Did you buy her new game?

did you buy her new game?

I’m neither a 5 year old nor a manchild so no


I want fuck her in the most brutal way possible.

no and I won't

Something something my dick

No, the changes make me mad
>removed the cave scene
>instead of based kukui as final boss, local jobber and faggot hau replaces it
>Anabel is turned irrelevant
>Team gay rocket doesn't make full use of the alternate universes thing
Fuck usumo.

her new game its a copy of her old game

No I emulated it but got fucked over when it softlocks at the hall of fame. Pretty good though, 100% the most challenging mainline Pokemon game.

Why didnt lillie turn out even half as sexy as her mom? Shes such a disappointment.

Her mom is 40 dude, you have to wait for Lillie to grow up.

You can use one of those save editors to bypass scripted events like that, though I'm not sure if it'll work at the Hall of Fame

user Lillie is 10.

I did and I regret

Yes, and?

Hau had the better team though.

She has some delicious legs and thighs for her age

After Black and White went and made the protagonists' ages older than 10, you can't really use this canned phrase anymore.

I pirated Ultra Moon and I am at the third island.
Game is yawn inducing, should I continue?
Somehow I kinda enjoyed Sun.

It was actually his game though

Because she's so annoying in the anime I feel her mother was right in abusing her. She deserves it for being annoying. Was she this annoying in the game?

The plot change after the 3 island

Terrible personality. Personality makes or break a female character. The tits and the ass are a bonus.

Thanks, I might continue

USUM is the first mainline games I've skipped since Yellow version. Will still be getting the next mainline games I guess but I haven't been this disinterested in the series in a long time


This is the first Pokemon game I don't know if I want to finish.

The protags of gen 7 are explicitly said to be 11 years old, as is Hau. No one says Lillie's age.

Isn't it the first game where they state protagonist's age?

I believe so, Wicke is the one who does.

XY did too, the post game story introduced some mind controlled hobo girl and it was said she's "16, the same age as you"