Is it worth buying a Vita for remote play or is it shit?

Is it worth buying a Vita for remote play or is it shit?

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Absolutely not. There's a shit ton of input lag even if you're playing in your house.

Buy it for the games.

The Vita is a watered down Switch without all the kiddie shit

With Catherine remaster and a huge chance of P5 port it's unironically worth to get a Vita now.

Do you live in a faraday cage? I've remote played shit like EDF and it runs fine.

You can do remoteplay on a cellphone, you dont need a vita.

Oddly enough, no input lag when using remote play with my PS4 while ith my PS3, it was terrible, though. I use it all the time with my PS4 and enjoy it.

>There's a shit ton of input lag

There's a way to fix that easily

The few times I've used it, I had issues like and that was playing it in the next room over. I had expected it to work as well as the Wii U game pad, which I've carried around the house.

The Vita is great for playing Vita games comfortable, but not remotely from a console.

Should i get one if i want to play vita games and emulate psp games?
What about SD adapters,are they good or just a giant scam?

Sure, they're easy to hack. Using the SD card adapters work well but it's a little bit tricky to set up because it doesn't simply add more memory.

>What about SD adapters,are they good or just a giant scam?

They work but in all honesty it isn't worth emulating anything on the Vita.

Is the 3.60 firmware essential for pirated vita games and emulation or just pirated vita games?

Save $200 and get a pstv

no, buy it for free games

>asking if something sony is good on Sup Forums
You done goofed
That said i use it all the time for remoteplay especially RPGs, a lot FF, Witch and 100 Knigh etc or Loco Roco, it won't work well for shit like DMC4 or FPS but that's about it. But don't buy it just for remoteplay. Try to find one with 3.60 or lower or an older bundle that still had 3.60 so you can use henkakke and SD adapter for free games and big storage

>watered down
Well it came out way earlier and it was only a handheld not a hybrid, you guys need to lear what watered down means
Also i wish the Switch had a screen as good as the Vita especially the OLED model

If Sony wanted it they could market the Vita bundled with the vita tv right now as a cheaper option to the Switch and with more games.

Sony must really hate money.

I think the biggest problem were the overpriced vita storage. So it didn't sell well and so Sony gave up on it. If piracy happened earlier and on all firmwares it might've sold a little more like the PSP. They really shot themself in the foot, for the price and size that thing is actually pretty nice, i'd love to see some first party studio do some magic on it

PS3 has a rubbish wireless router, unlike the PS4 and the Vita, so it's not that surprising.

Do you live in a box? The Wii U gamepad only reaches like 12 feet.

Considering you can find a vita for probably like $150, do it, input lag and graphical errors and be fixed and only really depend on how strong your internet is because remote plays works wirelessly through your internet, from personal experience its pretty great and really under rated. Nothings better than playing the only good Kingdom Hearts game (KH2) on the shitter. Not to mention the vita has some pretty good games on its own to begin with

>If Sony wanted it they could market the Vita bundled with the vita tv right now
>PSTV out of production since two years or so
Yeah, sure buddy.

The original PS4 has a terrible network card in it too, Remote Playing off my Pro works fine even in the 60FPS mode

I only use mine for remote play nowadays, if you have a fast Internet connection then go ahead. I use mine at work and at home from time to time (If you plan on using yours at work check how well the connection works first, download the desktop client).

>>PSTV out of production since two years or so

They still sell it in Japan

>They still sell it in Japan
The PSTV is out of production anywhere, the Vita is the only one that gets still produced, what sells is what remains of the stocks of already produced stuff.

The very first super load PS4 model had a shit network card, remoteplay barely worked and now on slim and pro it works perfectly fine, way better than i even expected

Can I get an honest answer for how good remote play is? I've been wanting to get this for P4G and remote play, if good, will push me over the edge. How fast a wifi do I need? How comfy are controls? Is it compatible with every PS4 game or only a certain few?

Fixing by buying a Switch you mean.
Seriously the Vita is a mess. The PSP was great but this shit sucks hard.

its good. P4G is great. If you want perfect gameplay on remote play you'll want a pretty fast connection, mine is average and it works fine with minor graphical bugs, everything is still playable. Controls are pretty comfy and can be changed to be even more comfy. Highly recommend

I honestly want to marry and impregnate Tracer

Remote play is comfy as fuck. Don't listen to the second poster, he's from a third world country or Europe.

Fallout 4 especially plays great because it was actually designed around remoteplay, not something a lot of devs do. Gotta give bethseda a +1 for that one.

Is 60 Mbps wifi good enough? Do all PS4 games work on it?

Can you fuck off already. If he wanted to play Zelda or Mario he would buy a Switch. If he's asking about remoteplay he clearly has a PS4. Why do you fags always have to bring up the switch

oof 60 idk.. it might be playable but idk how well. and yea all ps4 games work with it, its basically a ps4 emulator on the vita, home screen and all

If you use it in your house your wifi speed won't really matter since it goes over your network in your house. So as long as you don't have a 10 year old router that's half broken it will work fine. Or if you're close to your PS4 like in the same room or one room apart you can connect directly to the PS4
Also buy Muramasa, it's a great game

>P5 port
It'll be downgraded like P3P.

I also wrote that even a PSP is better than the Vita you idiot.

Well Persona 3 was downgraded for the PSP but Persona 4 actually looks better on the Vita than in PS2

They won't need to downgrade so much, is not like Persona 5 was a graphical milestone for Atlus. Even Catherine looks better than Persona 5.

On the Japan import Vita, are the X and O buttons just reversed on the menu screen or in games as well?

sony mandates that o button for japanese consoles, and x button overseas, so games as well.

>buy a switch
>have nothing to play

Can't argue with that given that you're clearly a raging weeb. The Vita's lineup of VNs will be great for you assuming you enjoy paying out the ass for memory cards.


even without all that weeb shit, remote play alone makes it better than the switch

In japanese games they're reversed, but the hardware itself is the same and when you set your console to english or your language it will be X to confirm like usual

>mfw i download videos onto my vita to watch out of the house
>otherwise, it's my $140 Shovel Knight machine

Internet speed only matters when you're not in your house and actually use internet like 3d or a random wifi etc. When you're in your house it doesn't matter since it's your homenetwork, like sharing files on your network in your house etc. It sends data to the router and the router sends it to your Vita. It works even better if your PS4 is connected via LAN

Is the Vita version still getting the Treasure Trove content?

Haven't tested it so I can't really offer a valid commentary on that. I've never found remote play to be a particularly enticing feature because I hate any level of input lag, but if the input lag is small enough and you don't mind it all the power to you, I guess.

This user here. Which version of Vita is best to get? I'm seeing slim and Wi fi and i think other versions too.


you can literally change any control to whatever, just like on PS4

The old model/ non slim model has an OLED screen which is pretty nice, the slim model had a normal LCD, but still looks nice overall. Aside from that just slight design changes and the slim has built in 1gb memory
But if you want to hack it, it might be hard to find a slim with 3.60 or below. Might want to look for an old bundle, or if you don't care about used there're a lot of 3.60 vitas on ebay

The Slim has better face buttons, is better to hold, and doesn't have a proprietary laptop charger

The only advantage the Fat has is the OLED screen and even then whenever the screen is solid black you see black blobs on it

get a Switch instead

To play remoteplay on PS4? Can you fags at least think. The switch isn't the answer to fucking everything

Games would be perfect on the Switch because you can play them on the TV or on the go

>Games would be perfect on the Switch
back at it again with the old memes

Not really, the resolution is bad, there is input lag(not onlive levels of input lag but still), and because the Vita lacks some bottoms that the dualshock has you will have to use the touch screen on the back.
If u gonna buy a Vita better buy it for the games

Considering they're still releasing Vita games, sure. I love my Vita just as a PS1 emulator. And stuff like Danganronpa is great.

Forgot to add "weeb" before games there kiddo

>not getting a good grip with r3 and triggers
Also the resolution is fine, it basicly sends a 1080p signal to a 540p screen. That's better than most Switch games

So they're suddenly not vita games? Why does Sup Forums always feel the need to make some stupid replies

>Calling anyone kiddo while using nu-Sup Forums's weeb game meme
Friendly reminder that you're the cancer killing this board.

Yeah. Every version is getting the DLCs.

i liked my vita when i had it still. it was great hardware but most of the games are just bad. mostly shitty vns which aren’t games anyway and as for jrpgs, i hope you enjoy nep nep and Legend of Heroes: Narrow restrictive trails asinine plot and literally neptunia battle system.

I doubt you ever had a Vita.

Cmon my dude, there is like 5 actually good weeb games on the Vita and all the others are clones of other games or rhythm games.
Just get a PS4 already.

I own both though
I love playing shit via remoteplay in bed

>all the others are clones of other games or rhythm games.
>Just get a PS4 already.

This. If i go to the bathroom 5 feet away from my tv it starts freaking out. If I close the door it goes out completely.

My dreams of playing Nintendo console games on the crapper dashed by Nintendo's cheapness.

Link me some good grips with r2 buttons

It's fine but Vita screen is 540p.
You should try it first on your Smartphone through the Remote Play app if the resolution is a problem for you

I use it a lot with JRPGs, Puyo and Yakuza and it runs just fine (and I have a shit connection)

I can use Wii U gamepad in the same distance from my bathroom no problem. What matters is interference such as having thick walls or you live in an apartment with all sorts of wireless interference.

My WiiU pad starts to have disconnects with one fat wall between it, waht kinds of fucking house do you have, unles you're just another tripfag shill

They mostly look fine imo since it's only 5 inches and the games get streamed in Full HD, so it's basicly downsampling on a shitty level. Better than having a 720p screen with 368p games

but i have an OG vita user, I cant use that

may as well just get a switch. basically a ps vita except with a tv mode and with 2 games

call me when it can emulate ps1-psp games

Why do so many people just post random JUST GET SWITCH posts?
He asked for remoteplay, so clearly he plans on playing some games on the vita and games from the PS4 or even PSP and PS1
If he asked for Zelda or Mario then yeah get a Switch, but don't just bring it up randomly. Why is Sup Forums suckings that things dick so hard

>Why is Sup Forums suckings that things dick so hard
Welcome to Nintendogaf.

And witout any PS4 remoteplay, VIta, PSP or PSX games. Can you guys at least try

Alright, thanks for this one.
Just personal preference but are their any slimmer l2/R2 grips?

Doesn't the Switch do remoteplay better? Why not just get that?

I see people mentioning ps games are those digital only?

Because it's been less than a year since the Switch has been out and it already DESTROYS the Vita's library of games in both quantity and quality.

Every month there's a ton of great games on the eshop that are better than anything else you'll find on the Vita ever.

I bought mine to hack the shit out of. Totally worth it, this thing is my go to classic JRPG machine with the PSP stuff. It also has some solid games, I've been playing Muramasa, Soul Sacrifice and Dragon's Crown. I've also been thinking about Freedom Wars but I just haven't gotten to it yet. You can remote play with a hacked vita but I am unsure of the quality of it because I cannot get the thing to sync up to my PS4, only my brother's.

Are you guys really this desperate?


But he asked for remote play. Is it really that hard for you guys to read. Clearly he has some shit on the PS4 that he might want to play on the vita. And the Vita itself still has some nice games like Muramasa and P4G and can play PSP games and PS1.
I could also just call Switch a Mario and Zelda machine but that would just make people butthurt too because multiplats only count when it's Nintendo

Anyone know how to get remote play working on their non-Sony smartphone?

>it already DESTROYS the Vita's library of games in both quantity and quality.
>Every month there's a ton of great games on the eshop that are better than anything else you'll find on the Vita ever.

It works fine, they even added 60fps

>tfw vita never got a racing game with online matching
I am fucking pisses, Soul Sacrifice MHFU, Freedom Wars, the new VirtualON game and Playstation Allstars Battle Royal justified my purchase but my will for FAST on the go will never be quelled.