Struggling with Witcher 3

I find this game extremely boring, however it's very possible I may just be playing the game horribly wrong.

I don't want to be thread no. 192382938 Witcher 3 is over rated topic, but rather ask for suggestions in fun builds.

Of course, I'll be playing on the highest difficulty, but I'm wondering what points I should put into my character at first to get to the more into the interesting aspect of the combat. I beat 1 and 2, and I've been struggling to beat 3 since day one I've purchase this.

Did you like 1 or 2's combat?

Personally I liked a magic / potion split. The alternative magic attacks add some nice variety as does getting some of the more weird potion skills like random extra effects / extended potion time while maintaining toxicity. I found that these got especially nice with the expansion skills which enable things like yrden traps chaining together,

That being said the game's main strength is the writing / music and its pretty long so if the story is not doing it for you probably not worth the time. I beat it on the deathmarch (or w/e the highest difficulty is) and as with a lot of games the hardest part is right at the start. You need to be more careful managing stamina / not extend too far but after getting skills it becomes less challenging.

I forced myself to finish it. boring game desu. i dont know why people like it that much. didnt played the expansions btw. also OP post a screenshot where you are at the moment.

I guess you're like me. The production values are high and the story seems to be good for a game, but the actual gameplay mechanics just didn't do it for me. I got about 40 hours in before abandoning it. Combat was boring, the RPG aspects were dull, and if i wanted a story focused experience I'd read a book or watch a film.

I would but re-starting the game for another try after not playing it for a few months. Tho, I should take a screen shot for future refs so people can criticize my build and tell me how retarded it looks.

But in terms of hours, I'd get a good 16 hours in before I start losing interests. I find the story interesting enough, but the combat is what keeps dragging be down.

I found myself tricked by the "open world", I'm level 5 and some side quests are like level 20 for some reason.
I'm playing on normal, not sure if I did good or bad.

>I'd get a good 16 hours in before I start losing interests
I hope you realise that single player games usually end by this point. No matter how good the combat is, you'll get bored of it eventually.

first the highest difficulty is a meme.

the witcher is not a game meant to be played because gameplay or story, mod that shit until your computer breaks and then you play, you play to look at how pretty it is.

Do you get more shortcut on pc? I wanted to do alchemy/bomb build but going in the menu every time was annoying so I settled for swords

was witcher 2 better?

>alchemy bomb build
LOL stop being a faggot and get the griffin set and go aard build, endgame that thing freezes and has a 1% chance to instakill frozen enemies and you can spam it because infinite mana or whatever gerald uses

In some ways yes.
You can even say that it was more "tolerable".

>implying I plan to replay the game

>Of course, I'll be playing on the highest difficulty
Don't bother, the enemies are pointlessly damagespongy. Blood and broken bones is just fine.

One thing I do to make the combat a bit more interesting for myself is simply actually taking the time to create the potions/oils/bombs and using them appropriately.

i liked it way more but most people don't like it for some reason

I never replayed the game and went with griffin. OP was fuck with the blood and wine set

Unfortunately Witcher 3 vanilla isn't one that really does multiple builds well. Some abilities are downright useless while others are overpowered as fuck. I would recommend just downloading an overhaul mod if you don't find vanilla challenging or fun enough, there's no point in slogging through it if you're not enjoying yourself. Off the top of my head, there's the Ghost Mode, Enhanced Edition, Preparation Mod, and FCR3 that can help improve the gameplay a lot. You can also get the HD Texture mod for vastly improved textures and the Wiedzmin Lighting mod for much better lighting and natural colours.

beat it when it first came out

I find myself way more immersed and having tons more this time around. almost would say having a 10/10 experience desu, especially playing on almost all max settings, everything looks so fucking good

But i would have to replay it because i already finished it months ago

You basically have to upgrade quen at least a little on the highest difficulty or you'll have a hard time lasting through fights. After that the world is your oyster and as far as I know there are tons of resources to help you get a super OP build no matter what you choose. I went full swordplay and had some fun, I hear alchemy is some good shit with exciting potion combos. Don't get overly invested in banging out tons of side quests, the story progression is also how you best progress your character and side quests are more about loot and money which can be disappointing rewards eventually.

avoiding side quests seems kinda boring

People shit on Fallout 4 for having shitty dialogue options and no RPG elements yet Witcher 3 is far worse in both aspects.

>tfw from lvls 1-10 Witcher 3 had problems keeping my interest
>lvls 10+ was the best gaming experience I ever had

The Witcher series has always had limited RPG elements and focused on a defined character rather that has a lot of development already put into instead of a character that you create. Fallout has had a long history of presenting a lot of RPG options and elements to the player and FO4 shat on all of that. Stop being obtuse.

There's no way to make the combat fun in W3 on Death march.
I tried going for an alchemy build at first, but I quickly got bored of having to go into my inventory to switch bombs or use potions in the middle of combat every 5 seconds. Too0 much hassle for very little pay off.
I just ended up using Quen, Aard and Igni all the way to the end.

I've seen some really good webm on the witcher end game gameplay. I'm just unsure how to go about obtaining that "fun". Maybe in this case, I wasn't patient with it.

the game objectively isn't fun and cannot be made fun

bonus points: they managed to do this three times in a row. Actually, witcher 2's combat was significantly better though still bad

Blows my mind that people want the Cyberpunk Game when CDPR proved that they cannot make a single game fun *making the same game three times*

how do you fail to make THE SAME GAME fun THREE TIMES

So it's okay when Witcher has always been shit? Noted.

I thought 3 was fun. I didn't play the others though.

I am playing 1. I like it a lot and you can literraly fuck anything that moves

Witcher 1 is the only game in which you have an incentive to fuck women. Without the sex cards, the whole thing is pointless.

It's okay because the Witcher has always been like this. Do you knock on linear shooters for being linear shooters? Or RTS games for being RTS games too? You're one weird user, don't hurt yourself taking down notes.

Some sex seems forced and out of nowhere
>see hungry elf
>Give her food
>I-i spit in your charity you filthy, sexy Dh'oine. Please fuck me in front of everyone now "