Active reloading

How does Sup Forums feel about active reloading? Is it a good concept? Should more games have it?

it only kinda works in GoW
i mean, it's never been tried OUTSIDE of that series.

Pretty cool mechanic that adds tension to fighting

Only works on consoles, PC players can just make a script.

EA battlefront games have it, but nothing else afaik.

Loved it in GoW
I just like reloading in general

I actually really liked the concept. Its something that sounds impossible to mess up after a couple of hours but people still do during a fight. Adds some depth to a game that would have not that much

Should be more complex than pushing a button twice.

that's like refusing to breathe altogether because there's a chance you might breathe in a fart

I like seeing it in other games, but I always forget which games outside of GoW had it.

I don't think I would want it in a game with any sort of team based competitive.

[Spoiler] My friends already get pissed at me when I slip up enough as it is. [/spoiler]

One of the only good things from modern Battlefront is the infinite ammo+active reload system. It's how Mass Effect should have always worked.

It's just more busy work and not real depth.

it both creates tension and diverts your attention away from the action for a second or so, which in my experience helps maintain focus

What is it?

enter the gungeon has a perk

agreed, I particularly like how you could balance a weapon around it too, I loved how they changed the Hammerburst

Thinking of it as a broad concept, I don't mind it. Ki Pulse in Nioh is a similar mechanic. I think it largely depends on the pace of the game and how it's used.

DMC4's Rev mechanic, for example, is similar in concept but badly executed. Having to time it with every strike to make hits effective rather than post-combo to gain some bonus makes combat feel tedious and draining.

In short, I like the idea if it's well implemented and serves to reward the player for good timing rather than punish them for bad timing.

>gameplay is just busy work
Fucking Sup Forums, I swear to god.

Don't some realistic games have a similar system where you can choose to reload a new magazine and save the old, having a normal reload time; or reloading a new magazine discarding the old, so it's faster but you lose the rest of the other magazine.

great concept for an arcadey game like GoW.

I agree, the good spots should be smaller and different placements each time, also the good enough one should be before the sweet spot, the jamming point should be right after the sweet spot so there's a higher risk for going for the perfect reload.

I think you can't make the buttons you need to press too complicated as you're going to be doing it alot and it needs to be quick, so maybe the buttons stay the same just the timing is much less forgiving.

I don't know but I like the idea

It's a slightly expanded reloading mechanic. When you start to reload, there is a time you can press the reload button again to make the reload faster, however fucking up and missing the timing causes the reload to be longer than what it would be if you didn't try active reloading.

>listen to an old EGM Live from right before GoW1 released
>Cliff Blezinski says active reloading is going to be the new doublejump

>the good enough one should be before the sweet spot, the jamming point should be right after the sweet spot so there's a higher risk for going for the perfect reload.

Wouldn't this end up diluting the benefit for a sweet spot hit?

The sweet spot works for the temp damage bonus AND the fastest reload you can have. By switching "sweet spot" and "good enough", the "good enough" can become better by simply finishing the reload faster.

It could function as a question of "what do you need right now; fastest reloading or more damage?", but I think having strictly best outcome, followed by a good outcome, followed by a bad outcome makes more sense.

>active reloading
>not receiver-like full gun autism

how could you possibly enjoy mechanics that have been dumbed down so much?

The best EDF game had it

You're right, there should just be Towers of Hanoi minigames every time you pick up a health pack

Red Orchestra/Rising Storm series has that, but I don't think it affects reload speed.
It's super tense when you reload only to find your mag has 3 shots left in it though.

Really? Does bf4 have it?

Cod advanced warfare had that.

poor Cliffy B. He makes his games around gimmicks, but he can't make his games stick or interesting.


It's a small thing, but it's satisfying as hell. Getting used to it to the point when you can nail it every time without looking feels great.

Also, could do without the damage boost for a perfect reload, it messes with the balance and leads to those moronic scenes where you had the entire team firing into the ground at the start of the match.

GoW did stick and got passed on to these booring sjw's that running it into the ground.

GoW was fun and messy, just what we needed.
Just wish more of the good stuff and less of the booring stuff.

Maybe the pointer moves much faster so the time difference is minimal or maybe the sweet spot is a super fast reload, faster than the good enough one so the time evens out.

EDF Insect Armageddon did, and I guess the Sniper class in Risk of Rain has something similar, but that's already kinda all I know

Or just put it first and have the risk being tapping too soon.

>firing into the ground
Maybe the bonus could be based on how many shots of the previous mag hit a target so accuracy is rewarded and if you hit no targets there is no bonus.

I forgot this existed desu haven't played a GoW game in eons

That could work too, but maybe it should be (big bad spot) (sweet spot) (small bad spot) (good enough) (big bad stop)

>all game-mechanics are good
Fucking retards, I swear to god.

what do you think about l canceling in ssbm (&64/pm)?

They should require meters.

i liked how it worked in gungeon but you so rarely get that item

Insurgency Sandstorm is the only one that I know of that does that