Shilling aside, is this game actually good? Thirsty for some Multiplayer FPS
Shilling aside, is this game actually good? Thirsty for some Multiplayer FPS
Play Overwatch
It's pretty good if you want a round based FPS.
Really depends on what you are looking for in a multiplayer FPS though
It's good if you are good.
it had potential to be good, but (((they))) turned it into another generic twitch shooter/waifu dress-up simulator
I'm looking for a fast arcade paced FPS on PC, any recoms?
I hate how long it takes to actually play. You go through like 5 minutes of loading and then a 1 minute prep phase to play for maybe 2 minutes then repeat
It's an odd balance.
It's not really e-sport crazy because of all of all the dumb shit revolving around 3 speeds and netcode but it's also pretty impossible to play it casually after you get to the higher levels because operators picks, communication and aim are vital and lacking one can easily lead to you getting stomped.
yeah siege owns just dont get the starter edition
get a better pc poorfag
Quake champions I guess?
It certainly isn't Siege
>get a better pc poorfag
What? Everybody loads at the same time you fucking retard
reminder only casu and waifufag play this shit game
Nah, it's shit. Bad game design, shit tickrate and no rejection for high ping shots means Russkie/Chink 3 speeds running around with high ROF guns corner peeking and doming you before they even appear on your screen.
it's a really intense game, optimization is fine, but definitely a game that you need a 1ms monitor and really good headset if you want to be good
This and Overwatch are the only decent FPS games currently out there. If you like it fast and team-based play OW. If you want it slow and individualistic, play R6S.
it is probably the only game that requires absolute skill, period. from my analysis, low IQ sub humans struggle to play this game, and i will always out play them in the most humiliating way possible.
Best current FPS.
You're doing it wrong.
The same thing happens to them retard
its not good
Except that's wrong. When you have high ping in a game with shit server infrastructure and design you will -always- have an advantage entering rooms, but a disadvantage trying to leave. But since the game also has low as fuck TTK with high ROF guns, then it even further exacerbates the problem.
>waifufag play this shit game
IQ is cute! CUTE!
No multiplayer game with built-in wallhacks can ever truly be good.
It's great minus all the teamkilling fags.
its good if you aren't retarded
Titanfall 2. Not sure if it has a lot of players still but it was alive half a year ago.
It has a steep learning curve.
There's a lot going on in the game, like destructible environments, multiple entry ways/paths to the objective, differing play styles between operators, etc.
Depending on which version you buy, the grind for unlocking operators can either be relatively quick or painfully long.
The TTK is extremely fast, and that plays on the steep learning curve. If you're new, expect to get shit on until you learn and adapt.
If you like cosmetics in games, have fun grinding unless you're willing to pay real money. There are loot crates, but at the moment it's not like CS in terms of you gotta buy a "key" to unlock it. You have a chance to earn a crate on a win and if you get it, you can open it immediately.
The community is alright, but since it's an FPS it's has it's fair share of toxic fucks, meme-ers, and children. I haven't encountered many cheaters (if any at all) but they're certainly there. The anti-cheat Ubisoft uses is decent, I'm lead to believe.
Would I recommend it? Certainly.
Are you going to love it right off the bat after buying it? I doubt it, you gotta put some effort in to enjoy this game for the long run.
If you take time to learn the maps then yes and get a team, after enough time you'll be like all of us where you hit diamond once then you're done. I love this game so much but seriously fuck this game
Overwatch is fucking garbage, I don't know how anyone enjoys a multiplayer FPS that is won or lost before the round even starts based on picked heroes. One of my favorite things about Siege is that everyone is on equal footing, any gun can one hit kill headshot any operator except Skillbeard