Guys, this is actually starting to look fun now. Should I be worried?
I love zombie games. I know it's a bandwagon to hate on them, but I love them. I just wish there were more good ones, and not just EA shit and half-assed asset flips. I'm gonna give these guys a fair chance.
>being worried about a game being fun
for what purpose
Yeah. I mean, this doesn't look like anything new or genre busting, but a zombie game doesn't need to be. I hate how all these new games just has to have their own twist/spin that ruins the entire point of the game in the first place.
It's built on MGSV, it's automatic trash.
Not to mention that it's laughable that Konami is still with the zombie fad when the hero shooter fad is starting to die and now we are in the battle royale one.
Id rather have co-op zombies than either of those cancer modes
I don't, and i'm really happy they are going away.
Fortunately, Survive will be the one that puts down this cancerous crap.
Hyped to see Survive flop and the zombie genre AND Metal Gear franchise die with it.
Good fucking riddance.
I get it. I hope you're wrong, but I get it.
>yet another shill thread for this crap
Man, Konami is REALLY desperate.
Can't wait for this thread to last 20 hours and for half the posts to be
Battle Royale is shitty trollbait. The best thing about them is that they gather all toxicity in one place, so other games can breathe free of 12-year olds for a while.
>muh toxic
Fuck off Tumblr.
Honestly, I was open to it when it was revealed. Because it seemed to be one of those things that, despite all odds, miraculously turns out good. Could still end up wrong.
can i make a cute girl -- or do i have to play as that guy?
he's not tumblr. he's just LIKE tumblr -- which is worse
>first MG made by Konami without Kojima
>it's a fucking zombie survival open world game
Sometimes this industry feels surreal.
This is something that Sup Forums would be shitposting about jokingly in 2010.
Depends on how cute you think the female grunts in MGSV are. You could probably put a mask on them if not.
I look forward to seeing the assets ported into MGSV.
It'll probably use the MGSV character customization. I can't imagine it not doing that.
This game literally takes place in different universe, there is no reason to call it Metal Gear. It's just Project Zomboid with fancy graphics.
Maybe the only good thing about it, it'll give that guy making Infinite Heaven tons of shit to work with.
1. No it doesn't at all
2. Yes you have a mental illness. Please get rid of yourself.
I think most of the hate came from the fact they were overplayed early on last console generation, and then to top it off there was a million early access games with zombies. Led to fatigue.
I kind of miss them now, decent ones are few and far between but I can see why people hate them.
This. I have quite evidence that Konami is sending Astroturfers around for this crap.
>make zombie game years after the fad started to get tiresome
>not only slap the Metal Gear name on it, base it on MGSV, the worst mainline MGS, one of the worst open world games ever made and the biggest dissapointment since Mass Effect 3
Is Konami retarded?
>there is no reason to call it Metal Gear
Marketing. That's the whole reason. They cook up this alternate universe bullshit, and put the name to it. If it wasn't for that, virtually no one would care or talk about the game.
So, what happens to Sup Forums if this game ends up better than Death Stranding?
It's a sick joke that a game like this has a deeper base building aspect than the games about actually building up and managing your own PMC
Yeah, this actually looks fun so far. I bet it'll be more fun than Death Stranding, which will likely just be a glorified movie.
Why are Konami shill so insecure?
Not a single MG Survive thread is free of posts comparing it with what Kojima is making.
kojima is a hack etc etc
It's a sick joke that someone unironically though Metal Gear should be non-linear games.
Peace Walker, MGS and Survive are proof that MGS is not meant for this.
This is why i'm glad to see Metal Gear die.
(sudden new ip)
(sudden new ip)
We are watching you Konami
Because people has been saying MG has been shit once Kojima started injecting more of his insanity into the games but Kojima-fags refuse to stop sucking his dick and say otherwise.
Because they are angry that everyone automatically hates them and they are impotent and unable to do anything about it, which is honestly hilarious.
I don't really care about either, but the constant
is honestly delicious.
Even better than baiting Sup Forums
I would buy it if konami didn't treat it's employees poorly
and this isn't just about the kojima drama. these people are close to breaking workers rights
>Look Kojima, we are going to destroy our most profitable franchise, suck it!
What did Konami mean by this?
toxicity isnt just "MUH PROBLIMATIC WORDS"
toxic includes meme spouting dipshits as well
is it more profitable than PES?
Well it COULD be just long enough that people might want zombie games again.
When was the last one really even made?
PES fell into irrelevancy with PES 2013, ever since then FIFA has been destroying it.
Mainly because EA holds a monopoly on European licenses, and Yurop is the vast majority of the soccer game audience.
>T. Brainlet
MGSV was great, your shitty opinions mean nothing.
Nigga, they made a fuckton more with the franchise once they turned it into a gambling machine. They can't stop making money with it.
After 7 years of constant zombie crap left and right you think just a year or two is going to be enough to make people wear off the fatigue?
People are now with battle royales, and I really doubt Konami would put the money to make this game ready for hundreds of players.
Honestly? it wouldn't shock me if it was enough time.
>yfw the ruse is revealed and everyone starts sucking this game's dick hardcore when they add "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" to the cover
Im not buying it because it's based on MGSV, and MGSV was a fucking turd.
According to redditors such as yourself, of course.
Oh yeah, those repetitive missions, that complete lack of challenge, the grinding, the lack of story...
It's amazing that the shill thread that constantly shits on Kojima also unironically defends Kojima's worst videogame.
Most people stop playing zombie games at the high of the craze, as that's why it started in decline. A zombie game now is actually about right for people that liked the genre to be missing it.
So basically you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.
People now are all balls deep in the battle royale genre, fucking no one is asking for zombie games again.