Post the game that defined your childhood

Post the game that defined your childhood



>2011 was 20 years ago




so many good memories with this game

Post nudes




The gba version

whats that

wtf how can anyone be so young as of skyrim to be their childhood game
>skyrim was 7 years ago
>all those toughts came to my mind
Anyway here it is.

Homm 1-2

Age of empires II, Pokemon rgb/crystal/rse, original dota and warcraft 3 which i just right clicked and never learnt the game.
Wish i played runescape, wow, elder scrolls and other games as a child but i was poor and all my games were pirated or something + no internet.

Gothic series are the best RPGs.


This is the proper sarcastic response to the bait post OP made.

Someone should now post something that came out in 2018




>being a child on the internet

This is now unironically true for some Sup Forumsirgins.

wait a minute, that game is almost 2 years old

is your birthday coming up?
