Retro gaming channel

>Retro gaming channel
>Features a guy standing in front of shelves lines with tons of old videogame boxes
>Overly long intro featuring him turning on a retro console or putting a game in it (usually the nes)
>8 bit music constantly playing in the background
>Has one or more of the following characteristics: Receding hairline, beard, glasses, is overweight, huge nose

Other urls found in this thread:

>people spend thousands on 30 year old plastic instead of torrenting the full rom set in 30 minutes

Cool thread, senpai.

Who cares, post the girls

Emulator fags are just as bad as apple fags

You don't even need an emu. An everdrive can play it all natively. But if you enjoy hoarding junk, be my guest.


Hello there, fellow frog!

inb4 this thread gets removed due to loliposting but
>how to paint your old SNES!

he has hella cute artstyle

t. Poorfag who can't afford his hobby
Why don't you go back to sticking things into your ass instead?

Amazing reply, plastic fetishist. Go blow some more fat cash on things that cost 50 cents to make.

Okay I will because I have the money to spend because I'm not a poor bigger on welfare

McJob: the post. You seriously sound like someone who just learned about disposable income.

>I have a shitty job that means everyone else has a shitty job
Sure kid

i accept your forfeit.

Cool, when does your next shift start?

"" would fit nicely on this underwear

How about this?
>retro gaming channel
>you don't see the host, just hear his voice over relevant gameplay
>3 second intro after a brief explanation about what the video is about
>chill music on the background, then music from the game being discussed

We need more of this.
If the intro is more than a minute long on any gameplay video, the video is trash

That's how I do my stuff. But it's just one more channel in the sea of channels that nobody will ever watch.

>people regularly post Sup Forums threads about him and his circlejerk of friends and the mods never delete them

I want to cluck Chicken-chan!

Is there a sexier Pokegirl than Chicken? I think not.

>premium shit

May dawn hilda rosa lusamine cynthia mallow shauna sina serena etc. Chicken is trash.

She’s cute not sexy

go away faggot you got my reply

>tries to make a guide on how to do something
>is a complete fucking retard who has no idea what he is talking about

This is why LGR is one of my favorite channels.
He does show his face a lot, but it's never the focus of any video, and a lot of the time he just wants to show a physical device he has

the #1 key to becoming a youtube "retro gaming" douchebag is to sit in front of your video game collection. like "oh wow dude, you must be really into video games!!!"

usually the reviewer tries to be as accurate as possible to the original hardware to show authenticity or some shit. Also if you want to complain about something like "poor frame rate" or shitty textures or something, your point appears more legitimate when you're not emulating the game

I like his thrift store vids.