Is this game any good? It's $5 on PSN right now, wondering if it's worth it or it's just another generic shooter

Is this game any good? It's $5 on PSN right now, wondering if it's worth it or it's just another generic shooter.

its garbage

Well, it's divisive, that's for sure.
Have you played Horizon? If yes, did you like it, say, artistry-wise?

Sadly no;and I bought the PS4 version that came with it and being excited to play it.Apart from the graphics the campaign is a chore.Multiplayer was decent.

fuck no.
even Jon Snow's Call of Duty is better than this shitpile

Nice graphics but drags on, doesn't have the feel of killzone 2 of 3 either.

For $5 it's well wort the price. Multiplayer is ehh but the singleplayer can be fun.

i got it for free with my ps4 like at launch, so it's really old, so it probably doesn't look good. but the single player campaign pretty alright, worth $5 anyway

great deal, campaign is underwhelming but multiplayer is god tier, also the best part is that you can use bots to fill inn all of the empty spots so it's fully playable online even if the community dies. real players replace the bots when they jump in and it give full progression. more games should have bots

Anyway, regardless of OP's answer, I'll state my opinion in regards to this game.

I'd say, that the people who abhor this game the most are probably those who liked any of the previous Killzone games. In relation to KZ2-3, KSF is basically what Uncharted 4 is to U2-3. It's basically reboot in everything other than superficial lore and design elements. It's a game that takes basically a cookie cutter militarist power fantasy and makes something as serious out of it as it gets, without going all "Spec Ops: The Line". Plot and style-wise, it's basically Lumet's FailSafe, a paranoid, heavily anti-military piece, about people being parts of events, the true scale and sheer complexity of which can't really be comprehended by any of them, due to which each of them has heavily distorted image of what those events are and what they mean, and, being deluded, they end up being used by those around them (which are also both deluded and used by others around them in their own ways). It's pretty much NOTHING LIKE KZ2-3, neither in terms of writing, nor art direction, nor cutscene direction (which is quite similar to Michael Mann's style, or maybe BF3, if you please), nor gameplay (it plays basically like Halo plus the nifty drone gimmick). It's very much its own game, very heavily rooted in the military conflicts of the second half of 20th century (some elements even have more than a passing resemblance to current "Donbass" events, despite the game having been released before those started) - and the most divisive aspect of it is that the story will make LITERALLY NO SENSE, UNLESS you scour, like, every nook and cranny on every level, and collect pretty much every single collectible piece there is. THEN you'll have some kind of a coherent picture, not otherwise.

Also, in terms of style, it's somewhat similar to Horizon, but, being Halo-ish FPS game, it's incomparably more condensed content-wise. There isn't much filler or rather any filler at all.

It's a cool tech demo for horizon

tl;dr: It very much treads its own path. You either like it, or you don't.

Fine for 5 burgers

Also, it's not nearly as hipstershit and wannabe-actually-relevant-to-current-socio-issues writing-wise, as Horizon sometimes is so there is also that.

Also, make no mistake, it's very cold and distant and rough and no bullshit in its presentation. You either do happen to like this kind of direction, or you don't. It just so happens, that I personally do.

I personally think that this game is pure "hidden gem" material for future years, and some day, it will be rediscovered. But, on the other hand, what do I know, I am no fortune teller.

It's definition of generic shooter.

OP here

Ive been playing thru Horizon as well, not too far in. It's obviously very pretty and shit but the gameplay and mechanics are giving me Witcher deja vu in some parts. Another pretty game with a horrible detective mode mechanic that is basically "follow this path" till you get to your objective. It hasn't been as obnoxious as Witcher was, WHERE EVERY FUCKING QUEST WAS THE SAME BULLSHIT HURRRR FOLLOW FOOTSTEPS TO ENEMY. But yea that plus the ability to just fucking hide in bushes all day and call enemies over to stealth kill rinse repeat x100 is putting me off the game a bit.

This could also have to do with me playing thru Bloodborne at the same time and the contrast between the hand holding in Horizon and just the pure thrill of discovering the unknown in Bloodborne is night and day. Plus I think the environments in Bloodborne, while not as good graphically, are waaaay more interesting than Horizons open world forests that have been done a million times before. But that's for another thread.


OP again

Well seems the Metro games are on sale too and pretty much same price. Should I just grab those instead? Is 2033 better or Last Light? Or should I splurge and get both for 9 buckaroos?

I have the 3 games, the 2 metros and killzone and imo, get the metros. I honestly didnt' think that killzone was bad like most of the critics said on the day, it was just a bit mediocre sometimes. Still, I felt more engaged with the metros and the gameplay, despite being still a shooter to its core, was a bit more unique, with a greater emphasis on stealth.

Thanks for the reply user, think I'll go with the Metro games then, seems like they are a lot more popular.

I remember that playing it at launch. Pretty good fps. Definitely worth $5. Multiplayer was under rated too.

Killzone 2 is better.

Can't speak for the multiplayer but the campaign in Shadow Fall is complete garbage.

Game fucking ends with a black guy shooting you in the face, lol thanks for playing! :^)

This is the very worst Killzone game.
I greatly enjoyed KZ1, 2 and Mercenary, and thought KZ3 was ok. I had to force myself to finish Shadow Fall because it came bundled with my PS4.

So it's a realistic shooter then?

It's genuinely terrible. I bought that game used for $10 USD a couple years ago and I still felt ripped off.

It's okay, at $5 I would say it's worth checking out if you like console shooters. Graphics hold up pretty well for a game that came out more than 4 years ago.

2033 is way more inspired and atmospheric, but quite clunky gameplay-wise. Last Light has better mechanics, but it's pretty much a blatant rehash (or a protracted addon, "more of the same") content-wise (although that swamp location was Godlike, felt like a "next-gen STALKER"), and doesn't really go anywhere. Haven't seen 2033 Redux (2033 remake on Last Light engine with Last Light mechanics).
I'd place 2033 more or less on par with KSF. It doesn't make as clear a point as KSF, but it's just really freaking atmospheric, and, like, there are different events after events after events, and it's just really nicely paced and doesn't really let up until the end. Also, play it with (English subtitled) Russian voices ONLY, English VA (in the typical "Tovarisch Comrade Blyad" style) is abhorrent.

Anyway, 2033 is really good provided you don't demand it to be D44M or something.

No, there is an epilogue.

Epilogue doesn't matter. I went through all that shit and terrible level design and I didn't even get to live happily ever after with my helgan waifu

It's fucking crap. It's one of the most boring forgettable games I have ever played. The others in the series are generic as well but not quite as boring as this one

I'd even rather say, that 2033 is really good at making it SEEM, like there is a point to the whole thing just around the corner, no, the next one, that is, the one after that, well, I'm sure you get the drill by now. It's a carrot ever-dangling just right in front of your nose, a very pretty and tasty-looking carrot too (if you happen to like mystery and intrigue). It's just that you never actually get the carrot. And that Last Light is so fucking uninspired, that it becomes extremely apparent, that there was no carrot to begin with.

le bumpe

that doesnt look generic to me. is that the same game?

One and the same.
Yeah, it doesn't really make sense to me either.

>that turret section on highest difficulty

fuck you

No it’s mediocre at best the multiplayer was ok I still wouldn’t pay $5 I got it as a launch title let the disappointment wash over you.