have you ever been part of the leadership of a guild/clan? found one yourself? i mean in any game.
do you think it would be appropriate to put this on your resume?
have you ever been part of the leadership of a guild/clan? found one yourself? i mean in any game.
do you think it would be appropriate to put this on your resume?
If you can explain it well then yeah sure.
I founded and managed an all Paladin and Priest guild on an RP-PvP server during TBC. Never cleared raids but we did okay in Heroics and PvP.
Wouldn't put it on a resume but it was a challenge for sure keeping such a restrictive guild together.
You can put hobbies/personal interests on a resume, might work there.
I have. In fact, I was leader of a themed ERP guild and co-leader of a raid guild back in Wotlk.
>it says here that despite all your years of raiding, you never even became a class leader in a guild
>care to explain?
I'd say it mostly depends on the job you are applying for, but in general I think it's probably a bad idea. It could be a way to stand out if you are somewhat socially competent. I'd be ready to explain why you put it on your resume and how it can help benefit the position you are applying for.
I became the Paladin and Tank leads for my raiding guild right before Uld dropped.
It was like herding cats, especially with all the Retadin rerolls who ignored mechanics in order to jack off to recount posts after they died.
Once I became the co-raid lead and had the power to pick and choose who to bring, our progression runs got 1 to 3 new kills a night.
Regret never getting Algalon when he mattered though.
Also go ahead and put it on your resume, being a NEET is great while the gibs last.
I was a main tank in a heroic (now mythic) raiding guild back in MoP and early WoD, after a while I completely lost the will to play but kept showing up since they depended on me.
Don't fall for the tank meme anons.
Yes, yes, oh fuck no.
>tfw my friend is a guild leader
>After raid he always bitches about people not listening to simple instructions or just being fuckheads
>recent merger with another guild after most of their core wanted to jump ship
>All the salt when their leadership didn't get any top spots
As hilarious as the stories are, being a guild leader is like having a job, fuck that noise
Was a guild officer in WoW.
Fuck no. It's still a fucking video game.
>b-but maybe the hiring manager plays vidya too.
Yeah but what does he have on his desk? Pictures of his wife and kids. Credentials. Maybe his employee of the month badge from when he started out.
Actual accomplishments
You can
>Spent X years as a leader directing 100 people with a focus on teambuilding and objective directing/completion
You just have to spin it to not sound like an autist
>Puts down Raid leader on resume
>Wonders why they are jobless
>Led my own guild made up of family and friends
>Would raid on the side with a "hardcore" guild
>Friends and family drop the game around the end of BC, move into the Hardcore guild full time
>Become their main group's OT
>Guild decides to make me their B group's raid leader
>Been communicating through text and Macros this whole time on account of being mute
>Tell guild I can't feasibly lead anything since I can't speak
>They boot me off since they think I just didn't want to move to B group
Part of the reason I got moved was because the "DK Class leader" had a girlfriend roll a DK in sub-par tanking gear and they were carrying her through shit to get her geared. Literally just gave her my spot and thought I was too butthurt to take a "demotion."
I wasn't born mute, there was an accident in chemistry lab that led to being exposed to a very noxious gas. It killed a kid in the classroom and shredded the inner lining of my throat/esophagus. There were also further complications during surgery.
>Pictures of his wife and kids
Is that how you view your family user? What kinda psychopaths lurk here???
You know how in the Sims before you get promoted you need to have 8 friends? Real life is actually like that, no joke. Even to get an apartment you need 5 references. Having a spouse is a sign that you are tolerable and will conform to social norms.
I used to have a roommate who was a huge frat boy in college. It was literally his peak in life and has never gone anywhere since. He told me a story one time where he was doing a job interview and was asked someone about a leadership experience, and the guy told him about how he was in charge of a guild on WoW. Lets just say he didnt get the job. This is a story he tells over and over again.
Colleagues willing to be your references are different that your children. If you get married to tick a box, then kys to avoid the real pain of living with a stranger you don't love.
>providing for a family and raising children isn't an accomplishment
>this is what incels actually believe.
>that spoiler
Wow sounds like you got the raw end of what could've been a superhero origin story
I was an officer in a guild once. I didn't do shit. It worked out well. Then again it was pretty much just a 12-15-person guild, 10-man raid team and a few friends/family thereof. Good times.
I was part of a guild only one time, we were riding Illidan when I bugged the game to get all the loot by quitting from raid, I get kicked but geared, so no regrets. Hate welcomed.
>Ran a casual guild with my dad, brother, and some friends from the neighborhood from BC up to like the first couple weeks of Cata when everyone stopped playing
>Group was tight-knit as fuck, we'd raid just about every week and led raids on every Horde city every 2 weeks to get people their mammoths in Wrath
>Nobody plays anymore but most of us still keep in touch
>Your loved ones are there to show off as accomplishments.
>You wouldn't provide for your loved ones if you couldn't tell others about it as an accomplishment.
Actual school shooter material right here.
>he played Alliance
>He didn't play both
>do you think it would be appropriate to put this on your resume?
No, you fucking retard. Go to college and put that on your resume, no one gives a fuck about this kind of shit.
>implying the Horde isn't the true soyboy faction when 90% is composed of Belf and Forsaken chuunis
>strawmanning this hard
Where did the bad man touch you?
>Being this euphoric
For your sake, I hope you grow to love your family despite having married for the wrong reasons.
Are you mad because you have been made to realize that nobody with anything to live for will ever consider anything you do in a video game an accomplishment?
the class leader was a girl who gave out nudes, i pretty much taught her how to spec and do proper rotations.
i didn't really care though, since being a class leader meant nothing even though it was a top 3 guild of the server