>Now latency free online
What can this beast NOT do?!?
>Gaming Router
>gaming router
This is a meme like 'gaming glasses' and 'gaming motherboards' isn't it?
What makes it gaming?
it looks like a spacestation I guess?
maybe prioritise having low ping wirelessly?
>gaming over wireless
Video games were a mistake
>Thinking it's still the early 2000's
I mean “gaming glasses” do have a use. They are just “computer” glasses which filter out the blue light to reduce eye strain.
No clue about gaming motherboards.
get me a gf
>being so poor that you can’t uograde your 2001 Linksys router with a TP-Link Archer series.
How’s the ramen meals?
Are there any xbox games that are not available on PC?
Some of the classic 360 ones like Lost Odyssey
99% of its exclusives. Even on Windows 10, there's only a handful of titles that actually released for both Xbone and Win10. Their future big titles like Halo 6 are planned to be both Win10 and Xbone though.
>gaming router
So embarrassing
>good router makes your internet latency free
Every single time I've bought one of these high-end, $300 monstrosities with 8 different antennae they've died within a year.
Meanwhile, I've been using some $40 Chinese router for the last 4 years with literally zero issues. Faster speeds than any Linksys I've ever owned, it penetrates my thick-ass basement walls better, and the only complaint I really have is that the software is kind of ugly.
"Gaming routers" are overpriced garbage just like any other target-marketed peripheral. Always buy generic.
Not at all, GoW 4 its on PC, Halo Wars 2 its on PC, Forza its on PC, every 2016 or newer games are on PC
This is fake right?
Sunset Overdrive and Crimson Dragon come to mind
>latency free
Son, that's not how physics work.
This, I swear this place is like a shitty 2000s time capsule of unfunny memes.
Or you could just turn the monitor temp to "warm" like normal people do.
4K and 60fps
You said it yourself