Enter 2018 Anno Domini

The year of Greatness.

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Man, I forgot about AC7. There's been 0 info on it

I will buy the collector's edition for Yakuza 6.

>games xgods play over the yearly cod rehash
>games sonybros play over the yearly cod rehash

1/0 = infinity

Therefore the xbox has infinitely more games people actually care about than the ps4

I bet that 70% of the exclusives in this photo will NOT release in 2018

screencap this

>secret of mana

uhh, what? remake?

I don't even own a console anymore but that list looks pretty solid.

2017 was a better year for the console than this but maybe Spiderman will be good as 2.

This year looks like shit.

50% are guaranteed to be released this year. 5 - 7 of those games are multiplats. All up with a PC & Switch you are pretty much covered for RPG + Action titles.

Games Nobody Wants to Play: The List

>artsy bullshit
Yeah, what a great year

>bunch of movies, yet another jrpgs and "artsy" shit

posting twice does nothing

*also on PC

The only good games that came out last year was Nier Automata, an overall 8/10 but not nearly close enough to the masterpiece everyone is making it out to be, and Persona 5, an alright game I guess for the Persona franchise. Definitely not the best one out of the saga though.

>Therefore the xbox has infinitely more games people actually care about than the ps4
What is the game on Xbox that I should care about this year? Another 30fps Forza game?


Automata was shit both in its own right and compared to Nier

>hd ports/remasters
>count when on a Sony platform
Really makes you think.


>Nier Automata, an overall 8/10
You're faggot
>an alright game I guess for the Persona franchise
Real fucking fag