VRChat two weeks ago

>VRChat two weeks ago
>It's fun and interesting

>VRChat now
>Hundreds of fucking Ugandan Knuckles yelling "DO YOU KNOW THE WAY"
>Ask them "Guys, could you please stop"
>They start spitting on me
>Loud fucking ear raping spitting sounds


Other urls found in this thread:


The internet is populated by retards now.
Nothing good lasts.
It’s your own damn fault for trying to be e-famous.


You dont like dank memes? What are you? Over 12 years old?

where are the Sup Forums mods to let this non game cancer spread here? you even brought fucking pdp videos here, for god's sake


Is this the meme flavour of the week?

>Asking them to stop
Dumbass. All that's going to do is increase their faggotry because people just love to piss other people off.

Are you saying you want a safespace, OP?

>It's fun and interesting
Fuck you kid

pool's closed

Fuck off and die gay RPer.

go outside and socialize instead you get cool benefits like friends


I usually only see 1 or 2 in each area I'm in, and they never really sidetrack anyone.

But, do you know de way?

*clicking noises*

Respond in kind and bone up on "Who Killed Captain Alex" quotes.

Why do normalfags spam memes to death?

>op doesn't even know de way


memes change

>stripped down second life in vr
>fun and interesting
It was funny for the two months it lasted. It's wildly boring and was filled with spammers from the start. Everyone did dumb initial d ear rape or creepy loli rping. Idk to what you're so upset about

Yes, I know the way.
Now go there.

Just like any fad this will die out in at most a couple weeks, than later something else will take its place. Conceptually this is nothing new.

all memes will pass, how new are you to internet? use this time to make avatars

There is no way


OP is literally a normie.

Is it not possible to make your own server where a specific model is blacklisted?:

That is not de way

>all memes will pass,
But the problem is that normalfags spam the same memes years after their expiration date.

>thing gets popular
>thing gets overrun by mimicking retards
part and parcel

This sounds vaguely familiar...

>Sup Forums is now on the receiving end of being trolled

how times change

Dis is not de way

we must find de new quinn

>no Afroduck

Fucked up


>meme game for meme hardware devolved into memers spouting memes
I'm surprised it took two weeks

He let us hanging

We used to be those retards. Now we're just jaded.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't


suicide is painless
it brings on many changes


Sup Forums is full of normalfags.

OP you're correct but I have a solution, just listen..


t.Buttmad animu ERP'r

I genuinely liked this at first but now is normalfag tier and over used. I'm so fucking pissed it's ruined the game and probably will ruin the game forever

>Meme game made popular by some twitch nigger
It was going to happen, hell it has always been like this ever since gangs where a thing

>advertising Sup Forums
so thats why this website sucks now


>>Ask them "Guys, could you please stop"
are you a moron? how can you possibly think this would ever work on the internet
go the fuck away from them, go to a different area, go to a private room, whatever
don't ask people to stop because a) they will not stop and b) they'll do it even more because you wanted them to stop
jesus christ

>But the problem is that normalfags spam the same memes years after their expiration date.
Not really these days, jump from FoTM to FoTM.
It's more that they accelerate the date or make the whole original meaning/purpose of the meme disappear or get stale due to overexposure

You can mute them dumbass


that was over 10 years ago

>People acting like pieces of shit
>Ask them "Guys, could you please stop"
Yeah, that'll get them to stop. There is no way they will turn their attention to you and act like pieces of shit.

shieet, if the game had permanent collision enabled we could close pools in vr chat someday

>It's more that they accelerate the date or make the whole original meaning/purpose of the meme disappear or get stale due to overexposure
Yeah and after the meme has become stale, cringeworthy, unfunny, they still keep spamming it.

>VRchat day one
>"I can dress up as an anime girl and demand attention from people!"
>VRchat now
>"I'm not part of this joke so cut it out!"

>accidentally left 20 knuckles in new york because I forgot to drop a portal
>go back to uganda
>ask 20 different knuckles if they know where to find my friends
>for one straight minute all I heard was 20 people screaming "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

>call your game VRchat
>in reality most people are just running around with wasd on their computer
>no ability to make a VR only lobby or room either
who designed this garbage

>tfw all you wanted was some nice erp

Just block them block dude, being able to easily cuck annoying people and snap straight back to your conversation is one of the best things about this game.

if it was VR only nobody would play it

Come to SL its better in every way

p much this, altspace vr was basically the same thing and is ded, tho vrchat is probably selling tons of vives/rifts

>animufags triggered
Its time for you to go back. You are on the website that is known for enjoying ruining other people's fun, you will find no sympathy here.

I can't wait for the Ugandan Knuckles episode of Law & Order

This is the future you chose.
Embrace it.

>if there were specific VR only lobbies and rooms, nobody would play the entire game with 9 bazillion lobbies
yeah that's a real good state of mind

Hey, real talk.
What would you suggest they do?
Serious question. I have dialog with mods.

why is she not smug enough?

you must have ebola

Go back where? Do you know how long I've been here?

This is the best thing that ever happened to them. They're getting huge amounts of attention for a social app which was hanging by a thread. And no, don't pretend this was a thriving social platform beforehand, I followed the development of this thing and it only had decent player counts during events a planned meetups.

I hate the ebin memelords too, but don't think for a second that the mods will do anything about them. Just accept that VRchat is officially dead and move on.

>label this and similar behaviour when people uses the same skin and says the same thing as "raiding"
>give all "raiders" a VAC ban
>laugh your ass of when they are making threads on the steam forum about they being VAC banned

13 years.

Habbo alpha was so comfy

Do you know dey web?

desktop mode was a mistake

>give X a VAC ban
VAC is completely automated, no one can give anyone a VAC ban. It is only for program/network tampering.

Haha guys! Look at this image.

>not even playing VRchat
>am actually playing R6 Siege because I've got nothing better to do and need more reasons to off myself
>teammates keep doing this DO U NO DE WEY shit over voice chat
>they get mad when I tell them to stop and eventually teamkill them for it if they refuse to stop

>But the problem is that normalfags spam the same memes years after their expiration date.

unlike Sup Forums who always uses the freshest memes like Pepe and Wojak

>game gets popular
>goes to shit

Why are you even remotely surprised?

pretty sure that brand contains soy

>tfw you missed out on the anime VR erp and VRchat is normalfag central now
I guess I'll try second life. I'd rather deal with furries than meme spouters.

Would be pretty funny if it stayed contained, but you'd see that shit here and on all social media.

Your place is not here any longer if you get upset at Ugandan knuckles.


Is this the Baneposting of video games?
As in, it's the most forced meme to come out?

>get griefed in griefing simulator
>ask greifers to stop
oh my sweet child

>"people" can't erp as trap and now are mad

no, this was actually funny for 5 minutes unlike baneposting

Mate, you have no idea.

I'm glad I don't get this meme or why it's supposed to be funny.

>was going to buy a VR headset
>realize that outside of VRchat, there's literally 0 "worth it" games
I guess a bad meme has saved me from a bad purchase

Baneposting is still funny 6 years later. Get mad hothead

waaaah I can't rp as an anime girl anymore

You cannot stop what is only beginning


What the fresh fuck is this autism?