It's a rogueLITE, not a rogue like

It's a rogueLITE, not a rogue like

Literally no one says this.

>tfw you remember caring about this type of shit

TotalBiscuit does.

Hello TB. How's the ass cancer treating you?

If your game doesn't have ASCII graphics it's not a roguelike, sorry shitter but your baby games aren't that hard.

It's a rouge like *wink wink*

PSX is still a correct term for PS1.


Is this the political horseshoe of video games.

I do.
I really have no idea why everyone tries to label their games as roguelikes when they're most certainly not.
There really was this period of time when everyone wanted to call their game a roguelike for whatever the reason.

im picking up what youre laying down

Nobody who thinks calling something that isn't like rogue a roguelike is retarded uses the word roguelite.

Yes, this is correct. Use the appropriate taxonomy for the genre of game you are referring to. It's not that difficult a concept.

>games became so easy and forgiving that the very idea of losing progress after dying is something you have to explain to people by calling it a roguelike or soulslike

It's Roguelike because of the game Rogue

more like
>you don't have to do as much work making actual content if you can artificially increase the difficulty by making the player start the game from the beginning each time they die

Don't kid yourself

>unironically thinking that artificial difficulty exists
nu/v/ is such shit. you're exactly the kind of coddled shitter they're talking about.

to the top

>political horseshoe

>high difficulty through permadeath
>high replayability through randomization
Any games with these two attributes can be called a roguelike. Name one game that is marketed as a roguelike that lacks these two attributes.

I wish this term had not been conceived. But it's useful enough for distinguishing between "proc-gen" with "permadeath" and proc-gen with permadeath on a turn-based grid.

Roguelike gets thrown around a bit too much. I expect a roguelike to have the basic format of Rogue. I guess it's a subgenre. Roguelite isn't, it's just a small bundle of key elements that can be applied to all sorts of games. I'm satisfied when devs claim their game has roguelike elements instead of calling it a roguelike or -lite, because I know more or less exactly which ones they're referring to. And that's what most of them seem to do.

how can anyone act like this and think it makes them look intelligent or worth socializing with


From what I'm seeing, games are rarely marketed as roguelikes. Users tag games with "roguelike" and devs often cite "roguelike elements" in their games. That's useful info to me. But I haven't seen any games officially marketed AS roguelikes that aren't substantially similar to shit like Rogue.

Until like ten minutes ago roguelikes were generally freeware. There's really not much precedent for marketing these kinds of games, and most of the people buying them probably never played Rogue or Moria, like myself. So it might be misguided to be upset about new marketing trends upending "years of tradition" that actually never happened. To some degree the puritans like need to told to sit down, anyway.
