You play how many hours of video games a day?!

>You play how many hours of video games a day?!

You think that's bad? You should see how much time I spend shitposting on Sup Forums

Mother of ...

>people who stay inside a gaming bubble or are too fat to move at all get tv shows made about them
>omg wtf r u doing playing games for more than 6h/day????
fuck off

6h/day is a lot user. Do you have a job?

>You spend HOW much time with fingers up the buttholes of strangers?

Not enough. I binge on the weekends because I'm a wagecuck

>You eat what?..."Gamer fuel"?

>Doctors giving a fuck about nutrition

Not enough. I spend most of my time in situations where it would be weird.

lol wagecuck

>You play games sitting like THAT!?

>you're 25, own a pc, and havn't played this game?

lol soyboy neet

0 hours doc, but I go onto discussion sites and act like I'm the chief authority on all the games I don't like the look of. What's your diagnosis?

Mild ass burgers, major retardation

I kmow doc. 1 hour a week is quite a lot but I'm working on getting it down to 0 so I can spend more shitposting on Sup Forums.

I literally sit crouching on the chair and leaning back
People say I look like a fucking pretzel


No it's okay doc I post on Sup Forums I've never played a video game in my life


This small injection will cure you of your watching 2 sony games at a time habit.


>your bigger inside

the -tism

only like an hour or two a week. I don't know why i even come to this board. i spend more time on this board than I do actually playing games.

18 if I got anything to play, like a new mmo or similar
2-3 hours otherwise

8 for work 8 for sleep and 8 for vidya, faggot.