Why isn't this series more popular? I've been playing Yakuza a lot lately. Yakuza thread, I guess
I dunno, it's the best series.
Because its Japanese but its not anime
It's only recently become more moderately known in the west. Besides, while it's good, it's also fairly slowly paced and badly written a lot of the time. And then there's the whole reusing the same map, assets and animations for 8 games in a row, meaning it's not the best series to marathon.
because its not very good
Cause it's melodramatic trash filled with a gameplay to cutscene ratio that is insanely out of proportion and the gameplay that's there is over in an instant and immensely uninteresting.
In short, Yakuza is shit.
Just got Yakuza 0 and already can't wait for 6. I assume I don't need to play 1-5 before 6
No marketing. Yakuza 1's western push failed and Sega decided it was better to focus 100% on domestic sales.
Ir's been getting steadily more popular since Yakuza 4 with localizations getting quicker and quicker but it's still pretty niche.
Shit's rad I fucking love it and can't wait for 6.
Lots of soyboys in the west.
They hate masculine games.
>I assume I don't need to play 1-5 before 6
You better be baiting fucking nigger holy shit I hate you fucks this board became reddit so fucking much
Quick question while this thread hasn't died yet:
I'm watching a streamer playing through Yakuza Kiwami right now and I want to see him playing it through. So basically,when he's done,should I get straight to emulating Yakuza 2 on my Pc or just watch him play the eventual western release of Kiwami 2? I don't have a Ps3 btw and my Pc is probably not good enough to emulating the rest of the Yakuza line-up
Also,I've heard pretty bad things about Kiwami 2,that it's not as true to the original as the first one. Is that true?
Kys play in order.
Still haven't played Yakuza 3. Am I missing out on much? Do I need to play it before 6 comes out?
Your first step needs to be getting a PS3 mate. You'll need it, and they're pretty cheap.
Yes, it's true. Don't watch a stream, emulate the original Yakuza game right now.
You're missing out on the funniest game in the series.
Why did Sega released only physical version then? Can't find it anywhere.
Is there way in Kiwami to get bulletproof vests to avoid the fucking annoying knockdown?
The funniest shit in this series was Majima and a guy trying to defuse a bomb
Shit man I don't know.
I don't think Sega knows why they do what they do.
What's not shit then?
Naw man, suplexing Wesker off the top of the millennium tower is funnier imo
I have a dusty yakuza 3 in my room, thank god i bought the game years ago for some reason...and i have 4&5 installed.
you see i have a hobby of collecting Yakuza games and never play them
Did the RE movie rip this off?
nah, both ripped off from Equilibrium, which is a rip-off of matrix
basically, a whole lotta rip-offs
While Yakuza 4 is the worst in the series, it's still a good game. Play them.
Fucc,I felt that this was coming,but I really can't get adjusted to Dualshock controllers. They're just so awfully clunky and uncomfortable in my hands,I played some Ps3 games at a friend's house once and we took turns,I swear I felt relieved when my turn was over,because my hands felt like shit
Dualshock 4 is the best controller though. Like the greatest of all time
No, this ripped off the movie equilibrium
You mean it's true that Kiwami 2 is shit? Why?
playing 0 right now and next will plahy kiwami after that i will play the ps3 games before 6 comes out
I just finished Yakuza 4, do you really think this was the worst? I enjoyed it very much.
I agree that the ps3 controllers feel pretty bad.
All you can do is get used to it or miss out on two thirds of the series.
4 is absolutely not the worst, it introduced my boy Akiyama after all.
I think that honor goes to 3.
It's only 4/8 on ps3 though.
Rubber bullets
because sony fans ruin them for most people instantly
It isn't like the original game. Kiwami 1 is like a global Yakuza 0 mod. It's Yakuza 1 with some features that do not fuck up the plot and other stuff. Kiwami 2 is ridiculous.
>he doesn't know
6 was so bad SEGA had to update the engine for the western release even tho the problem resides in how low the content it has
>no coliseum
>no ultimate battles
>no weapons
>25% of kamurocho is locked out
>combat is downgraded
>heat gauge is retarded as fuck
>story is beyond awful for kiryu's last game
>final boss is an even bigger literal who than aizawa
>60% of the cast is chinese
>only 2 recurring characters
>akiyama treated like shit and turned back into a hobo
>30 FPS with the occasional 20 FPS drop (now its 40 FPS)
>completion list doesn't require you to do everything which is odd
>fighting amon no longer requires you to finish all substories
>has the lowest amount of substories in the series
>Majima is nowhere to be seen besides 2 scenes
>sprinting system is fucked
only positives from 6 is the god-tier OSTs and the night time, but that's it. i have the game and i really shouldn't have spent this much on it. currently waiting for kiwami 2 to be delivered
Was DS4 the Ps3 or Ps4 one? Because I would agree that the Ps4 one is much more comfortable,I don't know where my problem with the rest is. And I'm sure as hell not gonna buy myself a Ps4 just for it to collect dust after having played maybe hundrets of hours with the Yakuza series only. I'm not really interested in the rest of the Ps4 exclusives,for now at least
I know it's kinda generic to say,but I really do enjoy the Xbox controller I bought for my Pc
Hm, tastes differ. Let's rank the series then. 0>1>2>5>4 for me. Haven't played 3.
There was no coliseum in 0,4,5 wasn't it?
>Was DS4 the Ps3 or Ps4 one?
It ain't hard to tell bruh. It's the PS4 one.
>nd I'm sure as hell not gonna buy myself a Ps4 just for it to collect dust after having played maybe hundrets of hours with the Yakuza series only.
Try Bloodborne, great game.
>I know it's kinda generic to say,but I really do enjoy the Xbox controller I bought for my Pc
If it's the 360 one then you are a masochist
learn to dodge nigger.
>no ultimate battles
Lower difficulty, that was the only way I could progress in Kiwami.
>6 was so bad SEGA had to update the engine for the western release
'Thanks for the beta test, japfags'?
there was. all the games have them except 6
Definitely in 4. Just finished it.
you just killed my excitement for the game, thanks
0 had the bed of styx underneath Sotenbori
Thanks for your sentiment and approval at least. I will consider lurking on Ebay for a (probably used) Ps3 at a good price,if it means that I can enjoy a lot more of Yakuza that way
I missed them all.
If you don't want to buy PlayStations just find a different series.
i still recommend you to get it. despite the flaws, i still enjoyed it
Thanks for the recommendation,but I'm not really into Souls-like games. Also,nah,I use the Xbox One controller,got it pretty cheap
Anyone else play kiwami? Its the only one ive played but Im loving it so far. Majima is a national treasure. How does it compare to the actual first one?
it's too manly for western faggots
Are you crazy? Do yourself a favor, buy a PS4, lots of Yakuza games are coming to it.
As a guy that has been buying all of the Sony consoles except for Vita, I have to say that limiting such a wonderful series to only PS consoles is retarded. I want xbros and pc guys to play it.
The games just aren't that good. Once you get over the side-content, you realise how shallow and boring they are. The combat especially is extremely dull.
Non idort can go fuck themselves.
>I'm watching a streamer playing
Kill yourself.
I liked that they expanded on Nishiki's character, he was kinda one note in the original as I remember.
Not as big on Majima everywhere as you. I liked it pretty good overall, looking forward to Kiwami 2.
I usually watch a game's first hour of no commentary on YouTube and than decide if I'm gonna buy it.
lmao epically this.
I love call of duty myself. its a REAL game for REAL men.
>Majima is a national treasure
Interesting how SEGA still support this series even though the sales in japan are always mediocre, why SEGA like this game?
Pretty sure if they revive Craxy Taxi or Jet set radio they will do far better worldwide
Nice non-argument.
You could have went without the second sentence, why ruin it.
It's one of the best gangster games out there, people didn't like it back in the day because the gameplay isn't like GTA or ratchet and clank, now they don't hate it but they are intimidated by a series they've never played the earlier versions of.
One day I will have a tattoo like this.
ruin what? I'm just a fellow GAMER
I play not because I have no life but because I have many!
I love that people are getting asshurt over this, even though it's true. The series' only pull is side-content and minigame. Same garbage ad Shenmue.
Let's get smoked and play some Advanced Warfare on our X360
I hope your back is buff as all shit.
And you'll look like a complete faggot.
still looks good
why korean alphabet on his back?
Fuck Yakuza 0 is so easy on normal, combat difficulty is trash..i wish i started on hard
>Why isn't this series more popular?
Shit marketing outside of Japan. That's it. 0 is easily the only title where they bothered with marketing. Sucks that every entry since 0 has been garbage.
Maybe the tattooist was Korean.
He probably can't tell the difference.
Yakuza are mostly Korean.
Here waiting for the old and busted Kiryu to be replaced for my nigga Akiyama
i bought yakuza 0 on a whim, still havent played it or any of the other games.
I guess i should emulate the first 2?
Sorry, I meant Ichiban.
Play it however the fuck you want.
I gazed upon your eyes and I knew you were my nigger.
no play y0 then yakuza kiwami then 4 and 5.
>Sucks that every entry since 0 has been garbage.
I'm interested to see how Shin turns out. Not talking about the gachashit either.
Yes, avoid kiwami. PS2 is where it's at
Oh sorry, I mistyped Date.
>there are people in this board that have to play a Sega beat em up, the easiest of beat em up games, on easy
That's how you get killed in Japan by true Yakuza, especially if you go around showing it off and telling everyone.
Holy shit why does this make me laugh every time? The guy was already bigger than me when he was 12. Is ryuji the complete opposite of a 'soyboy'?
No, I was playing on Hard but the peculiar boss in Yakuza Kiwami 1 is competely bullshit on Hard so I lowered to Normal.
...because it's 90% movie, and 10% game.