Dance with me tonight!
Bumping for Yukaricchi!
w-why won't anyone reply
i love yukari so much bros
You're not Fuuka...
same, man. same.
why can't they make textures for fingers? at least give them nails desu
Jesus Christ what a slut.
*shin megoomi tensaiy
Because it will be ported to Vita too.
Can't wait to pick it up desu.
Gonna get the Vita LE for it.
P3 HD remake when?
Man, Yukari is super cute in HD. How has this never happened until now.
Probably never, just gonna fawn over those hd models.
>They reuse the Dancing models to make the game
>Sadly, voice actors change
>People get to see their waifus with up to date models
>People don't even waste their time dating the main cast, and instead focus on the side characters (patrician taste)
Hopefully never. It'd be nice to see my husbando with newer models but I really don't want the nuage purseowners to play it. Its more archaic experience is off putting to them.
I can only imagine the threads on Sup Forums.
>wtf guys tartarus is so boring, why does Sup Forums love this game again?!
>ITT: times Sup Forums memed you into buying weeb trash
>main character is an edgy emo freaking dropped why did I even buy this game?
>ITT: villains who did nothing wrong (with pic of a huge spoiler)
Cut to mating-press
That is exactly what it's going to be, except you'll also get the
>lmao why is mc so emo
>now that the dust has settled
>wtf this isn't like p4/p5
Christ I'm getting a migraine thinking about it.
I hope her Pink Argus outfit is in this.
So were is the Femc if she not in it its a no buy
So non cannon she isnt even on the dance spin off.
Not shown, and probably not in. They used music from p3p but that's all we're going to get.
Fuck them saves me $60 also she can be cannon the network
If they were not stupid they're going to combine Persona 3 and combining with two in one
You still think atlus cares about her when she was a one off yuri cash grab? user, please.
Honestly, no, she was a one off exclusively to have people buy the worst persona version and we all know she was in exclusively to sell to the in the making fags that spam yuri because lesbians best fetish lmao or something. The stupid thing to do is aknowledge the black cash sheep in the herd, let it fade into obscurity where it belongs.
Yet she is very popular in Japan so f*** off b****
Not as popular as MC
Amala Network Multiverse connections
Japan makes anything that looks like a female popular, fucking umaru is popular, king arthur anime tiddies edition is popular, yukari is popular, japs have awfull taste, basing yourself on the popular opinion of shit eaters ist laughable.
>implying any faggot who actually chants "non-canon non-canon" unironically even knows what the amala network is.
You be surprise but I guess you like
yet Persona was created by Japanese people autism right there my friend kill yourself before it's too late
He is though, posting random images isn't going to change that
Ignore that raging autist, but their point with the polls still stands; the elevens don't care about western opinions when they do games/dlc, just what's going to sell at home. Any profit made abroad is extra.
When will ATLUS release the full song reee
I mean they could of combined Persona 3 with Persona 2 and 1 and made a whole new universe with a female protagonist as universe b but they have severe autism
Stay mad fag
>tfw I went from being a Chiefag, to being a Rise fag, to being a Chiefag again when I played P4D (with voices off)
I guess that's what happens when they keep ruining character voices.
Right bitch go fuck your mom
You like cock my friend
No, neck yourself cunt.
Ah, the chaos of the Amala Network.
And that is freaken awesome, I always felt the FeMC should be getting more rep.
The design would be a lot better without the heart on her face.
Skilled people with bad taste can create good content, just not have good standards for liking it.
Even so she is canned and ignored. Atlus knew she was a one off with no character and nothing to give to the franchisr except being tha one character thats a slightly different clone of a popular mc that was made exclusively to pander to yurifags and sell the worst version of a game.
Persona 4 Dancing had 2 DLC characters (and Miku), I could easily see her being one of them (Shinji being the other if he isn't already playable). I really don't see Strega being playable, no one likes them.
I don't know why you keep going on about yurifags; aside from aegis there's barely even subtext for /u/ pandering. She's mostly beneficial in regards to the male characters than anything.
>worst version of the game
In your opinion, at least. It does things right, and things wrong. It's not the only way anyone should experience the game but it is an interesting point of view and worth the run.
Yeah she got a stage play And a name you're not that dumb to put her at ease has DLC
Also Elizabeth there was some real hints
ESL kun please calm down.
Well, they did use her music; at the most I could see her as part of a future DLC. I've given up on seeing Shinjiro in the game because at this point I don't think I can handle that disappointment again.
Yukari a shit
Ryoji is definitely getting in considering how popular he is with fujos
Tell your mom to keep sucking my cock
>Ryoji is definitely getting in considering how popular he is with fujos
Yeah, I could see him getting in.
Labrys never ever
I meant as DLC, as in he's more likely to be a DLC character than FeMC
Right std are you smoking
Did they dead?
>anime tiddies have weight and physics applied to them
Love this every time. What artists do a good job with that?
No they got up right fuck way
>No they got up right fuck way
Well obviously they didn't. But were they killed? Or did they live?
literally homosexual
Now what I want to know is what the hell are they gonna think about The Answer?
Actually no, scratch that, I'm getting a migraine from that as well.
It's called sarcasm they're f****** dead
>they're f****** dead
Help me bros.
There is this girl in my spanish class who looks just like Yukari... what should I do?
Get your charm to level 5 then ask her out
>westcucks can't into Japanese bantz
Jumped literally encourages those kinds of responses from Yukari.
>want the P3 beats
>hate this fucking cunt
Walk way she is biggest city and she will give the herpes
They shouldn't have been crossing there, but it doesn't look like the driver even tried to stop.
Why have Yukari when you can have T R O N ?
Good thing there's no story so you can ignore her and dance/scenario with who you want.
Because aigis fucking sucks.
oh good
you can play any song with whoever you want?
That is an A+++ look for her. Literally the best she's ever looked.
Anyone else fucking glad they aren't doing portraits anymore? Soejima has gotten so fucking lazy, P4D's were fucking awful. Hope P6 doesn't have portraits ether
I thought there was no story mode.
There's still a story. Story mode is just being replaced with something else
There's not, but I guess there's interactions that will take place in canon or something. idk
The cutest
The smuggest
The sluttiest
The most loveable
Is there a better waifu than yukari ?
>My life is now fucked thanks to a jay walker
Yes. And partners don't look like they're locked like they were in p4d.
That's what it's being replaced with; there's no story/story mode, it's scenarios between characters. They said they're going to focus on interactions this time around versus a story.
>soejima's gotten so fucking lazy
His P5 portraits were great, he's only improved in my opinion. P4D was just bad all around.
>swerves into them
You already know the answer
God that's exactly what would happen. I hate this site yet can't leave
Who's your husbando, user?
fuck that just bring fes to ps4 jesus christ why are they so dumb
SMT nocturne too while they're at it
>I want to rebuy games I already have and I don't even want them to put any effort into it
Just get it on the PS3 PSN store
>literally sped up while speeding already
He fucked himself
>have to buy a ps3 AGAIN, then make room for it on my desk
Guess I'll just play through p3p then since my pc is a shit
Fuck off Frogposter
It's what happened to /pg/ except you also have the people who can't stop saying "old and busted".
I'm so glad I stopped going before/after P5 dropped. Here too, but this place is a different kind of shit because it's more normalfaggotry than anything.
>go to /pg/ to ask gameplay related question about p4g
>minute after I post there are already 30 posts after it about p5 waifus