There are no good PC exclusives this past 2017. Master race my ass

There are no good PC exclusives this past 2017. Master race my ass

how's GMDX on your PS4

nigger I can emulate your games for free and jerk off to premium paid porn at the same time

For people that love JRPGs, the PC has really never been that appealing.


>For people that love JRPGs

only the switch got good exclusives for 2017

>he needs new games

KEK how does it feel being brainwashed

well that and divinity os 2 for pc

If you have a gtx 1070 or above now, is there any reason to upgrade before the next gen consoles arrive? (assuming that you do not want to play at higher resolutions)

Sonybros, explain this

If pc has no good games, why do you play a TERRIBLE rip off of pubg ahead of any of your own exclusives?

Even before fortnite the most played game was just cod each year.

we've got warhammer and divinity, although the later is temporarily, what did ps4 get last year, horizon and gr2 don't even compare, others are already available on ps3

The enjoyment of being a pcfag comes from the fact that you get to take console exclusives and make them look and run better; and knowing there's nothing a consolefag can do about it.

It's high level cucking. Please understand.


>Boring: Bored Sin 2

oh woah delayed combat, how exciting of a game to play with a $1000 card


>didn't realize yet how many fucking weeb games are coming out for the ps4 in 2018 alone.

>muh cost meme
you've never played it

are any of them actually worth looking at?
most playstation weeb games are generic trash m8

Someone please recommend a fun PC game to me. I don't care if it came out this year or last, I just want something fun and modern to play.

So far I haven't found anything actually "fun" in even the slightest sense of the word. So I don't care what genre, recommend me literally any game as long as it's fun and came out in the last few years.

>cherry picking the titan
when will consolebabbies come up with new material for their bait?

pic related is near universally agreed as the most fun game in years. It's not polished at all but there's a reason so many people play it.

Of course v hates it since it's popular and half the people here either can't run it or don't have a pc at all

That's like pointing at a Ferrari and saying that owning a car is too expensive.

>pic related is near universally agreed as the most fun game in years
china isn't the entire universe though.

That says more about the state of the weeb game industry than it does about PS4, sadly. PS4 and Vita are the most popular platforms for weeb games, so the "best" weeb games will be on those platforms.

That is, unless you consider shit like DDLC a weeb game, which is actually just a western game made by a spic, and isn't even a game.

>deleted his post

What a bitch lol.

I'll give it the ol' college try

Why even bother writing out this stupid meme response?

It's blatantly obvious it's not just china if you open your friends list or talk to people.

PUBG/fortnite on console have been the most popular games for a large margin for months now.

>I just want something fun and modern to play
what do you mean by modern? like shiny graphics or relatively recent?

For me, total war games is better than any of the trash released on consoles.

Who cares about whether a game is exclusive or not. Even if it's a multi-plat the PC version will be the best looking and performing version most of the time. I'll never understand why console users are so concerned about whether other people can play the game on a different platform or not.

because minecraft, skyrim, cod, overwatch, all that shit, are/were incredibly popular but it didn't mean they were amazing games you sub 80 iq having friend.

What did it say?

its all they have

what do you class as good games?

Battlefield is always better on the pc. Bf1 of course is the newest but I prefer bf4 and it's still quite active

not pubg you deflecting lalahomo man

weebshit I'm guessing. You've said you disliked almost everything popular, even minecraft which was revolutionary at the time

Is that a girl (male)? OwO'

are you a fag (faggot)? kys

factorio is what i would consider my personal alternative to minecraft and it's a much better game for me. i don't think i've ever played a true weeb game. closest shit is bayo, mgr, vanquish. so i guess platinum type shit is p gud. stay angry pubg friend.

reminder sonysoy buy more ark games than their exclusive

>more power
>more power

for what fucking purpose? hardware is way ahead of games. even a meme 970, a decent cpu and 8gb of ram can handle most games nowdays. fucking jews

um.. mods? ban for homophobia?

But we had exlusives, most of PS4's last year were either remakes or ps3 ports
besides we're not starving for games unlike you
"but begging" yes, we like to have all games on our platform of choice, but nearly every pc player has a never ending backlog, unless hes into jrpgs or something

fuck exclusives

>PC has no exclusives!

Age of Empires Definitive Edition
Age of Empires 2/3/4
Age of Mythology
Angels Fall First
Arma 2/3
Baldurs Gate 1/2
Bard's Tale 4
Black Desert Online
Camelot Unchained
Chronicles of Elyria
Civilization 4/5/6
Command and Conquer
Crusader Kings 2
Dawn of War 2
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
Divinity Original Sin 2
Dual Universe
Due Process
Dungeon Keeper
Dwarf Fortress
Escape from Tarkov
Euro Truck Simulator
Europa Universalis 4
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Fallout 1/2
Garry's Mod
Grim Dawn
Hearts of Iron 2
Homeworld 2
Hunt: Showdown
Killing Floor
League of Legends
Lineage Eternal
Lost Ark
MechWarrior 5
Medival 2: Total War
Mount & Blade Warband
Napoleon: Total War
Neverwinter Nights
Neverwinter Nights 2
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen
Papers, Please
Quake Champions
Rising Storm 1/2
Rome: Total War
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
Star Citizen
Starcraft 2
System Shock 1/2
The Dark Mod
Thief 2
Thief Gold
Total War: Rome 2
Total War: Warhammer
Unreal Tournament
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Warcraft 3
World of Warcraft

Plenty both old, new, and unreleased. I don't like this consolecuck tier 'muh exclusives' shit but this is just pathetic.

wrong -- PC has the most nip games. it is literally a weeaboo's paradise now. there are also a lot of games from smaller japanese dev teams you've never heard about, but probably would like to play

but that shit wasn't even designed for games. it's more for academia

Pretty much all of those games are more than 10 years old. Not relevant to the point OP is making.

the point of PC is having all your games on one platform, not locked to a "generation" and platform. console women just don't understand these sort of objective reasons

she said good

>Pretty much all of those games are more than 10 years old
there's plenty of games in that list that are relatively new

>most popular game on consoles even though it runs at 15 FPS on them

jesus christ. I mean, you would THINK that asshole scam artist who owns PUBG would've paid to optimize the game when porting it to consoles, at least make it run well on the low end, but NOPE. PUBG will just remain a game that runs awfully on everything because he's more intent on getting it put onto everything he can squeeze a sale out of than actually improving/fixing/finishing his Early Access game. He even wants to put it on mobile, how the hell is that going to work, play PUBG at 1-2 FPS on your Nintendo Switch or ipad?

literally brainlet

Considering i can emulate ps2 games better than a ps4pro, ill stick to pc.

Besides, demons souls and bloodborne being the only two games sonybros have isnt a good reason to buy a console for each one.

But that's wrong. You can even count it. Less than half of those games are over 10 years old.