. Stop bringing the party down with your negativity.
>t. salty stackboi
t. retard
>party wipe
>healer says tank pulled too much
>tank says healer needs to git gud
>argument continues the entire dungeon
>shitter dps fucks us over on last boss for two wipes
>on the third attempt healer stops rezzing shitter after their second death and we still finish it
Did they fuck afterwards? It sounds like they should've fucked afterwards.
>be in lineage 2
>organize exp party for catacombs
>dwarf tank with polearm goes in
>comes back with 1 mob following him
>mob starts attacking
>weird phasing effect on his animation
>wait a second
>60 different healthbars
>it was actually 60 mobs that were all in the same spot that lost all collision detection by following him through walls
You sound like an ass. That tank was probably new to the job and trying to figure it out. You said it was a low level dungeon, so stop being an ass and know your role.
>in a fc with irl friends
>every time i want to do daily roulettes or mq dungeons no one wants to do them with me
>literally two minutes after asking they all do maps together
You sound like you fuck up a lot and catch a lot of flak for it.
Not at all, retard. I just think it's fucking stupid when people get butthurt over MMO stuff. It's a game.
Sounds like I struck a nerve. Why are you getting butthurt over Sup Forums? It's just an imageboard.
Begone thot
>plays shitty mmos
>Darkie twitter memes
I'm seeing a lot of red flags here.
I just like saying begone thot
>I'm sorry we only accept approved Sup Forums memes like SOYBOI
>Missing the point this hard
>Implying soyboy originated on Sup Forums
Thot's fun to say, I'll give you that.
Nigger don't act like anything here is better
>unstand the holy trinity
>played as a healer/tank/dps very well and exceed most randos
>Tank knowing and getting a feel for the dps/heals
>Know people like fast runs so try to make it as fast as the group can handle.
>Some groups like to chat so I take it a bit slower since they want to take more of a social route
>dps adds in priority, never run ahead of the tank even when they are slow
Nothing is worse then that guy who's a ass to tank/healer really just puts a stop the group.
>tfw deleted my character the other day
I'm finally free bros.