*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>in order to learn magic in an empty school, you must demonstrate your magical abilities
the admissión test is using a stupid level 1 spell
Man, remember when you had to work for things?
Remember the quests to enter the imperial mage's guild in Oblivion?
fuck todd
Even then they're looking for the next Archmage.
Eh, it still bugs me but I don't really mind it when you think about it. If I play a Warrior, Fighter, Assassin, or Thief type character I'm not going to join the College anyway
technically you can enter the mages guild in oblivion at any time, without even needing to cast a spell.
>tfw no tall altmer gf
>what's that you don't have the firbolt spell?
>only 30 gold goyim
was the college a scam for retards?
>go to college
>take one class
>run an errand
>become archmage
I mean, it's usually a pretty simple spell you could learn from any court wizard.
Except you need to gain admission as a student to even access the library that you have to visit as part of the main quest (unless you use outside knowledge to sequence break).
That's how every college is.
High-school was just to demonstrate your academic skills to show that you can make it in college.
She sells her requested spell at a much cheaper price than any of the court wizards. It's actually an incentive to join the college, if anything.
At one point in the main quest, you need to enter the college to find out where the Elder Scroll is. At this point, a shout is sufficient enough to be allowed into the college.
>this school is only for elite spellcasters
>you're only allowed in if you can show me you know how to cast this extremely basic spell
>oh you don't know it? here i'll teach it to you
>some retard wants to join the College
>uses a Staff for my test
>let him in anyway
Todd and Emil are retards in fusion. They don't just want instant gratification, they want it to be bombastic. You need to watch Todd's 2012 keynote speech about Skyrim. The shit was designed to be ego-stroking, from gaining skill to leveling up, everything needs to be loud and obnoxious. For faction quests, it should always end with you being the best. It would be great if the amount of work justified it and the reward wasn't just a title. Being Champion/Noturnal's Main Bitch/Archmage practically has the same effect as being a thane, just an honorary title.
>*dies off-screen for no reason*
>Finish Calvicus Vile’s quest
>Open the chest behind his shrine that missed last time I was there
I can’t escape these fucks god damn
You have to pick up the Beacon first, right? Did you just press the Take All button without checking the items first? Anyways, I love Dawnbreaker. Shit is the best looking enchanted sword.
Dawnbreaker is really the only unique sword they put effort into. I hate that so many vanilla Skyrim "unique" weapons are just generic weapons with enchantments.
Sounds just like fallout 4
>mfw i realized the legendary effects are basically enchantments
Yeah. Like the Pale Blade, and the Gaulder Black Blade are just Ancient Nord swords. Dragon's Bane is just a regular Blades sword, etc. It's lazy as fucking hell.
How would you fix this quest?
>they want unique model for every enchanted weapon
Get a load of these dreamboys lmao. I actually want to learn some 3d shit and maybe modding that in would help.
Yeah that was bullshit. I am a fucking warrior with heavy armor and an two handed axe why do I have to be force to join some mage school, luckily I put a mod that fixed that now to enter I need to pay for a "permission " to enter
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand how to use a staff
this happened to me during one of my playthroughs. fucking bullshit.
fuck off, kid. try joining the Fire Mage Monastery in Gothic 2
The mod that makes that one old guy teacher the archmage instead of you. That is the most egregious thing about it. You not being a mage and being a member of the College is reasonable enough (especially when you're Dragonborn as you're a curiosity at the least), but you being the Archmage when you don't even specialize as a mage is stupid.
Why was that bullshit? People who can Shout are extremely rare by Skyrim's times and why wouldn't the College like to meet (and maybe study) someone with such powers and effects? Letting them in to be a student and worker is reasonable.
Neloth and Miraak were easily the best things about that DLC.
I need the list of mods to create that pic.
Sorry user I can't help you.
>It's in the fucking chest at the end of bleakfalls barrow
oh my fucking god
>At one point in the main quest, you need to enter the college to find out where the Elder Scroll is.
You don't. you can go straight to septimus outpost and do the quest at any time, its not tied directly to the mq
That's from a lore perspective maybe, sure the college would love to study shouts without having to climb a Mountain to meet the greybeards but from a gameplay perspective they treat you as any student like you know magic, they are all "magic right guys? " and they all laugh but you don't get the joke because you have an axe, theres no difference is like todd wanted the player to be a Jack of all trades, so you can experience everything in your first playtrough
You would only know that if you already completed the main quest once before.
It's just another example of most of Skyrim's quests not being designed with any aspect of role-playing in mind.
In my first playthrough my spell was "Summon flame atronach". Naturally, as a pure melee user with zero inclination to the arcane, I didn't have enough MP to cast the spell. So I drank a "Raise max MP" potion I found somewhere and summoned an atronach for the bitch and never touched magic again for that quest line.