I hope none of you play with that awful film grain effect enabled
Cuphead Without The Grain Filter
Youre like people who dont watch black and white movies or anything before 1979
Hang on, let me rewatch Robocop not on a pristine Blu-Ray, but a VHS tape
in many cases vhs is superior in quality to blu ray
>those user pics of Twin Peaks in VHS on the /tpg/ thread
fucking kino
The blu ray more accuratlly resembles the original film, still had grain so it is as it should be. your analogy makes zero sense.
To be fair, the film grain filter in Cuphead is an awful film grain filter compared to other film grain filters, because it's too short looping, with the same textures appearing in the same place in the same order. Once you notice that, instead of adding immersion and authenticity, it just looks more artificial.
Film grain ADDS detail
Cuphead's artificial grain is just for hipster purposes and actually hides details
You're an idiot.
The official Robocop Bluray keeps the CRT grain because the people who worked on it understood the grain hid some of the flaws of the special effects. The Robo suit was borderline perfection, but in ungrained versions you can see splits under the arms and other areas so Weller could actually move.
Entirely different. It'd be like No Country for Old Men adding a grain filter for no reason.
Except thankfully with Cuphead, you can mod out the artificial filter
you should remove the chromatic aberration while you're at it.
Are you another one of those faggots who unreasonably care way too fucking much about how people enjoy their games?
>Are you another one of those faggots who unreasonably care way too fucking much about how people enjoy their games?
user. You know where you are.
I want to fuck that fly next to the boxing glove.
This is one of those things that's so unreasonable to care about, stupidly so.
This isn't one of those things that'll force how future games are played based on player feedback and popularity. This isn't comparable to how FPS replaced third-person over-the-shoulder gameplay, and how that replaced tank controls for Resident Evil.
This isn't comparable to Metroid going FPS adventure rather than being 2D exploration.
It's such a nothing. It's not even worth talking about.
>if you play with anti-alias on you're an actual retard
>if you don't play with chromatic aberration you have no class and should be hanged
Your mental capacity is focused on such arbitrary self-masturbatory bullshit it's ridiculous. Your concerns are misplaced. You don't love videogames, you love having your head up your ass.
>or anything before 1979
The cutoff date for kids these days is either 2000 or 2005. You are old.
I want to fuck the one in the back
I once watched an old movie.
Singing in the Rain. It was okay I guess, kinda boring plot though but I liked the dancing.
Have you ever refused to even try a game because the character designs are just stupid as fuck?
You're completely backwards, and I get so irrationally angry anybody who talks about this game's filtering effects. The film grain makes sense to leave on because it does mimic the style it's emulating, but FUCKING NOBODY turns off the horrible color bleeding setting that doesn't fit the style at all. Look at this frame from a Disney cartoon in 1932. Compare it to your screenshot; they sure don't look alike, do they?
I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I found this setting in the options menu because nobody on this fucking Mongolian shower tile blog ever acknowledged it being there. Fuck chromatic aberration or color bleed or whatever you what to call it.
The Disney one looks better because digital will literally never look as good as cels.
Left is better. Reality does not have a film grain.
Left looks more 3d and realistic.
shut the fuck up you autist mong, i'll play the game the way I enjoy it the most and none of your sperging will change my mind. I dont really give a fuck about "how is the game is intended to look" or "hurr muh original style", I'll just tweak the settings until I'm satisfied with the result.
tldr : stop being angry about people having different tastes than yours
Cuphead uses animation cells. The coloring is digital, but the linework is all traditional animation. Doing the coloring digitally has nothing to do with either effect; both film grain and chromatic aberration are after-effects of the film process, not the animation process.
When you start the thread in an argumentative fashion, you should expect people to argue. I don't give a fuck how you play the game, but I'll make damn sure to educate your stupid ass on something I care about.
Sorry, artificial grain adds nothing
It's like when a shitty meme movie like Mad Max Fury Road gets a black and white version - what's the point?