Why are Switch owners so happy?

Why are Switch owners so happy?

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Why are you so sad?

Why are Playstation 4 owners niggers?

>waiting until Christmas to get a switch that somebody else bought for you


because they take it up the ass, you should try it sometime.


where'd you steal that collection from

They're soycucks that will never get white womyn unlike based Sonybro

Why would this guy even want his parents or whoever the fuck he lives with to get him something that’s $300.00 and has only entertainment value? Shit like this you should buy yourself with your own money, since all it does is waste your time.

>soy to the world

Why wasn't this heavily used?

Switch is happiness

theres nothing wrong with soy
theres nothing wrong with being happy
theres nothing wrong with being excited
its okay to like nintendo
be nice to one another
6. have a nice day

>white women are highly prized things


Please do the world a favor

He's got a wedding ring.

LMAO, start spreading this around sonybros

They got a neat console you can play anywhere that comes with most of the top 10 games of 2017.

A kid in an adult's body

They objectively are.

LMAO this post perfectly represents you. Failure at games, failure at posts, failure at school, failure at gets, failure at life. You will literally never live this down.

t. fat white womyn

>sony loser
>getting anything when they did not get 1 game in 5 years
lol nice joke there. Switch has gotten more games in 1 month than the PS4 in like 7 years.


>being this behind the times

is this the most /reddit/ image of all time?

Why are Nintendo owners so happy Sup Forumsros?

The virgin switch.
The chad station

Shovel knight had a physical PS4 release? More over Shovel knight had a physical release? Neat.

White women have no value. My current gf and last 3 exes have all been Latina

They aren't jaded internet toughguys who unironically hate videogames.


Switch is better than a gf
Prove me wrong

Once artificial wombs are invented they're finished.

because they attract pussy like flypaper attracts flies



currently filling hole with switch because gf is gone, it's ALMOST as good as a gf

Ignorance is bliss.

Go create a Tinder right now with a 4/10 white slut. See how many hits she gets, more than literal Chads.
Why do you think even ugly white women demand attractive 6'+ guys?
Why do you think feminism is so strong?
Why do you think that women can get paid for literally existing?
Regardless of your personal opinion, women are objectively a VERY protected class, white women even more so. You disagreeing doesn't make the army of white knights go away.

>wedding band
how can you act like a manchild still when you're married

It is. I mean, just look at you.

hey man

cut it out


>soyboys calling other soyboys 'soyboys'
I can't get enough of this shit, you fucking kids are great

What I think is funny is these images started being posted on christmas to brag switch makes people happy, or switch won christmas. Mods allowed it to stay up, but once the narrative turned they began deleting the images out of seething anger.

>women are objectively a VERY protected class,
wow way to fly off the handle, there, pal. we're not discussing women in general, just the white ones. Did we hit a nerve, pumpkin? Need to talk it out? Need to have a cry? Sorry, no crying allowed, go back to your cuckshed :^)

>I know you sre but what am I
Grow up.

I hope this might be helpful, good editing by the way.

>tfw literal soyboy living on jimmyjoy (eu version of soylent) and black coffee
I only game on PC though

>muh nawalt

>oh yeah, how about we steal the meme based on real life just to get back at you HMMMM?

goddamn, that crack shit the CIA pushed fucking decimated black communities across the US

>Why are Switch owners so happy?
But so are Sony players. Its just the rest of the household who hates them.

Nintendo consoles are purely based on nostalgia, so it appeals to manchildren.

fucking cat knows what's up. Playstation is gay.

>act like a retard
>surprised when nobody respects you

This webm never fails to make me smile

Getting wrecked by your own cat for being a roach. Priceless.

>A 2nd person is taking all of these pics
Sup Forums BTFO

But the game of the year 2017 is a modern game made better than any other modern game.

I'm sure you are a Chad with your r/pcmasterrace pics

Why do Sup Forumstards spend so much time to project their own insecurities?

>nintendo makes a copy of skyrim and a ubisoft open world game
>somehow this gets GOTY because nintendo

>is two years old
>suddenly tons of ammo with the soy meme and switch soys pop up
>webm suddenly resurfaces and people always repy of LOL SONY BTFO RIGHT DUDES???
kek, pathetic

>cat going in for the kill

They can sense weakness.

>Those roachers

What the fuck is with these people taking selfies with their mouths agape? Every single time it's the same type of scraggly bearded, andogynous flannel shirt wearing hipster male. Every time. What is the connection between the two?

Based Nintencat wrecking that filthy sonyroach

The irony.

Why not just fuck girls and not marry them? If you wear a condom they can’t screw you. I think most mgtow are just bitter virgins. Smart people just smash and dash.

if there was ever any doubt who soy posters are, of course it's fucking REDDIT fags

Don't quite understand the roaches part; evolution of the bugman?

No, they got GOTY because they did it better than anybody else before them.

Why are Nintenbros such fucking homos?

>the nintendo soyboy


>the playstation chad


old 2ch meme

No it was welfare that did it. Welfare hit in the 60s crack didn't come along to finish the job till 20 years later. Before they didn't get free handouts they had incentive to stay together as family units and communities to support each other.

Welfare is dysgenic.

Literally no one like so(n)ygoys.


Why is Sup Forums obsessed with other men?

>all those fuccbois
Laughing out loud.

okay ayn rand


I hugged TWO girls this last weekend, thinking about upgrading my wardrobe

Welfare is a stupid system and that pseudo intellectual jew ayn rand has nothing to do with it

post the xbros too

Jesus Christ maybe those people should stop living in filth

Are you for fucking real right now? That's pathetic, dude.

As far as first posts go this one's pretty devastating


It's not just PS4s literally having roaches inside of them, the "roach" thing predates that. It stems from sony fans being called gokiburi in nippon

pastebin.com/K2QM5CpB ( kotaku.com/why-sony-fans-are-called-cockroaches-in-japan-569526221 )

you can say you disagree with her all you want but saying welfare makes people weak is some randian/libertarian shit


How does welfare NOT make people weak?

Spot the difference.


