>game lets you feel the flow
Game lets you feel the flow
I wanna fug Yuma's sissy boypussy
Wrong guy, I mean Yuma's a fag in his own right, but still.
tfw Zexal is so bad it killed the viewers on Twitch.
Wrong pic, OP
>spinoff titles are better than the original game
>We'll never EVER get Shin Duel Monsters 3
Wrong show.
I'd rather GX twink.
GX characters were pretty gay tbqh
Playing this right now for the first time in about fifteen years. Good shit, better than I remember. I want more games like it regardless of franchise.
play duel links
other than the pendulum shit in the corner this looks less like an "ironic" fan and more like a nostalgafag. It'd be like calling a genwunner in pokemon an ironic pokemon fan.
Who do you main in Duel Links?
Zombiefag here
Posting these retarded images should be a bannable offense.
>watching the dub
>watching zexals dub especially
stop posting
They are, though.
They only care about Yu-Gi-Oh!/Pokémon for the nerd cred now that they got popular again thanks to Go and Links.
I'm still leveling up all my guys but bonz is getting some more priority because I want a ghostrick deck. Hopefully Zane gives some half decent cyber dragon cards, but I'm not that optimistic.
Duel links is fun though.
>everyone was around for 5Ds
>all that nice discussion about "damn this is actually pretty good wtf"
>zexal kills the viewer count
Ah well.
What if I haven't kept up with yugioh since middle school and only got back into it recently because of a Legacy of the Duelist LP by an autistic monkey man
>Summoned whenever he feels like it
>Destroys your best monster
Who /BlueEyesForever/ here?
reminder that zexal is best spin off
Arkana for now.
Reminder that arc v died in synchro
I started marathoning all the YGO series a while back and I reached ZEXAL like two weeks ago
It's pretty weak so far but more importantly, why the fuck wasn't I told about this semen demon?
that's a pretty pathetic semen demon compared to what the original show, GX and 5Ds had
>tfw everyone thinks I named my character in Pokemon after the idol Kotori
>actually named it after this girl
yugioh was always popular buddy. Only konami hates their own card game and is greed asf for fucking up ygppro (and the rest). Thats why most people are currently playing DuelStinks.
I hope you guys like seeing only ninjas for the rest of the month.
Your autism is showing
t. ironic fans
>MFW I was using my Altergeist deck against a friend running Blue Eyes
>Everytime he got this fat fuck out I'd use Silquitous to just return it to his hand
>I let him keep it one turn and he activates the effect
>I destroy the monster outright with Altergeist Protocol
Many laughs were had
Finished leveling Mako to level 40, no idea who to level right now.
Got Bonz, Chazz and Mako at 40, what chars in general have good level 40 cards?
Zexal is a fucking piece of shit and I can barely stomach 5 minutes of it but good lord when she's on screen nothing else matters
The guy in the picture is scared/offended by the Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, it's depicting exactly what you're saying, fren. Of course, people unfairly judge Pendulum as a mechanic. People seem to forget that mechanics aren't what break a game, but poorly designed archetypes and card effects. Pendulum as a mechanic however is very polarizing, and is also inherently slow, so making viable Pendulum cards that are fast enough to offset the inherent difference often ends up going too far and something ends up broken.
Nostalgiafaggots should play Metalfoes pre-MR4, or even Dinomists. They'd realize that the mechanic can be fun without being overpowered. Same thing for Xyz and Synchro. Those mechanics can be just as fun and not game breaking given the right design choices, but can also be fucking degenerate when designed poorly (I think Xyz and now Links are inherently more susceptible to this pitfall but that's another discussion). But of course, DM fans think that everything past Fusion and Ritual ruined the game despite the fact that back in the day, stuff like Kozaky Fusion spam and Metamorphosis existed and Nekroz of course is kind of nuts. But those mechanics have been around the longest, so they're immune to this criticism.
I started watching ZEXAL because of twitch marathon and I'm actually surprised, I agree the main character is annoying but the story so far looks really good, and as kind of a reboot of the series teaching the kids how to play it's perfect
I'm a nostalgiafag and I love Xyz
zexal 2 is actually good too
Bonz is pretty cute, but nothing beats some good old D I N O-D E MO L I T I O N.
>Dino deck
>Ace card is a dragon
Has he always had that retarded purple shit in his hair?
I'm glad, user. But I think you and I will agree that the typical genwunner DM fags usually completely shun newer Yugioh mechanics and cards. The fact you at the very least like Xyz means you're not that deluded.
Why do nostalgiafags love Duel Links so much? That shit is boring as fuck
>30 cards deck
How is Konami messing with YGOPRO?
Yeah, he has.
That's why I'm planning to make a Red Eyes deck for him.
for me I love how fast the duels go with their rules, but still I can feel it's missing way too many good cards
>DL duels
Do you even YGOpro?
just about to finish maxing joey i already joy keith maxed thinking about doing mokuba next so im ready for some dragon goodness with kaiba
nope, but lately I am playing Zexal for 3ds and the fantranslated tag force special, both feel like the matches easily drag until someone get a key card
Were they gay?
were beavis and butthead gay? no because they were just comical relief
Not an nostalgia fag (although I really don't like links), I like Duel Links because it's an alternative format that has its own set if rules.
doesn't the 3ds zexal game have massive framerate issues and crash a lot?
No, they were just the best two duelists in the region, and were washed up shortly after their introduction
Exodia? Le obliterate!
Fuck off, faggot.
Not him but the only really severe issue I'm aware of with Zexal 3DS is that the localization cut 70% of the total content of the game (e.g. some modes are gone, playable cast cut from 40 to 12 characters, etc.)
S2 has Rio, who's far better than this garbage but other than that, the entire series is garbage.
>people in Duel Links pvp still try to use ecom when I got Horus Lvl 8
>Win with Bonz
>You didn't stand a GHOST of a chance!
>going up against bamboo OTK
>set a monster and an Enemy Controller
>he summons Sprite
>triggers Sprite's effect
>special Summon Eco to stop Effect Damage
>he equips two Amulets on Sprite
>think he is going to attack
>whatever, i can win next turn
>he triggers the effect two more times
>uses Cup of Ace
>gets two more equips, uses Sprite's effect again
>he surrenders
And that's how i got King of Games.
at least playing in the console there was no framerate issue, only the npc taking forever to turn monsters to attack and defense
there is one fantranslated, yugioh saikyo, that they made the game to look like a pokemon version of the card game, and this one I can say it plays like shit in how slow everything goes
>using horus
>in 2018
Get good goldfag
>duel links pvp
Luna>Tori>titty monster Alexis>Yuzu>Akiza=Aoi
I spent dozen of gems on electric overload so I could main Bandit Keith with XYZ. Until i found out that the deck is too slow, bricks, backrow easily fucks up my special summoned fusion and 7 slotted monster or some high beater ooga booga deck just steamrolls all my low attack monsters.
So now I'm going to play Chazz instead and trying to draw these tri wight cards out of flame tyrant so I could play a meme control ojama deck instead.
I made it through the dub and the sub, with the latter being much better since Yuma didn't inhale helium before speaking.
I'm pretty sure akiza is a bigger tit monster than alexis
Lolicon detected.
Yeah get good shitter
Personally, i had a lot of success building Genex with Keith. Genex Reactor is fucking amazing.
>1400 attack, so Searcher can Special Summon it
>Effect works on itself, so it's true attack is a solid 1800
>Effect also stacks, meaning two of them get 2200 attack
>the other Genex will get to at least 2k with easy while Reactor is there
>can show Carly being thrown out of a fucking window falling to her death
>but have to lengthen the skirts of every girl in zexal and Arc-V
4Kids are strange
sorry your super rush headlong didnt work on my horus ;)))))))))
carly was thrown into a purple smoke, she was fine
to be fair, in the dub of 5d's carly falls into a "pit of darkness"
>Genex Turbine*
No idea why i keep calling it Reactor.
Genex sounds interesting but the fucking game won't give me my third genex turbine after spending so much on the mini box, got my wall of D and most of the super rares though.
can't allow american children to look at non-jesus approved stuff
I mean look at her
I love Rebecca!
More like Loading Links
fuck that game
built for se-I mean-built for card games
she doesn't seem to duel much though
how old are the characters in zexal? I mean they expose the same amount of legs as all the girls in gx and they didn't have that much trouble censoring the previous one
Defenestration is a kid friendly execution method as long as they don't show her hitting the ground.
they're like 13-14
>Yuto literally died first for no reason.
>Yugo gets cucked out of his big moment in Synchro and jobs to Yuri
>Yuri has no twist at all, he's just a Villian that needed to die to get to the real Antagonist.
>Shun get's his best friend and sister taken from him
What the fuck was the goal of Arc-V?
Blair in Duel Links when?
best to just not think about Arc-V and pretend the series ended once they decided to jump to the Synchro dimension.
The entirety of Arc-V seemed to be banking on nostalgia desu. We get pendulum summoning with new characters, then jump to Synchro dimension with Y̶u̶s̶e̶i̶ Yugo, jump to XYZ dimension with Y̶u̶m̶a̶ Yuto, and finally fusion with J̶a̶d̶e̶n̶ Yuri and all the side characters from their respective series.
Those games that were before the official rulings were hard as fuck
At least Duelist of the Roses wasn't fucking impossible like Forbidden Memories...even if you cheated there was still a high chance you could lose because the game goes by season 1 rules.
Duelists of the Roses is a cakewalk after the first two or three duels when you get some cards that aren't trash
>*Blocks your path*
fuck i remember this game
>password option
>have no idea what it could mean
>notice some numbers on the bottom of each physical YGO card
>input them and get that card in game
>go out and spend like 50 bucks on random decks just to enter the password of each card
I'm still around watching. This show is so stupid it's kind of addicting.