New Zelda and Pikmin coming soon?
We already knew about both of these
a link's awakening remake being 3ds only would be so fucking lame
i don't think so....
post a link, motherfucker
why on earth would olimar take his family to Earth? this is so obviously fake because the person who made this probably only knows anything about the series from a quick fucking google search.
Well with the sheer variety of these leaks there has to be one that is sort of close to reality.
An actual leaker wouldn't take the worst damn photo imaginable on a shitty screen from a shitty angle with an awful camera.
An actual insider with access to the real deal. Would be able to take actual screenshots or just flat out leak the source altogether.
What, so this leak is claiming Nintendo is gonna ALBWify Link's Awakening?
I really hope not. Is it too much to ask for a new 2D Zelda with a unique setting? Reuse ALBW's engine by all means but give it a fresh world.
that Zelda shit might be real. I read recently that a few publications were asked permission to use their review quotes for a link between worlds by Nintendo again. that game may be in the same vein as ALBW and they might use those quotes in a promotional trailer. bummer that it's on 3DS though.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if January comes and goes and there isn't a direct. The salty tears from autistic circlejerkers, can you imagine?
>bummer that it's on 3DS though
No it's not. You Switchfags demanding that every game needs to be on that system need to fuck off. Dual screens are a good thing for Zelda, one of the biggest travesties with BotW getting ported to Switch is that the Wii U gamepad functionality got gutted.
ikr? it would be so fucking epic! I'm gonna screen shot these niggas for reddit to see!
>wanting to be forced to use the gamepad
>implying these leak/prediction threads arn't just as if not more reddit
The pot calling the kettle black
I'm just tired of 3ds games. last thing i want for it is SJ Redux and then it's over. I'll still play the current library but I'd appreciate it if Nintendo moved on to the new hardware.
This leak is already confirmed fake.
At the end of Pikmin 3, it is shown and stated multiple times that louie has been lost again. Pikmin 4 is going to be about Olimar finding and retrieving Louie again. There are no if ands or buts about it. This is the story of Pikmin 4, not Olimar taking his fucking family to monster filled Earth like a retard.
This leak is fake. there is nothing else to say about it. Fucking delete this useless thread.
Nice meme.
We can only pray the 4DS comes soon.
I am so fucking mad that the 3ds is getting these good titles like Metroid and top down Zelda instead of being on the switch at a playable resolution. It's fucking insane.
Good. Fuck off, Switchcuck. You killed handhelds.
*goes back to pirating 3DS games on cracked consoles*
The 3DS has been out for seven years. It had a good run.
240p screens in the current decade killed handhelds. The switch is saving them by bringing modern gaming standards back. It's the current decades PSP
>7 year old 240p system
>Getting remakes when the switch is almost a year old
You need to fucking shit the fuck up
why do newfags use the subject line like this?
what's incredible is how people keep saying 3DS is dead and then it continues not being dead, at all. nintendo repeatedly says the switch and 3DS will co-exist and serve separate markets, and that 3DS still has a long path ahead of it.
nintendo itself doesn't consider the Switch a handheld, it's considered a home console you can take to other places and share at parties and shit. 3DS is aimed at children with lower incomes while Switch is aimed at youths and adults who have expendable cash. reggie has vocally stated all of this as well, but people just can't get over it.
Switch owners will cry about how the 3DS is """""""""""""stealing"""""""""""" games from the Switch, while ignoring the fact that the Switch is only successful because it stole a bunch of games from the Wii U
Nintendo also said the Wii U and Switch would co-exist
until they killed the Wii U officially
companies say this every time. all of them. the PS2 and PS3 were supposed to coexist. the PS3 and PS4 were supposed to coexist. the 3ds is only still getting games because it has a big install base and people buy them. this happens when a new generation of console comes out. the 3ds won't see the outside of 2018.
Nintendo would never settle with a single device since it's putting all their eggs in one basket
>Nintendo also said the Wii U and Switch would co-exist
No, they didn't. They never said that.
The ironing
Switchfags GTFO
there was also a time where they said it would continue to be supported but I don't feel like finding it. they said no discontinuation then they discontinued it a few months later.
Yes, they did. Back when the NX was first revealed, they announced a four pillar strategy, with the NX, Wii U, 3DS, and mobile gaming.
>3DS retards STILL think Nintendo will keep the console alive
I have a 3DS and i give thanks to god every day for the Switch. Handhelds are dead, Smartphones won and now that the Switch is successful proper Handhelds will never be a thing anymore. FEELS FUCKING GOOD
>Link's Awakening remake on the ALBW engine
I get that this is a fake but they should never do that, if MM3D and ALBW are any indications they would ruin the game and casualize it out the ass
Stopping production is NOT the same as continuing to make games for it. They didn't stop producing Wii units until 2013, but they stopped making games for it in 2011.
They NEVER said Wii U would still be supported after Switch came out. Literal fake news.
No, they didn't. The fact you won't provide source means you don't believe what you're typing
Plus the style would be shit. GB Zelda has a very special and unique art direction, ALBW tier graphics would be shit.
basic looking gameboy color sprites are hardly an "artstyle"
>there was also a time where they said it would continue to be supported but I don't feel like finding it.
AKA you couldn't find it and don't want to admit you were wrong
There's your first problem.
>hardly an artstyle
Yep, you don't know shit about what that user was talking about.
great, I'm having issues with my right Joycon Syncing already.
fine, here you jerks. why would a company continue to produce software for hardware they aren't even pushing out anymore, anyway?
This is from 2015, when Iwata was still alive. The quote is even from Iwata himself.
Kimishima never said anything about continuing to support Wii U after Switch is out. He did say 3DS would be supported though.
There's no way modern Nintendo would design the Angler boss how he was in LA
He looks so happy, I'd eat anything he cooks.
This shit is getting worse and worse.
>a new Zelda when BotW isn't even a year old
Calling bullshit.
Why? You sound like a 12
that was the entire point though. we were just saying that it was said in the past. it's a trend. nintendo would have said that regardless because you need to protect what you already have in case your new stuff fails somehow. games will be produced for it because it has an install base and then eventually support ends when you've grown your new hardware. the Wii U was abandoned particularly quickly because it wasn't actually successful. this is similar to the GameCube and the Wii. the 3DS on the other hand can still move some units. they're probably working on a replacement for the 3ds right now.
Makes sense since a majority of WarioWare games were on GBA/DS and used touchscreen and gyro.
>a new Zelda
what new zelda?
i see nothing new.
>Imagine being this stupid
>they're probably working on a replacement for the 3ds right now.
Are you legitimately retarded?
Yeah I wish
someone post that image of "anyone can make a fake leak, you fucking idiots"
he's right, there was a "leak" of course we all assumed it was fake, because "no new 3ds will be made" but apparently its true, the links awakening 3ds game is real.
3rd one is cute as fuck
it would be financial suicide for Nintendo not to have a direct in January, considering they very little releases already announced and an investors' meeting on the 31st.
It may not be this week, but it WILL be this month
which direct was this a leak for? or is this even real?
>prediction threads are reddit
your newfag is showing
it was a leak for Nintendo's Direct on 3/3/2016
it was indeed posted a few days before the direct itself. I remember calling it fake for having such a stupid idea as SNES games ONLY on the NEW 3DS.
but that's what happened
I don't know of any other legit leaks though
>implying companies don't begin brainstorming the next console shortly after the release of their current hardware
It has been seven years. You'd have to be foolish to think otherwise.
Update the firmware of the controllers in settings. It was patched months ago.
This. Earth is fucking dangerous in the Pikmin universe, it's like taking your family on a trip to the middle of a jungle filled with tigers ready to eat you. Only thing I can think of working is if it's another "oh shit we crashed" story.
The January 2017 Switch presentation leaked on here.
hmm... interesting. I agree that shitty angle photo leaks can always be real, but I still don't believe OP's leak one bit, simply because they have to have more games that the two shown, since nintendo has absolutely no plans for 2018. Also what this user said:
fuck me LBW had an ugly artstyle, this LA remake rumor better not be true
You mean the year the WiiU got hacked and Nintendo didn't even update the firmware to close entrypoints?
The point is that the games that were coming to the WiiU will release but it will nothing gain nothing new. I bet Nintendo would've preferred to cancel the WiiU version of BotW completely
Not sure about Zelda, but we've known about Pikmin 4 being in development since the Wii U. They literally fucking told us.
Imagine if Nintendo released GBA games on New 3DS and actually regularly added more to the eshop
They'll fuck it up somehow.
Nintendo always kill the old consoles the fastest though.
The PS2 got produced until 2013 and got games until 2014.
You completely miss what companies mean by that, most of the time they say "Yeah, we won't drop it" and just let games released on those things but it's never themself.
yes please
>3DS is aimed at children with lower incomes while Switch is aimed at youths and adults who have expendable cash.
Holy shit, do you really believe that?
> reggie has vocally stated all of this as well,
Yeah, it's almost like they want to sell the old hardware as well.
The thing is that even though the Switch is selling pretty well, the userbase isn't big yet. They're still behind Vita owners.
The 3DS sold a lot more, so it's an ideal platform to develop. Production is really cheap and install base is huge.
Also the ones who are upset about the 3DS getting games are those dumb switchbeggars.
No no no, OP, it needs to be more blurry and confusing. Come on, try again.
>confirmed fake
>bases this "confirmation" on their own personal speculation from a few pieces of text in Pikmin 3 that acts as a nod to Pikmin 2
If I recall they announced one was in development, but in no way coming soon
I'd be okay with that. WarioWare is my favorite Nintendo series and the more Ashley in my life, the better.
They said the 3ds and the switch would co-exist
so what? are you saying that Louie is just magically going to be back on hocotate? are they just going to ignore that he was left there?
quit throwing away consistency from a series that very strictly follows it versus a series like mario, just to support your shitty fake leak of "olimar takes his family to a fucking hell of giant monsters because lol who cares we get play as olimars le son now!!!"
>it stole a bunch of games from the Wii U
which ones?
no more zelda for 3ds
i'm sorry user
Mario Kart 8
Bayonetta 2
Fast Racing Neo
Just to name a few
And you could even consider BoTW in that list.
All games on Wii U. So how are they stolen again? Meanwhile 3DS games like Samus Returns are stuck there.
I'm not the same user but I'm pretty sure ports and that devalued the Wii U's already lacking library is what he meant.
>Meanwhile 3DS games like Samus Returns are stuck there.
... and?
I'm not the OP and it's not my fake. I just felt like pointing out that one's own assumptions about the direction a series is hardly proof to discredit a fake
That said, Nintendo very rarely gives a fuck about lore or timelines so "olimar takes his family to a fucking hell of giant monsters because lol who cares we get play as olimars le son now!!!" sounds exactly like something they would do.
half of Pokken's characters aren't available on the Wii U, so no.
That has nothing to do with the Switch and you know it. Though I will admit they could have added the arcade characters to the Wii U version as well.
And, following what this guy said the 3DS is indeed stealing games from the Switch, while the Switch is SHARING games from the Wii U.
So you're saying that the 3DS also stole games from the Wii U?
>the 3ds is getting a few shovelware games so it isn't dead
Retards. The only major game the 3DS has gotten in the last few months is Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon which is basically just a lazy mod of a game they already released. Of course they're not gonna stop dropping shovel-ware for it. It's like saying the Vita isn't dead because it's still getting some weeaboo trash. The point is the 3DS will never get a major game again.
Which ones?
>Nintendo very rarely gives a fuck about lore or timelines so "olimar takes his family to a fucking hell of giant monsters because lol who cares we get play as olimars le son now!!!" sounds exactly like something they would do
except this isn't Nintendo. This is Miyamoto and only Miyamoto. He cares deeply about this series, despite the lack of popularity. if he didn't care about the lore of the series then it wouldn't have any to begin with. Why would they suddenly stop establishing continuity for the series after doing so for every game so far? You can't even blame it on "neo-nintendo" either, as Pikmin 3 has had the MOST lore and world building out of any Pikmin game before. It literally dialed down on it tenfold.
I really don't understand what you're getting at.