Setup thread?

How does Sup Forums game?

>playing video games

>leaving the switch in dock
Why would you intentionally damage your property? Use an extender cable and "dock" without using that scratching oven.

There's one up already.

You're a furry, aren't you?


wire placement 0/10

If there is an LED or RGB light anywhere on your desk, you're a nu male or a neckbeard.

THIS nigga again.


>he doesn't stand up while gayman
Enjoy your ruined back and skipping leg day.


Oh, shit I saw that wallpaper get posted yesterday.

Someone did ask me for it.

How have you been stupid sissy? I quit lurking for 2 months

Please stop calling me stupid. I also noticed you removed me, but I figured you had some reason for that. Are you going to return to your shitposting ways? Also I've been fine enough, I moved rather recently, my new place is really nice.

It's a friendly kind of stupid, I'll stop though. I removed you because I thought you gave the crazy guy my steam he was posting around for a bit, guess not lol my mistake. I wont be shitposting I guess. Yeah your new pic looks very nice

I'm not stupid, friendly kind or otherwise, please be nice.


I'll forgive you if you are nice to me in the future.

of course. I dont like being mean

looks like two are open at once. oh well


Lazy Monday