Play game called "life"

>play game called "life"
>no save points
>its pay to win and has lootbox like gameplay
>can't respec your character unless you have money or connections
>end up doing several side quests because main quest is shit
>bosses are unfair and overlevelled

h-how do i git gud Sup Forums?

>mom is about to uninstall the NEET mod

>postgame content is completely unknown to players that didn't finish the main quest yet
>magic skills and classes so rare that 90% of players doesn't even know they exist anymore
>same with non human races characters

>rolled low starting stats
>cant fucking respec
>cant participate in most quests and no guilds accept me
fuck this shitty developer and the bullshit RNG

>fatal glitch called schizophrenia
>no patch has been developed yet

>therapist add-on stopped working

>class is irrelevant because of current skin


>Tfw didn't pick expert mode and get spawned in africa

> female companion DLC for free
> porn version costs though

What's the point of this thread?

Eventually someone will misunderstand the joke and start posting screenshots from Real Lives

>retard debuff
>attractiveness - 5

>RNG gives me black man character
>walking down the street going to work
>police man shoves me against the wall and plants drugs in my pocket
>beats the shit out of me

>no save points
>still save your mistakes

>failure debuff
>retard debuff
>virgin buff
>no way to change anything or cheat

END 10
LCK -10

>you attempt to win at any part of life
>critical failure

>being NEET instead of productive memeber of society
>leeching of your parents

so when is the universe gonna get emulated or at least hacked?

this garbage is an unplayable RNG fest, only things that could save it are cheats or save states

Worst game I've ever played, how do I access the console?


>main quest could end at any moment due to RNG, or player can end main quest at any time.

>can't respec your character unless you have money or connections

you can't respec in this game at all you fucking retard.

>play game called life
>can't choose stats or save
>however main quest requires minimal effort and does not require money or good looks
>if you complete it you'll get an eternal new game plus with loli harems and anything else you wish for
Take the religionpill

It's p2w bullshit. Your starting stats, birthplace, birth parents, and chance for genetic defect are all lootbox tier BS. Paying more money also objectively gives you an advantage for skillups during the child phase and health bonuses during the adult phase. All of this, combined with the fact that there's permadeath makes this a huge scam.

At least the graphics are nice, though.

>mfw crypto mod

>those stats
That kind of power fantasies was found from theres

Depends, my eyes have pretty bad graphics and I have to pay to get a good resolution

>tfw finishing my main story tomorrow
Later suckers

the minigames are pretty good though

>play as female toon
>everyone gives you preferential everything for free if you flirty a little.

>INT 9

I see you have the "Szechuan Sauce" buff on you too fine sir, an excellent choice

>don't log on for days and when you do log on you never level up important skills and farm important items

>blame the government and rich people for sucking at the game

Sadly that's me. I've had some astonishingly hard times and it never seems to stop. Born to suffer I guess.

>you should work because uhhh JUST WORK OKAY!!!!

>could not install the right crypto mod

same, i think my copy has some sort of depth of field bug, it's really strong for some reason and can't focus past 20 feet



>graphics are a fucking character stat that you can pay to increase
how they fuck do the devs get away with this shit?

>I want things but don't want to produce things in exchange
Being NEET is fun while it lasts but once the gravy train ends all that will be left is suicide.

>have high stats in CHR and INT
>everyone dying to convince you it isn't real
>will never understand why

>even the minigames are p2w bullshit
Why are we still here, just to suffer?

>stats are gimped from the start
>irremovable debuffs, will further deteriorate and develop more crippling effects if said debuffs isn't treated via cash shop currency

hm yes, very balanced game

>have "high CHR"
>people disagree with you

>everyone has debuffs
t. NPC

Not the same thing and you literally just did what my post said you would.

why work?
>show appreciation for your parents (who spent 18+ years worth of time and money on you) by not having them pay for your shit anymore
>make friends with coworkers and meet new people, and generally practise acceptable human interaction
>comply with the natural human drive to expend energy and achieve things
>not to mention learning how to manage your time, money and relationships along the way
is there anything more pathetic than NEETs who are smugly grounded in their delusion?

None of those sound remotely appealing.

>make a hybrid str/int build
>end up with low con and luk
>no good classes

How do I reroll guys

I didn't choose to be born. Thus, I owe my parents nothing.

>mfw crypto mod + early retirement hack


then your charisma isn't nearly as high as you think it is.

I was a NEET for a year and a half and while it was nice having loads of time to sleep and do shit, I just ended up shitposting on Sup Forums most of the day and it’s much better having loads of money to buy whatever I want and go out with friends.

>decent stats but STR is non-existent so can only roleplay manlet pistol assassin
>spawn in shithole country but immigrate so the third-world tutorial was basically useless, and i'm too old for the first-world tutorial

That post was the opposite of Sup Forums

they don't sound appealing because you've never experienced their positive outcomes. i'd feel sad for you but then i remember there are thousands of people like you on this site and each one is less competition for me

T-the post-game will be better, right?

I think he just meant it was bait to derail the thread into Sup Forumsshit

>wanting to go out with friends
>capable of getting a job


just go full heavy-handed glass cannon scientist

I hope the leaks are true

>post-game is the actual game

>parents pay off your mortgage
>still need money

Does anyone know where all the good females spawn? Can't seem to find one anywhere

Luck isn't a real stat. You're just delusional


What did you expect from a free to play game

>it’s much better having loads of money to buy whatever I want stay home

>Acquire morbid obesity debuff
>Endurance and Charisma now reduced to 2
>Agility at 1

so go make some. finding a shitty job is not hard and finding a decent job requires that you be good at that job. it tends to work itself out.
i swear the only people who complain about work are those who were raised with absolutely zero principles or had useless dads who taught them absolutely nothing about being a man

>Skill learning rate is highest between level 3 and 16 than quickly plummets
>If you haven‘t leveled charm at all when hitting level 16 you get a massive charm/ self-esteem debuff for the rest of the game
>Only played minigames in that levelrange

Small dick

The main quest is a huge fucking grind, you spend literal years trying to raise INT, and the only fun sidequests during that time introduce you to consumables that literally lower your INT. What a cruel fucking joke.

Probably in the middle of the country where I'm likely to never go. I'm on the coast with a bunch of roasties.

haha it's so cute!


Imagine if they made a game like life where in the late end game your character gradually becomes weaker and more frail until they die.

what a shit game

This. An entire generation of daddy's girl (male) were just raised.

>there's permadeath

not if you choose the right class

based naked switchposter

Is it uncut or cut

born to lose
live to win
cheer the fuck up cunt and get your hands out your ass

I have low charisma but I have this perk that allows me to skip fights by talking. I don't know how it Works but the option always comes out when I am about the get beaten by another player

>Spend years trying to find a nice female
>Finally find one, 1st step of marriage quest completed
>10 other females spawn out of nowhere and throw themselves on you
>Attempt to cheat
>Fail stealth check, never put points into sneak.
>Back to square one.

>parents fail you
>so get a job to show you respect them


It has a name

>getting into a position where you can be beaten by a player

Struggle produces strength and character my friend.

>get shitty job or spend 4+ years studying to get decent job
>that requires you to have 5+ years of experience just to start at the lowest rung

get in a library and read all the books. Max out INT and get a comfy job doing something most players can't.

Works well for me

>finding a female companion
Get a load of this fag

switch penis poster strikes again

>make friends with coworkers and meet new people, and generally practise acceptable human interaction

They say it doesn't exist and its only a lie the devs told people in order to keep you playing the main story. To make things worse every player that finished the game refuses to tell

>Majority of the dungeons are in restricted areas

You do not need to eat or smell shit to know that its shit

I never quite understood that meme

You're right bro I know. Just gotta keep grinding.

Hey guys, it's the Admin here. I just thought I'd get some feedback from the playerbase. Any issues you'd like to flag up regarding "Life"?