Have we reached peak perfection for FE girls?

Have we reached peak perfection for FE girls?

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what's the combat advantage of wearing that armor


Her Heroes art would be good if not for those attack/damage stances.

>less clothing = more speed
>distract the enemy while also attracting a potential husband
>it pleases my dick

she needs no armor because her abs are rock hard enough, you know, unlike a certain other girl who paints them on

>less clothing = more speed

It was reached a while ago

You have Pikomaro to thank for that.

Fighters typically wear little clothing in FE. So as the first female fighter, it was a good excuse to make her wear a sexy outfit.

she’s missing the vagina bone

no, she's wearing way too much armor

>make special sprite just for him
>not even the best zerker in the game
For what purpose

but we reached peak perfection a long time ago


What emotion is that bottom face trying to convey?

Do not post such lewd pictures of my wife

Since this thread is only waifufagging, I'll ask my question here: I asked about Cipher yesterday and started reading up on it a bit just now.

Which is what lead me to this: amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=CARD-00004599&page=top/search/list?s_originaltitle_id=15922$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1

It says 16 packs/box for ~5000 Yen. How many cards are there in one pack?

how do I set up Charlotte?

the pleasure of being cummed inside

Sorry, I can't help myself.

Yes. Alternatively see

Please keep posting lewd pictures of my wife


She’s a pretty basic character but she makes me laugh. She’s A-OK in my book.

>Gold digger

Charlotte is a soild unit. She can usually one round things once she gets a couple levels on hard, less so on lunatic. Once the lategame chapters hit, where everyone has high damage output, it's best to pair her with Benoit to offset her low defense and keep her alive. You don't want her facing too many enemies on the enemy phase so position her right. Berzerker is her best class because of the raw damage output she dishes out; but the Hero class line gives skills like Sol which help stay alive and swordbreaker meaning she never has to worry about swordmasters. Usually it's best to go into promote into Hero first, then reclass into Berzerker once you hit Lvl 15.

>Not pairing her with Xander so he can run around and oneshot things

alright thanks for the info since I'm playing on hard classic and hoo boy are the later chapters really testing me

I asked the question and I forgot to mention that I don't like using her as a backpack


Yeah but if you want to use her that's the best thing to do. Marx has other pair up sluts he can use, like Luna.

>getting swordbreaker and not axebreaker
Personally when it comes to using player phase oriented units, they're better if they can use ranged attacks to avoid retaliation, be more flexible for attack stance and be less of a strain on your healer so then they can focus on healing your tanks. I always preferred using Mozu, Niles, Kaze, Ophelia, Nina, Soliel (Master Ninja), Leo and Elise for that job.

Can’t you fuck Charlotte and turn her into whatever you want? Or does that take too long?

They're getting worse

You can just give her a dread seal so then she can just use hidden weapons, but you need to deal with an e rank and not having the res that compliments with the dread fighter class.

Shit your right right wyvern lords learn swordbreaker. I was thinking Camilla for some reason.

That's not Beruka

I can't get past her shit-stained cape and the shitty snowflake hem on her shirt.

Ugly and autistic.

Yes we have but wrong FE girl, OP.

fuck off, youre a new ID.

Oh my god, how do people seriously not want to breed with her.

I think I've fallen in love

>expecting people who unironically defend bikini armor to be smart

That lovely harlot is just too hot.

Do berserkers normally wear a full set of armor in the games you play?

Best mom for Forrest.

>make game
>Fans are too busy fapping to play
clever girl


>Any colour but Nyx hair on Forrest

Yeah, we sure did!

Not wanting one of the best dark knights in the game.

Numales/Soyboys hate any&all traces of femininity in woman. That's why you'll see a lot of anons that shit on perfection like Camilla.

I think a bigger question is, do you think she is a virgin
for some reason I think so.

There is none. But when you're winning your fights even with a handicap, and look sexy as fuck in the process. Then you can reel in any man.

if she's pulling her sexy image only on her siblings then yes she is

Honest to god I wouldn't even dare take my sword and hit a woman wearing that.

Garon whored out all his kids

Can't say for girls but for guys we definitely have considering we have these two.

but the main reason to play Conquest is for the gameplay.

The pleasure of stealing your cum and your money

>armor knights


lol yeah, sure

I think she's a virgin as well. From what I remember in Fates, there wasn't any implication that Camilla had sex with any men in Nohr before she can be married to Kamui or any of the units in the game. That can also be true for most of the characters in Fates.

Its (lol not "lol" you fucking loser.

>posts the 2 worst boys
What did he mean by this?
No seriously, that fox is genuinely one of the few characters that the player is fully justified in murdering his shitty little ass, what an evil little asshole.

Fire Emblem has some of the worst memes, I swear.

Man of taste I see

Yes. We sure have.

Both are good.

Looks like some random GBF girl with that art style.
Who is this supposed to be?

What armor?

No, we can do better than some old busted THOTs



That is not correct

>He likes middle sisters
At least its an Ilian, but her little sister is better.

To be honest, most barbarian characters wear less

>Worst boy

Ah I see, a Cipher OC. Maybe she'll join her friends one day in another game, like Shade, Yuzu, Emma, and Randal.

She is just emulating what she thinks the perfect sister and mother is. She really loves her siblings and Corrin. She just wants them to know that they are loved and shows it constantly since she never got that at all as a small child. So her design and supports shows that off well.

Fates was the absolute lowest point for FE girls, you mong.

That is Shanna, you goofball. Thite is pretty based too, but Shanna just barely has the edge.

Juno, of course, is used goods.

He's like Xander. He's good in his supports but when he appears in the story in Conquest he does stupid shit like just outright attacking your army instead of just standing by and making sure they leave their territory by their word. At least Keaton has a justifiable reason to attack your army.

Kaden is an awful little shit who brought ruin on his entire clan because he was a fucking little prick. And unlike the wolves (who were going to let you through and only fought because of a misunderstanding), he genuinely deserved it and was trying to kill you for the dumbest of reasons after deceiving you.
So yes, one of the worst boys.

Sacred Stones' art had a great colour palette
That's partly why I enjoed Echoes' art so much, it's similar but a bit more subdued

>FE1, 2, and 3 have a sister trio of pegaponies
>4, and 5 don't
>6, and 7 were the last ones
Why did they drop the Pegapony sister trios? The bubbly young sister, the serious middle sister, and the motherly older sister


What about her

The same character archetypes should only be rehashed so many times. 8 has two sisters and one other, 9 has three from the same country that follow the personality pattern.

It got revived for Cipher.

That's Awakening. Or we want to go far back, FE1/Shadow Dragon.

They realized for FE13 and FE14 that the Palla archetype is old and busted.

The colors are terrible ingame,the neon colored hair are expecially garish.

>fake balloon tits
Even if they were real, they'd sag without her bra
She has a nice body though

>tfw I always paired him up with Benny and ended up not having Xander married

At least I had her marry Leo, Forrest ended up really great and made Jakob irrelevant.

She's a moron that got roasted by Tiki.

Yet neither have a trio of sisters, plus 8's ponies were so forgettable most people gave them a flying snake mount instead of a super pegasus.

What was ISIS thinking giving best girl (male) childbearing hips and you can't even fuck him