Now THIS is the shit

now THIS is the shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>smoking indoors

Do not breed

This is an incredibly specific peripheral. Do you take pulls on the cigarette while it's attached to the controller or do you remove it? How do you prevent ash from spilling everywhere, unless there's some complimentary add-on that's an ashtray attached to the bottom?

Wouldn't you be better putting this in an ashtray? I mean smokers are jokers but that's gonna flick ash everytime you take a shot surely

This made me grab a smoke from my freezer.
You do put your smokes in the freezer right Sup Forums?

Why are tabacco commercials so kino?

Is smoking cool again?

it's on his finger

it's a ring on his finger, not attached to the controller

It never was uncool


cigarettes are the most soyboy thing you can smoke

>I hate smokers!!
Is there anything more soy, more nu-male? Let the people who want the controller peripheral have it.

quit snoking in 2013. But yeah i use to. Didnt thibk anyone else did though. Pretty funny

Fucking pleb!!! You smoke cigarettes and can't even fucking hold a lit cigarette between your index and middle while still using your middle and ring for fighting games? Die in a fucking fire cunt.

There are people who don't do this?
People don't seriously keep their fresh smokes in the fridge, right?

Cooler than ever now that it's stigmatized and pisses off sensitive baby nerds.

Is it attached to the controller? That seems awkward. Is it just a ring you put your finger through? That seems not vidya want though

No, weed is.

now THIS is the shit

Eating soy is poisoning your body. Smoking does the same. Whats the difference here?

>dude bernie legaliiiiiise!

Oh, oh yeah. Dur. Still, the ash problem still applies unless you're holding your controller very still.

I bet you have a vagina too

Why are uppity non smokers the worst people on the planet?

>he doesn't smoke pure soybeans

It wasn't ever uncool, and now that it's getting stigmatized it's even cooler now.

Tobacco is literally soy

i dont smoke but i want to because it looks cool
just look at cowboy bebop everyone smokes in that show

>current year
>still smoking

post feet


Solid snake unironically is the reason i smoke

This post confuses me. How in the world did you come to the conclusion of it being on the controller, rather than on the finger?