Whats an immersive sim?

whats an immersive sim?

Jesus, what happened to her?



A sim that immerses.



she's still pretty cute tho, barring the manjaw

fps/rpg games made by looking glass studios and offshoots of looking glass like bioshock, deus ex and dishonored

an fps with some rpg stuff

A pointless name for FPS games that have light RPG mechanics


fps/rpg hybrids with emphasis on hand crafted
open levels with attention to detail and reactivity
The opposite of bethesda style giant open world rpgs


bullshit, ultima underworld is older than all of them and better than most

What happened?

>ton of makeup
>big as bags under her eyes

She looks worse than me (and is 5 years younger) and I smoked for 15 years+alcohol abuse.

Warren Spector called Deus Ex that, though if I heard the term know I'd probably associate it with walking simulators.

VR Warthunder planes in realism mode

Approaching wall at full speed is what happened. She's probably banged up good too, all tinseltown women are. Why do you think they're foaming at the mouth with that #metoo stuff? Sold their bodies for fame and now they're assblasted, literally probably, because roles are drying up.

ultima underworld is a dungeon crawler

that's a qt little moustache

The therm was coined by someone else as far as i know. Spector these days use "one city block rpg", not necessarily towards immersive sim games, but the concept is basically the same

>one city block rpg
I like that.

>posts blatantly photoshopped image to start thread on anti feminism shitposting.
Boy the awards show rattled you really hard last night huh.

First person perspective
Focus on immersing the player
Emergent gameplay

RPG elements are common but not necessary.

being british

and? you explore dungeon, you explore ship.

bong genes
t. someone with bong ancestry