How was Deus Ex so ahead of its time?
How was Deus Ex so ahead of its time?
Deux Ex wasn't ahead. You're just regressing.
t. soy boi
Soy food has been a thing for a while my dear underage
Turns out conspiracy theory usenets were right about everything.
Is it wrong that i've read second greentext in Limmy voice?
everyone on Sup Forums is a soyboy, this board turned into a tumblr tier circlejerk in the past few years
I really wish this whole "HAHAHA DRUMPF!!!" vs "DUHUHUHU SOY!!" goes the fuck away, nobody fucking cares.
Is the Revision mod any good?
Are east asians all soyboys because they have been eating tofu for millennia?
No, GMDX is the patrician Deus Ex mod.
yes it changed their dna
I don't get it. Is the soy meme meant to link female tendencies and general effeminate behavior? If so, why do we constantly jump to conclusions?
One may associate soy with breast cancer because science associates excess estrogen exposure to breast cancer. Soy contains a group of natural plant chemicals called isoflavones. They are found in small amounts in a number of legumes, grains and vegetables; however, soybeans are the most concentrated source of isoflavones in our diet. Since isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors, they can have similar effects to estrogen, but not nearly as strong as animal-based estrogen. Human estrogen is over 1000-times stronger.
However, isoflavones also have non-hormonal effects on the body that are very positive. They help regulate cell growth, which actually safeguards against some cancers. They also play roles in regulating cholesterol levels. Multiple studies on soy have associated eating plenty of soy with lower rates of breast cancer, especially in Asian populations. Furthermore, there are lower rates of breast cancer in many Asian countries, where diets are higher in soy.
I doubt this will do anything but it's worth pointing out to a few that soy based products aren't causing these noticable social changes.
t. soyboy
>everything feminine is bad
>why am i still a virgin
Turns out a lot of those crazy conspiracy theories were true
Yes, user. But at what cost?
>that WOOOO with the camera spinning
fucking lol
>"You boys merely embraced the soy! I was born in soy, molded by it. I didn't see the massive gains until I was already a soyMAN!"
What I'd like to know is their thought process behind removing the Twin Towers from the game... and explaining it by terrorist attacks.
cuz alt right psuedo science preached the idea that estrogen turns you into an effeminate homo, and that soymilk is popular among them so the conclusion is that soy turns you into low testosterone homo numale sjw
found the cuckold soyboy
>that time ion storm got interrogated by the fbi because deus ex was too real
>estrogen turns you into an effeminate homo
It does and soy products sold in the west contains an unusually high amounts of it.
soy sauce is pretty awesome and a lot healthier than covering your food in salt
sex is also a lot more fun than getting mad at people better than you online
i love this pseudo scientific trend in the altright, they're all going to kill themselves taking alex jones' mercury-based brain enhancement pills
Are you on government benefits? Did you eat the "hamburger" or chicken nuggets served at school?
I have some bad news for you.
These days I see more and more people think nothing existed before the internet. Meme culture really screwed this generation.
how's your chastity cage working out?
can you explain why you're an effeminate homo, then?
yes, because the greentext was written in the style of a cockney urchin, whereas Limmy is Scottish.
We're all soyboies here.
fuq u
There was evidence to suggest an increase in estrogen, but the investigation stopped there. I don't expect Sup Forums to be on the cusp of any real conspiracies and they're typically nonsensical. This one just turned into a fun meme that's supposed to trigger Nintendo Switch owners.
>female hormones don't make you more feminine
lol i had to google what that was
you know way too much about male humiliation fetishes
your personality is a fucking chastity cage
Reminder that Nintendo soyboys give the best head
You do realise this is a reference to soylent green right?
I made this.
No. And my school didn't serve hamburgers or chicken nuggets.
Why would being on benefits make you consume soy?
They adapted to it but are also low T compared to white males.
Very underrated fpbp.
It's not. It's just soy in a bag
you do realize that at the time, soy was becoming a very popular alternative food product right?
>soy apparently makes you a homo
>asians eat a lot of soy
So why does China have an overpopulation problem?
At least it's confirmed that Sup Forums memes make you dumber.
If you are american you have been fed soy since childhood, grab any piece of packaged food from your fridge/cupboard, chances are it probably contains soy.
Soy itself contains a high amount. You'd need 1000 times more soy in a bottle of soylent for it to begin to change you into a female. And you'd need to drink it 2-3 times a day.
>Any amount of estrogen will make you a female
>Better avoid almost all rice and veggies
>Ill be a real man if i keep eating my tendies
lol u r dumb
>dude holding up a box of cuckie crisps
do you realize how feminine asian men are?
in africa they consume zero soy and that's why the men there are so big and masculine
because this shit has been known since at least 2000
The dog on the box is making the soylent grin too.
Doesn't make you homo, it makes you are fag. Not the same thing. Asians are evidence for this, not against it.
>American HFCSbois
If soy is high is estrogen then what's the opposite? what foods contain or help the production of testoterone?
yes goy, avoid the soy, eat the corn
we're more vested in the corn
don't read the labels
broccoli and beef
man Sup Forums really are white niggers huh
>not injecting a litre of horse testosterone directly into your ballsack
lol fuckin soyboys
Meat is full of estrogens too and corn-fed beef isn't really good for you.
pork buns
When will this shitty forced meme die off?
>it makes you are fag
China has a soy problem.
America has an education problem.
Ironically a lot of cattle is fed soy too.
>and that's why
I can't tell who's being ironic for giggles anymore
Oh man, somebody post the thing where the /fit/itzens tried eating a bunch of raw onions to boost their testosterone and just got really smelly and cried about how awful it was
It wont.
r/The_Donald wont let it go until they've destroyed it like they did peepee the frog and Sup Forums.
t. boy soy
Bruh they don't even consume food in Africa.
who fucking knew
does that mean Sup Forums is right too?
Soy isn't high estrogen.
It makes me wonder how many people are underaged memers vs. actual brain deficient alt rights. People do know that soy is literally in nearly every processed food, men need estrogen, and that men actually produce it themselves via a different process than women right?
Bullshark Testosterone will get you where you want to go.
It's already being ran to the ground at full force
>far right in charge of being 100% heterosexually secure and not having lewd thoughts about strong, muscular soldier bois goose stepping wearing tight shiny leather
Forget soy, don't have sugar. Sugar promotes the production of insulin. Insulin lowers testosterone significantly.
im living under a rock, so society is now shaming males for being feminine/effeminate?
they're all 100% sincere
they start as memers, but it begins to control their life, then they shoot their autistic girlfriend's parents
Based cuck. Chad in my ass. How did they know? *raises flame shiled* ummm...xDDDD IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAH *teleports behind you* SASUKE!!!!!!! *tickles ur bum* mhehehehehe not bad... for a rookie (Buy Sup Forums pass here!) What is the most kino flick? What is the most, dareisay kinographical ludoschematic ditty in the history of (recorded) music? *BOINK* It should be illegal to criticize Nintendo.
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Fuck man, I literally JUST poured myself a rum and coke.
You need to have more sex, faggot.
No, society is actively encouraging it.
These are people who aren't part of society, they live their lives online. I doubt they have any control over what they eat, if mommy told them to eat soy they'd have to.
>bragging about sex and soy
>on Sup Forums
the exact opposite actually. and that's the problem.
Sick reference man.
Realistically speaking because it's cheap, but most people on this thread would see some conspiracy behind
It turns out that pol is insecure about its masculinity, who knew
me too, except instead of rum and coke it's orange juice
The goal is if there's a link between soylent and becoming effeminate. There's no link because there isn't enough estrogen to cause that. The posts haven't been moved, you just wanna make me upset.