NOW: Sonic Advance 3
NEXT: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
LATER: Sonic Mania
NOW: Sonic Advance 3
NEXT: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
LATER: Sonic Mania
>barely over 150K
>On day fucking TWO
Trannies BTFO'd
Post your bingo boards
plz post beautiful pics of protomanlet
redill me on kirbymastah
it probably has more to do with the save/kill the animals
man how i hate that shit
I am up next guys, wish me luck!
claim your runnerfu
post AMY
What's that?
Anyone else hates autistic laughter?
You know, how every time someone says a very, very unfunny pun or yells a forced joke and like clockwork you can hear the audience laugh in that specific pitch and frequency?
What the hell is it?
he's actualy very good speenrun er
check this 4 you triple soyniggers
Why did the stream go down yesterday?
This announcer guy sounds like Todd Howard
>mentiong Werster
I am loving the run because Advance 3 is amazing, but this commentary is subpar.
Stop giving them views or it gets worse.
>he mentioned Werster
Why can't there at least be passable trannies there? All of them are ugly goblins.
sig is eternally my runnerfu
is there really an hour left of this garbage?
>4 minutes worse than the wr
And they let this loser run the game?
How do you guys feel about Amy Rose?
When's the awful games block?
>Are people seriously salty enough not to donate to cancer research over not being able to be part of a chat that moves too fast to actually see!!??
I can't tell if this ironic shitposting or if these retards in chat actually think this.
What save/kill the animals thing?
We got warned about this for so long...
First we let the irish live and they ruin things, then we let the blacks live and they ruin things, then we let the muslims live and they ruin things, then we let the gays live and they ruin things, now we let the trans live and they ruin things.
When do we put our foot down on the necks of these abominations?
Any true bros in here that were here yesterday for this?
Would you let your wife dress like this at her wedding?
Started yesterday evening.
the donation incentive that they do for metroid, they aren't doing it this time
I want to have sex with the pink hedgehog.
did i miss something or did the runner just say his PB is 1:32 but the estimate is 1:30
i must know, does fapping to sonic and digimon girls and gardevoir make me a furry?
>cancer research
It's a "cancer awareness" charity.
It was funny, and then sad, and then comfy
h o w n e w
It's lunch time, what are you having?
Hearth of the digits
Based ham sandwich poster
Very cute
Just came home
Any drama?
I deliberately didn't watch because I still haven't gotten around to finishing the game. What'd I miss?
That's because there's no Super run this year, for the first time in as long as I can remember.
Motherfucker I lol'd
don't know if penis or middle finger... or both
>stuck at work for 2.5 more hours
>missing all sonic but home when megaman starts
For the best I guess
they do not know de weh
>holds her skirt down while grinding
Yea guy.
yes, no, and maybe respectively
This is my wife
there are no good games
don't worry (((anonymous))) will come through to make this the biggest, most EPIC GDQ ever!!!
>all these ugly shemen
Who's going to pay for this?
Sorry for not watching this shitshow 24/7 you double nigger
You could have posted the non-futa version, you know. You could have just done that.
The poet said, "you want a whore with a white dress. I want a wife in a thong."
>10 dollars
>for that
What le heck
I'll take the brisket sandwich
I missed the start of it but the guy was super comfy. Who needs a couch. Would've filled it with faggots anyways.
yes, that stupid stuff made a lot of money and it isn't there this time
i wish they were making less money because they took all the fun out of it, but i don't think that's the case
what was the best run so far? I missed a lot
>The same place she keeps her hammer
>$10 each
>two hotdogs
Don't worry, just a bit less than an hour until this run ends
same desu
These guys think they're really funny.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that think nu-Amy is better than the original
Hotel food bruh
Why does speedrunning attract so many trannies?
Did somebody just say holy crap? Ban this rude chink immediately.
got any yoshi eggs? id love me some of those haha