Nintendo has won

Nintendo has won.

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Won what?

Your joke is bad and you should feel bad.

However, feel free to brag about ULTRASF2.

>Capcom will probably find a way to fuck this up

>bunch of roms and no 4

>digital eclipse
You do know they are notorious for using shitty emulators megaan legacy collection had input lag I wonder how fighting fame players will feel about that

Japan hates it because it uses US roms iirc.

Kinda dumb they didn't put ultra 2 in this collection, instead they blew their load early to have an overpriced launch title out the door

Please tell me this isn't the first time you heard about this. Capcom announced this last year for all systems.

It’s being done by the guys who made mega man legacy collection aka an emulator with input lag and sprite color changes because of an error they still swear was the devs original vision

Wasn't this announced last year?

Well if it's an error on the original version, then I guess it can't be helped.

Not only that but they do not use alpha 3 upper, it was a much less glitchy arcade version of alpha 3 which nerfed vism and added new characters it’s tournament standard for japan. Double upper was the psp exclusive that people think upper is

No as in certain stages in the collection have the wrong colors fans complained, they swear that the original Japanese devs intended for these colors, then people showed screen shots of the stages from the development showing that digital eclipse was lying

whens it out?

i just hope its easy to get around menus and shit plus quick loading and its using arcade rom shit. ie, i want no loading screens for fucking alpha 2 between character select and starting a fucking match.

They did it already:

>all the games are arcade version only, no console extras.

>only 4 games have online: ssf2t, sfa3, sf33s, cant rememberthe 4th.

>sfa2 is not the gold version (sfz2alpha)

>sfa3 is the first version (not sfa3upper)

>used ssf2turbo instead of hypersf2 (the one with character style selection)

It's clear why this happened, they're making an arcade emulator and didn't want to bother with making specific emulation for stuff like sfa3upper

Didnt at upper had a cps2 release of its own?

Upper is an arcade game how do people still not understand that it is Japanese arcades only and in Japan it’s tournament standard only international tournaments use vanilla because the home port was bad

ST is the most played/popular version of SF2. The whole community would pissed off if they chose HSF2 over it

hyper didnt altered anythinggamewise, and tourneyfags would simply use the ST versions of the characters.

Wasn't it a Naomi board though?

>the very first game is the series

it's about time it's like the black sheep that never get's mentioned now I actually have a reason to buy the switch

Why would that cause them to hate it?

all the old street fighter games for the switch

Wow so cool another rehash, I own literally all these games since they came out

SO what? It’s not like they aren’t using modified mame and mame runs marvel 2 fine

>it's the arcade version of SFA3

Imagine getting a compilation game but in a language you couldn't read or something. Capcom isn't catering to their Japanese fanbase, which is kinda shitty.

its on every other platform too

Have you ever played the japanese versions of these games? 3s is legitimately 90% in english already.

Most likely it's a combination of them not enjoying not being catered to and some legit being upset by akuma/gouki and the shadaloo name changes.

I've only played the Japanese version of third strike haha thanks to fightcade and mame. Kamiya also blasted them on twitter iirc. I can see why they would get mad at least. Daigo hasn't complained, mostly because he probably doesn't care enough.

DESU most jp fgc pros probably don't give a shit because if they wanna play they just go down to the arcade anyways and from what I've heard most of them at the very least have 3s.

>No Gold
>No Alpha Max
>Alpha 2 will not have online
>All those different SF2 versions

What's even the point?

Can someone explain to me why you would even want all these different variations and no IV ?

>these using the Switch's D-pad or the initial wonky pro controller pad
inb4 you suggest the Hori stick, nobody in their right mind would buy a stick that only works for one console.

Because IV is terrible. FADC is a dumb shitty mechanic and it looks like garbage. It's got nothing going for it.

Blah blah blah revival of the FGC no one cares. Top players will just move onto what's new.

just cancelled my ps4 preorder, these games are perfect for portable

But it doesn't work on one console, the Hori stick works on both Switch and PC.

PC isn't a console honeybunches.

Now that the dust has been settled we can all agree like rational human beings that SF:Alpha 2 was the peak of SF right?

I'm still shocked that Capcom is including the first Street Fighter.

With that D-pad?

inb4 the switch version has the easy touch screen inputs

How many times have they released these games for more than they're worth now?


>arcade versions


I've played 3s on PC using a ps4 pad and it's great. In fact, I've always loved PS dpads for FG. I live 4's even more since it feels less stiff than ps3.


You might as well just wait for the new Fightcade update.

>not Alpha 2 Gold
>not Alpha 3 Upper
>no console extras


>5 (FIVE) versions of Street Fighter 2
And people say that Capcom weren't scummy in the SNES era.
Get fucked, fags.

>No netplay for Alpha 2
>Netplay for the inferior version of Alpha 3
But let's discuss the real issue here
>two decade old games, where you can pirate them and play them online right this very second if you wanted to.

Piracy aside, I am really curious to see how many young newcomers are going to play this and stick around.

Let's be real for a moment, how well do you think this is gonna sell?

Because both ST and 3S are more alive competitively than USFIV right now.

Also this may just be me but while all games but V have had difficult tech IV was really the only one where it seemed required for like, everything. Makes it neat to watch while it's the big game with money behind it but is too annoying and time consuming to keep up with when the game goes by.

Ew. On the switch?

Don't you mean Max? Upper would just be the GBA port. But yeah, I agree.

>3s is legitimately 90% in english already
no it isn't, the SA are written in kanji

Naw nigga, Upper is the NAOMI arcade version. MAX is the PSP version.

1/3rd of them are in Katakana. All the instructions, announcer lines, menus, music, etc. are English though.

>Fighting games on a system with no d-pad

WTF the switch can handle arcade version of Street Fighter 3.... holy shit it might actually be powerful after all

user, think for one fucking second.

11 Street Fighter games. Including the first one. ON THE GO. How is this a bad idea?

I have two different controllers with a proper D-pad and an arcade stick that all work on the Switch


Just buying a Nintendo Switch™ brb

>Arcade ROMs and not Home Editions
>USF2 was a bait and switch.
fucking one step forward and 5 steps back.
fucking capcom with this "carrot on the stick" shit. Glad I didn't fall for their shit but man it is aggravating when they get away with the doing the minimum.

when is capcom going to admit defeat and put some actual fucking games on the switch?

>Actually paying extra money for the bare minimum that's supposed to come with the already overpriced hardware you're buying
Yeah, nah.

Mega Man 11 is coming. Its a start.

I hope it's good but Capcom still goes under and sells Mega Man to Nintendo.

Fuck the rest of their franchises.

It's unbalanced and can't be taken seriously. CE versions of the characters dominate the game. There's a reason why no one plays this game online and offline

East and West coast in the states have their preference.