You know, all things considered, it wasn't that bad

You know, all things considered, it wasn't that bad.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's by far the best in the series. The only people who don't like it are retards who play for the story, or people who play on normal mode.

Literally the best FE game gameplay wise.

The story was utter tripe and the protagonists, male and female, were unbearable. Best gameplay in the series though.

I liked Echoes and Awakening fite me

Yeah it's really solid. The fact that its difficult but fair and structured well mechanically compared to a lot of the the others games heights it up to god tier for me. I'm hoping the Switch installment is basically CQ 2.0 with improvements.

I liked Radiant Dawn more. The story wasn't good but it was at least tolerable, and the gameplay was pretty good too. Also it was longer and more satisfying to continue in.

It's a outright masterpiece of SRPG level design and gameplay.

Is going for children practical in this path? I remember doing it and, being a filthy casual, just let Xander take care of everything by the end. I'd like to try again but not sure if I should bother trying to get any of the kids since you can't grind.

It wasn't that bad, but it shit the bed in too many things for me to consider it even close to as good as some people try and convince me to believe. It's a 7/10 at best.

Doing kid paralogues actually allow you to train your units more and reap the rewards from the missions. Certain kid units like Percy, Siegbert, Soliel, Ophelia, Nina, and Velouria are also all good units to use.

Sophie is also pretty good. All the children units are average to good really.

the second half of the last level is extremely hard. I dont think Ive been able to beat it in hard without losing at least 1 or 2 units.

I should watch a walkthrough-lets play of someone who mastered the game, any recommendation?
I beat the games 3 times on hard, conquest, and never bought the other versions.

>Skip the cutscenes and ignore the story
>Game improves drastically

There's no issues losing units on the last level.

It's the last mission, there's literally no reason not to suicide all your units that aren't Corrin

I had to because most of my units had shit ass levels, and it also felt like the game was balanced for doing paralogues if you don't want to just rely on a couple units (I prefer spreading EXP among a regular team). Ended up getting some excellent units in the process -- Percy, Forrest, and especially Nina.

Endgame is the hardest chapter in the game. You don't want to turtle.

there are roleplaying autismal reasons (the characters die), and challenge reasons (If you reset every time a unit dies, why stop in the last level)
I am the kind of person who would rather sacrifice the older generation who have had children if I have to let some units die in the last level.

I want to like this game but apparently I can only like one 3DS FE and I really enjoyed Echoes, which is supposed to be the opposite(?). But if I could have them both, I'd like both.

The story was absolute horseshit and Corrin and Azura are some of the most fucking retarded characters I've ever seen in a video game that made that aspect of the game hugely disappointing.

That said, the gameplay was pretty fucking good.

You know I see Fates threads pop up so often that sometimes I forget that Echoes exists.

It's bad if you play for story. There's not really much wrong with the gameplay outside of balancing issues that are pretty common to FE anyway.

Then do so. The only "reward" for doing so is a few unit cards of your choosing

>suiciding your units on the last level
>wanting shit epilogues

We had a really nice thread yesterday, but yeah, it's kind of a fart in the wind compared to 13/14, which are still massively popular and receive large amounts of external support. Doesn't help that it's a remake of the most literally who game in the series and is enjoyed more by JRPG fans than TRPG fans.

While this is true, Fates threads are considerably more negative as well. One might argue better to be mentioned less often and be more praised.

People who loved Conquest, what other SRPGs do you like?

It's more heroic that way

Wouldn't it been that hard to add in a sort of rescue feature when units lose all their HP?

Mate, the majority of Echoes threads have entire strings of posts replying to the OP telling him it's shit. Fates has a few snobs whining about whyfoos and how crummy the story and game split are while everyone else talks about Conquest and ignores BR and Rev, which do admittedly get a shitload of flak.

>Dragon veins being needed to progress in some levels made them super tedious.
>Pair-up went from being overpowered to feeling almost useless.
>Getting dumb shit like Ryoma or Xander being able to kill everything themselves in every map.
>Weapon Durability not existing and pretty much just making it find and upgrade the best weapon to win.
>The whole experience is split into three parts.

The only thing good about Fates was some characters and the music.

Ya when people mention Fates most of the time they are talking about Conquest.

Only units that died on my endgame were Leo and Peri, the latter deserved death and the former was her husband and thus deserved death by association (but the plot took mercy on him).

>Pair-up went from being overpowered to feeling almost useless.
ignoring all of your other nonsense, this just stuck out to me as mindboggling. pair up is far from useless.

Hopes for FE Switch? I want to see Base Conversations return, and none of the mobile game-tier RNG of My Castle. I'm worried that it'll be really streamlined gameplay-wise compared to Conquest and have bad worldbuilding.

>the music
>Spongebob music

Nice one.

Why did you pair Leo and Peri?

>Wasn't that bad
It's literally the best game in the series. Fuck nostalgia or storyfags.


I have some bare minimum standards, some of which this game did not meet. I'm sorry user.

Why is every FE thread filled with maximum autism, from both sides of the "old vs new" spergfest? What is it about this series in particular that cultivates one of the worst fanbases on Sup Forums?

Early 2000's community suddenly filled with post 2010 community, combined with a perceived shift in focus on the games direction.
Resulted in natural conflict between two bases that would not naturally interact being made to share a single space (or so it would seem to them).

Unlike Birthright and Revelations.

I love my cute son!

The most damning thing I can say about this game is how I personally felt fucked by the DLC.
After Awakening's Apotheosis and other choice levels, I thought more super hard challenges would be a shoe in.
And I was right. But its just a lame what if story, and some challenge maps all of which you use units who's stats are pre-defined so the level can be built around that.
Which I get.
But the thing that keeps me playing Awakening and Fates for 500+ hours is the fact that I am a whore for grinding my units up as well as I can and combining them around to take on challenges.
Apotheosis gave me an exciting rush of closure when I beat Anna with my team I spent countless hours working on, perfecting in every way.
And then Fates comes along, does literally everything better than Awakening and the only thing I have to show for it is 500+ hours of my life gone into it and a swollen pair of blue balls that will never be released with closure.
And then a remake of an older game I'm not interested in comes out. And then a Dybasty Warriors: Fire Emblem edition.

Guess FE is dead to me.
At least Metroid is coming back to glory.

Nah the music is great.

Still mad that the child scramble DLC was never localized. Infinite Great Lords and Lodestars never.

There was no one else left for him at an appropriate level.

Play Echoes. It is worth it.

I've enjoyed all the 3DS FE games except Revelations, and Echoes is probably my second favorite next to the OP's.

Tellius-level worldbuilding and pacing at the very least
Keep weapon durability out, refine the new system
Kids in only if the plot can sensibly accommodate them (FE4), and less possible pairings for more meaningful decision making. Additionally, if they are again obtained through Paralogues, make it so the Paralogues do not offer EXP from any enemy ever, in order to maintain an intended difficulty curve without screwing you out of units.
One single game, with difficulty settings largely replicating the BR/CQ split (normal mode is a lot of rout and allows grinding, hard mode adds/changes objectives and disallows grinding)
Either Hidari or a new artist entirely. I don't have the same hateboner most have for Kozaki, but his style is getting a bit stale, and the older artists like Kita all sucked.

Easy as shit.
Story was garbage.

Nothing new. That is literally every chapter on Awakening Lunatic and Lunatic+

Finish quick or get rolled by the unending waves of super powered reinforcements that can cross the map in one turn.

Playing Rev now, when am I supposed to hate it? About to hit 16-17, seems about on par with Awakening so far.

You were supposed to hate it immediately because of the shit maps

what if FE Switch had:
>good maps like in Conquest (even tough the endgame maps suck dick)
>with varied map objectives
>re classing shit from Fates
>really great cast like in Echoes (or a great cast in general)
>with strong writing
>God Tier OST
>A good not MU protagonist
>and a good villain

I know this is a pipe dream, but i really want good maps, with varied objectives,
great cast and after a long time, a good protagonist. But i'm kinda skeptical and think the only one thats maybe gonna happen is a good soundtrack

It must be dark and edgy for all the mature gamers such as us.

And beyond tedious. It has to be more tedious than breath of the wild.

Awakening Lunatic and Lunatic+ are terrible and I don't get why you're even comparing them.

>liking both Fates and Echoes
You sure that you didn't mean something else? Because that's practically a contradiction.

half of them are repeats. i had some fun with the fog of war maps.

The endgame maps are good. Problem with them is there's no anti turtle element for most of them. This is a problem with most of the games because ISIS starts to not care anymore.

Nah bro it's good they're good games

That fake pirate leak got me thinking about how a change in setting would do the series some good. Guns in FE mite be cool. You could even go full scifi, but that might invite Xcom comparisons.

They need to not make the plot revolve around an Avatar again or better yet stop doing Avatars.

>great cast
>strong writing
>good protagonist
>good villain

Echoes has all of that. Sorry that it's all too complex for you and that you need simple archetypes and retard story like Fates has.


Echoes is good but it's certainly not complex. It has just the right standard fantasy plot without getting too silly or convoluted.

Well put.

Rank the maps, Sup Forums.
All maps are assumed to be on lunatic unless stated otherwise.

10, 12, 16, 20, Endgame (Hard), Soliel

8, 13, 21, 22, 23, Nina, Ophelia, Velouria

7, 15, 18, 25 (Hard), 26 (Lunatic), Forrest

6, 9, 11, 14, 24, 25 (Lunatic), Percy, Midori, Shigure, Ignatious

26 (Hard), Kana, Sophie, Dwyer, Mozu

Siegbert's, 17, 19

Endgame (Lunatic)


Maybe its ass sucking factor

It's good except for the fact that the story sucks and the characters aren't that good, either. Fun to play, though.

But shadows of valentia is the better 3ds experience

Not really Echoes is pretty mediocre. Presentation is all it has going for it. It can save its lackluster gameplay which is outdone by all the games in the series but Rev and Awakening.


Maps are definitely in the meh range, but presentation is like half of fire emblem. At this point I think it's just personal preference. Awakening had a fun cast but not the story or gameplay, and conquest has a shit cast and story, decent style, and good maps.

The prime FE game would be Radiant series story, awakening/echoes cast, echoes va, conquest gameplay, echoes art

>Dragon veins being needed to progress in some levels made them super tedious.
>super tedious
Literally never happened
>>Pair-up went from being overpowered to feeling almost useless.
>Saying this shit when enemies can use attack stance
>>Getting dumb shit like Ryoma or Xander being able to kill everything themselves in every map.
>Implying Ryoma can tank actual hits and implying Xander can tank magic. Implying you can get both in their exclusive routes
>>Weapon Durability not existing and pretty much just making it find and upgrade the best weapon to win.
>Implying different weapons like range modifiers, magical variants, class busters, killer weapons, and brave weapons don't serves as good alternatives in different situations

I haven't played Fates.

How did they shoehorn kids in without time travel being a plot point?

By adding in the hyperbolic time chamber.

>presentation is like half of fire emblem
I don't really play these games just because they're pretty.

That's just you, then.
The biggest FE game ever, heroes, is completely based on presentation

>the only thing I have to show for it is 500+ hours of my life gone into it

Yes most FE fans play for any reason but gameplay.

It really was, the gameplay was dogshit and even the other 3ds games were better. When that's Awakening, Awakening 2, Wall of Snow, and FE2, that's a bad fucking sign.


>Top Tier
8, 10, 20

>High Tier
12, 13, Soleil, Velouria, 24, Ophelia,

>Good Tier
9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23

>Eh Tier
6, 7, 11, Midori, Shigure, Percy

>Shit Tier
17, 19, 21, 25*

I haven't actually beaten 25 onwards yet since I'm currently doing Lunatic on my first blind run, and I'm woefully unprepared for this crap. Also haven't done the paralogues for any kids that went unmentioned yet.

As soon as you got characters that literally couldn't contribute and were complete liabilities. So like two chapters in.

X-com and valkyria chronicles